[Lohit-devel-list] Glyph of 0BF7 Tamil Credit Sign ௷

Shriramana Sharma samjnaa at gmail.com
Tue Feb 21 09:39:58 UTC 2012

On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 2:53 PM, Srikanth Lakshmanan <srik.lak at gmail.com> wrote:
> As i see
> the unicode chart, I dont see any glyph for 1/4th or for that matter any
> fractions[2]. But again usage of these in written form(using symbols) today
> is practically nil, again making them linguist / historian's subject matter.

OK so I actually found out that in the attestation for the original
proposal encoding this character, the character is presented as it is
in the Lohit Tamil font as a ligature of எ and ௳, and the Unicode code
chart showing it as a ligature of எ and வ (and the Windows fonts that
follow it) are actually wrong.

So whoever designed this glyph for the Lohit font actually did some
research behind it instead of blindly following the code chart. That's

As for the Tamil fractions etc, I am preparing a proposal for them,
and hopefully an artist friend of mine can once more contribute the
relevant glyphs for the Lohit Tamil fonts...

Shriramana Sharma

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