[mgmt] release: 0.0.23 (last "safe" release)

James purpleidea at gmail.com
Sun May 7 05:19:43 UTC 2023

I've just released version 0.0.23 of mgmt!

>  424 files changed, 7051 insertions(+), 2256 deletions(-)

This is a fairly quiet release, and I'm mostly doing this to have a
permanent tag before I start really breaking git master.

I'd like to apologize for things being kind of quiet. I've had to focus
on life and making money to pay my bills, and I've been struggling a
bit to complete some of the tougher algorithmic parts that I think are
necessary for a solid MVP. Hopefully I will succeed, but to do so, it's
going to be easier if I break git master and then sort things out

I'm feeling optimistic about the future, although help with some
complex concurrent programming would certainly be appreciated.

With that, here are a few highlights from the release:

* We're using go.mod, but I'm not keeping it up-to-date regularly yet.

* We have an os.system(`cmd`) function!

* We replaced go-bindata with the embed package.

* We added a hetzner vm resource.

* We did a giant lang/ package refactor.

* Printf supports %v now (any type).

And much more...


Prebuilt binaries are NOT available here for this release:


* We have our Libera IRC channel bridged to Matrix, so you can join
that way too.

* We're looking for help writing Amazon, Google, DigitalOcean, Hetzner,
etc, resources if anyone is interested, reach out to us. Particularly
if there is support from those organizations as well.

* Many other bug fixes, changes, etc...

* See the git log for more NEWS, and for anything notable I left out!


* Function values as args don't work yet. This is blocking us from
implementing functions like map/reduce/filter, because they'd want to
receive a function as input.

(This is the exact message I wrote last time. I've made a lot of
progress since then, but motivation here has been low. Reach out if you
can help.)


I don't have anything planned until CfgMgmtCamp 2024. If you'd like to
book me for a private event, or sponsor my travel for your conference,
please let me know.


We're still looking for new contributors, and there are easy, medium
and hard issues available! You're also welcome to suggest your own!
Please join us in #mgmtconfig on Libera IRC or Matrix, or ping this
list if you'd like help getting started! For details please see:


Many tagged #mgmtlove issues exist:

Although asking in IRC is the best way to find something to work on.


We offer mentoring for new golang/mgmt hackers who want to get
involved. This is fun and friendly! You get to improve your skills,
and we get some patches in return. Ping me off-list for details.


Thanks (alphabetically) to everyone who contributed to the latest
dantefromhell, James Shubin, Jef Masereel, Joe Groocock, Samuel
We had 5 unique committers since 0.0.22, and have had 85 overall.
run 'git log 0.0.22..0.0.23' to see what has changed since 0.0.22

Happy hacking,

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