[mgmt] release: 0.0.16 (engine re-write and new resources)

James purpleidea at gmail.com
Sat Dec 1 00:44:28 UTC 2018

I've just released version 0.0.16 of mgmt!

> 220 files changed, 14243 insertions(+), 9491 deletions(-)


There's some great new stuff that landed since 0.0.15, including:

* A giant engine re-write! (Makes resource writing more elegant too.)

* New resources!!

* New language features!!!

and so much more... This is a monster release. Please try out the new
features today :)


* New resources include: net, mount and docker:container. Jonathan was
responsible for all of these. Please take them for a spin! He's looking
for a job too, and would probably be happy to get paid to work on mgmt.

* We're > 1.5k stars on GitHub now. It's a silly metric, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

* A giant engine refactoring/re-write was done. This cleaned up the
code significantly, and made it more elegant to write resources.
Unfortunately there is one small bug that I missed and that I haven't
fixed yet. It rarely happens except during some of our tests during
shutdown, which causes intermittent failures. It shouldn't block you
playing with mgmt.

* The language "class" and "include" statements have been added. These
are important pieces for writing reusable modules which are coming
soon. Try them out! (This comes with a bunch of tests too.)

* We have an integration testing framework. It's pretty cool, it spins
up a full mgmt cluster and runs stuff. Try it out or add some tests.

* I had fun fixing a big bug: 06ee05026b0c743d19c7d62675f8ddeabdc8dd4f

* I removed the remote execution functionality from core. I realized it
could be re-written as a resource, and it was also in the way from some
other cleanups that were more important. Half the new code is done,
ping me if this is a priority for you or you want to help.

* I also removed the HCL front-end, because mcl is usable enough to be
more fun to play with, and I wanted to refactor some code. If someone
really wants it back, let me know.

* We have some release building scripts in git master, so you can now
download pre-built (with fpm) RPM, DEB, or PACMAN packages! They're
signed too. https://github.com/purpleidea/mgmt/releases/tag/0.0.16

* We're looking for help writing Google, DigitalOcean, Rackspace, etc
resources if anyone is interested, reach out to us. Particularly if
there is support from those organizations as well.

* Many other bug fixes, changes, etc...

* See the git log for more NEWS, and for anything notable I left out!


I took a bit of a break recently to catch up on some life stuff, but I
think I'm back on track. While git master hasn't been especially busy,
there's an active feature branch at feat/import which contains some fun
stuff, with a very WIP giant patch still sitting on my machine. I hope
to finish it up soon and then do another release. That branch contains
one of the last big features before I'll really be ready to run mgmt on
my personal servers!

We're still looking for new contributors, and there are easy, medium
and hard issues available! You're also welcome to suggest your own!
Please join us in #mgmtconfig on Freenode IRC, or ping this list if
you'd like help getting started! For details please see:


Many new tagged #mgmtlove issues were tagged:


We offer mentoring for new golang/mgmt hackers who want to get
This is free and friendly. You get to improve your skills,
and we get
some patches in return. Ping me off-list for details.


Thanks (alphabetically) to everyone who contributed to the latest
Alan Jenkins, James Shubin, jesus m. rodriguez, Jonathan Gold,
jonathangold, Lauri Ojansivu, phaer
We had 7 unique committers since 0.0.15, and have had 52 overall.
run 'git log 0.0.15..0.0.16' to see what has changed since 0.0.15

Happy hacking,

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