[lvm-devel] Batch/queue LVM operations

Zdenek Kabelac zkabelac at redhat.com
Mon Jul 31 09:19:46 UTC 2017

Dne 31.7.2017 v 11:01 Germano Percossi napsal(a):
> Hi,
> Not sure if it an option for you but the Python bindings
> allow you to instantiate a VG object that will hold the
> lock and then issue all the commands you want before
> flushing the metadata at the very end.


Please avoid using these Python binding or lvm2app.
Those 2 things are not being developed and are mostly left
there purely for backward compatibility reasons. So no new APP should ever use 
it - and old APPs will simple face lots of troubles....

It's in general unsupportable to lvm2 this way (API was badly designed and
we even figured later we really can't support it ).
And it's even less usable to workaround locking across bunch of commands...

What is now being tested is dBus integration - but this has still long way to 
go.  So whenever you can - please use  lvm2 commands with is documented
and well tested API.



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