[lvm-devel] [PATCH]: Remove the need of libdlm when using clvmd with OpenAIS

Piter PUNK piterpunk at unitednerds.org
Thu May 20 21:38:06 UTC 2010


I am compiling LVM with clustering support (clvmd) using
OpenAIS. The ./configure runs OK but, when doing the
compilation, I got a lot of errors about missing libdlm.h

clvmd-openais.c doesn't have any use of libdlm or libdlm
functions (the clvmd-cman.c and clvmd-corosync.c uses).

But the compilation stops because clvmd-command.c and
lvm-functions.c includes libdlm.h only to use some defined
constants, like LKM_EXMODE and LKF_NOQUEUE.

All these constants are defined on dlmconstants.h with
other names: LKM_EXMODE -> DLM_LOCK_EX.

This patch changes the constants found in clvmd-command.c
and lvm-functions.c to use the names in dlmconstants.h.
And to include linux/dlm.h instead libdlm.h.

With that, clvmd can compiles using OpenAIS locking
mechanism and without the need of libdlm (needed by the
other cluster managers).

I hope this patch are OK and can help other LVM users.


Piter PUNK
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