[mgmt] release: 0.0.17 (modules and import!)

James purpleidea at gmail.com
Fri Jan 18 03:49:49 UTC 2019

I've just released version 0.0.17 of mgmt!

> 269 files changed, 13281 insertions(+), 1633 deletions(-)

There's some very useful stuff that landed since 0.0.16, including:

* Modules and import system now exists!
* A lot of tests, fixes and a huge new test infra was added
* Merging puppet with mcl code is now possible (madness!)
* We made a small change to the cli UI
* Bump to golang 1.10 (please update your environments)

And much more...


Prebuilt binaries are available here:


* One of the biggest missing features was the lack of a module/import
system. After some initial exploration on what turned out to be a dead-
end, I found what I think is a very elegant approach, which is now in
this release. Please try it out, there are docs available. I hope to
write a blog post about it soon.

(There's one additional "kind" of import that I'm considering, similar
to a macro "#include", that I might add. To be determined. Let me know
if you find anything missing as of today.)

* Felix added the first version of his mcl+puppet frontend. This should
allow you to more cleverly merge legacy puppet environments with mcl
code. It's fantastic, take a look.

* Jonathan added a systemd-timer resource. This is a great replacement
for cron.

* We changed the CLI ui to improve the determinism of the frontend
selection. Basically we changed from: `mgmt run --lang code.mcl` to:
`mgmt run lang --lang code.mcl`. Remember to put --tmp-prefix after
`run` directly where it is used.

* We made a whole bunch of cleanups to the test infra, added new test
infra for testing complex mcl modules and the import/module system, and
of course added new tests.

* You can pass a list of strings as the resource name to build that
many resources. (Looping/iteration!)

* You can specify all the metaparams and auto-* properties in mcl now.

* Native mcl code can be used to write imported core code.

* There was a bug that snuck into the pkg res. This has now been fixed.

* A small, long-time copy+pasta error bug was fixed in Exec.

* Virtually all the imports of the "log" package are at the top-level
now. This will make moving to a new logger easier in the future. I have
an innovative logger idea that I have a design for that I'll eventually
get to.

* A few workarounds for occasional test failures were added. Some
legacy code needs a cleanup, and it's not done yet. Fortunately, none
of these issues seem to occur in real-life as far as I can tell, and
are caused by closing down mgmt at weird times.

* Found a bug (now fixed) in the upstream lexer Yikes! See:

* We're looking for help writing Amazon, Google, DigitalOcean, etc
resources if anyone is interested, reach out to us. Particularly if
there is support from those organizations as well.

* Many other bug fixes, changes, etc...

* See the git log for more NEWS, and for anything notable I left out!


We're still looking for new contributors, and there are easy, medium
and hard issues available! You're also welcome to suggest your own!
Please join us in #mgmtconfig on Freenode IRC, or ping this list if
you'd like help getting started! For details please see:


Many new tagged #mgmtlove issues were tagged:


We offer mentoring for new golang/mgmt hackers who want to get
involved. This is fun and friendly! You get to improve your skills,
and we get some patches in return. Ping me off-list for details.


Thanks (alphabetically) to everyone who contributed to the latest
Felix Frank, James Shubin, Jonathan Gold, Kevin Kuehler, Michael Lesko-
Krleza, Tom Payne, Vincent Membré
We had 7 unique committers since 0.0.16, and have had 56 overall.
run 'git log 0.0.16..0.0.17' to see what has changed since 0.0.16

Happy hacking,

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