[mgmt] release: 0.0.21 (with new distro packages!)

James purpleidea at gmail.com
Fri Oct 4 12:08:12 UTC 2019

I've just released version 0.0.21 of mgmt!

> 178 files changed, 4351 insertions(+), 829 deletions(-)

This was a very lonely release but it includes some very useful
additions since 0.0.20, including:

* The first mgmt meme!
* Working distro packages for Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu and Arch!
* Reversible resources!
* A deploy package to let you read files from the active deploy
* Improved file resource behaviours

And much more...


Prebuilt binaries are available here:


* Someone made a cool mgmt meme. Look in art/mgmt_*_meme.jpg

* Distro packages are now built properly, so they should all work now.
We have builds for Fedora-30, Fedora-29, Debian-10, Ubuntu-Bionic, and
Archlinux. If you'd like a build for a different distro/version please
let me know.

* We finally got rid of the old `Compare(...) bool` API, and moved to
`Cmp(...) error`. We'll now get more useful information from Res
compares when they differ. Thanks to new contributor Donald Bakong for
working on this. He's ramping up his golang contributions, so we expect
to see more from him in the future!

* We now have reversible resources. Basically if you create a resource
and specify the reverse metaparam, eg: `Meta:reverse => true`, then if
a resource is removed (either because a new version of code doesn't
have it anymore OR more importantly if it was inside an `if` block that
became false) then the engine will perform some "reverse" action for
it. For a file, if it was added, we'll remove it. If it was edited,
we'll undo the edit. If we added ugo+w, we'll remove that. And so on.
The engine bits are done, and as well so have the file resource bits.
It should be easy to add this for any other resource where it makes
sense. This will likely be a very powerful feature that we use a lot.

* The file resource was changed slightly so that by default the "state"
is undefined. As a result, if you want a file to be created and none is
present, you need to specify the state. Otherwise specifying "content"
will only edit a file if it already exists, and otherwise be an error.
It turns out this is actually a better behaviour, even if it's not
necessarily intuitive for puppet users. It turns out it simplifies the
code drastically and makes the reversible file resource much more
logical. It seems that Puppet and Ansible got this wrong, but Cfengine
got it right. IIRC. Do you agree? (Look at the code!)

* We now catch CR \r characters in code so that you don't wonder why
the compiler is telling you about unexpected whitespace. This should
make your life easier.

* You can now read files from within the deploy. This can be used for
templates or anything else. This was one of the last missing things
that was blocking me from writing useful mcl modules.

* Fixed a copy-pasta bug where the != operator (for strings only) was
actually doing an ==. Woops! The good news is that we've been shaking
out silly bugs because I've been using mgmt more and more. Hopefully
there aren't any woops ones like this left!

* A bunch of function, class, and include tests were added. We're
getting really well tested!

* We're looking for help writing Amazon, Google, DigitalOcean, etc
resources if anyone is interested, reach out to us. Particularly if
there is support from those organizations as well.

* Many other bug fixes, changes, etc...

* See the git log for more NEWS, and for anything notable I left out!


* Function values as args don't work yet. This is blocking us from
implementing functions like map/reduce/filter, because they'd want to
receive a function as input. TBH, I'm a bit tunnel-visioned on this,
because I'm not the compilers genius that you are. If you can help,
please let me know. I'll be posting a bunch of test cases that show
what's needed shortly.

* Three patches have been submitted to mkosi to support the image
building I've been doing. They're not merged yet, so you'll have to
apply them yourself if you want to make your own distro images. This
isn't a major requirement anyone should have, but if they're not
merged, we'll store them here and apply them as needed.


I'll be in Belgium for FOSDEM and CfgMgmtCamp in 2020. If I'm lucky
I'll have at least one mgmt presentation. I might also consider going
to DevConf.cz if I get a talk accepted. Feel to ping me if you'd like
to hack, get consulting, training, etc while I'm in Europe!


We're still looking for new contributors, and there are easy, medium
and hard issues available! You're also welcome to suggest your own!
Please join us in #mgmtconfig on Freenode IRC, or ping this list if
you'd like help getting started! For details please see:


Many tagged #mgmtlove issues exist:


We offer mentoring for new golang/mgmt hackers who want to get
involved. This is fun and friendly! You get to improve your skills,
and we get some patches in return. Ping me off-list for details.


Thanks (alphabetically) to everyone who contributed to the latest
bjanssens, Donald Bakong, James Shubin
We had 3 unique committers since 0.0.20, and have had 69 overall.
run 'git log 0.0.20..0.0.21' to see what has changed since 0.0.20

Happy hacking,

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