[Mod_nss-list] Problem configuring Client certificate Authentication

Luis Neves luisneves at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 31 09:26:12 UTC 2010

NSSProtocol SSLv3,TLSv1

Iam unable to test location today as I forgot my card at home......
But I think location has to work, your error seems something related to a "protocol re-negotiation error".....


From: luisneves at hotmail.com
To: ttormo at indenova.com
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2010 09:16:46 +0000
CC: mod_nss-list at redhat.com
Subject: Re: [Mod_nss-list] Problem configuring Client certificate Authentication

try this!

# Only renegotiate if the peer's hello bears the TLS renegotiation_info
# extension. Default off.
NSSRenegotiation off

# Peer must send Signaling Cipher Suite Value (SCSV) or
# Renegotiation Info (RI) extension in ALL handshakes.  Default: off
NSSRequireSafeNegotiation off

Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2010 10:41:13 +0200
From: ttormo at indenova.com
CC: mod_nss-list at redhat.com
Subject: Re: [Mod_nss-list] Problem configuring Client certificate	Authentication


No... It didn't work with location neither..

But maybe if I follow your aproach It could work for me as well...

On 31/08/10 10:36, Luis Neves wrote:

after fixing "location"  it worked??


no, for now I really didnt need that, 

I am trying to make a reverse proxy to protect internal pages and give
them access via some smartcards, But boy had so many problem so far
that I was almost quitting on this.....!




  Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2010 10:17:02 +0200

From: ttormo at indenova.com

CC: mod_nss-list at redhat.com

Subject: Re: [Mod_nss-list] Problem configuring Client certificate


Wow!! Actually I had directory directive instead of location at that
moment (I was just trying that). I made a copy-paste and changed it
on-the-fly but I guess I didn't realize about the first
<Location>... hehehe sorry


So... do you do something similar in your virtualhost? I mean, do you
need users to use a client certificate only in some parts of the


Thank you very much




On 31/08/10 10:11, Luis Neves wrote:


Its missing something on your post, like the first location, etc, but
anyway, is when using the "location" tag that is giving the problem? I
dont use it but will make a test to see what happens here






    Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2010 14:24:00 +0200

From: ttormo at indenova.com

To: mod_nss-list at redhat.com

Subject: [Mod_nss-list] Problem configuring Client certificate




I'm trying to configure mod_nss in Apache in order to use it as my
client certificate authentication mechanism, but I'm having problems
with it..


I'd like to use client authentication in some parts of a website... so
I tried to do it as with mod_ssl, using the Location directive with the
NSSVerifyClient require directive inside, but I never works... I always
get this error...


Mon Aug 30 14:17:34 2010] [info] Requesting connection re-negotiation

[Mon Aug 30 14:17:34 2010] [debug] nss_engine_kernel.c(404): Performing
full renegotiation: complete handshake protocol

[Mon Aug 30 14:17:34 2010] [debug] nss_engine_kernel.c(426): Awaiting
re-negotiation handshake

    [Mon Aug 30 14:17:34 2010] [info] Read error -12176

[Mon Aug 30 14:17:34 2010] [error] Re-negotiation handshake failed: Not
accepted by client!?

[Mon Aug 30 14:17:34 2010] [debug] mod_deflate.c(615): [client] Zlib: Compressed 283 to 216 : URL /files, referer: https://amsterdam/

[Mon Aug 30 14:17:34 2010] [info] (70014)End of file found: SSL input
filter read failed.

[Mon Aug 30 14:17:34 2010] [info] Connection to child 69 closed (server
amsterdam:443, client


After this, I checked the documentation and it says I can work
per-server or per-directory context... So I tried to do it per-server
and It works perfectly.. but, as I told you, this is not the solution
I'm looking for.. so I tried to configure it per-directory... but it
doesn't work neither...


Here I attach my per-directory configuration... Is just a test but this
is more or less how it should look at the end:




    <VirtualHost *:443>


    ServerName amsterdam


    LogLevel debug

    ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/testmodnss/error.log

    CustomLog /var/log/apache2/testmodnss/access.log combined

    DocumentRoot /var/www/testmodnss


    # ssl

    NSSEngine on

    RewriteEngine on



  NSSProtocol All


## Certificate database. It contains both public and private key of the
ssl server. It also contains the CA certificate of the allowed client

NSSCertificateDatabase /etc/apache2/certs/nss/


NSSNickName Server-Cert



# ssl client


    <Directive "/var/www/testmodnss/files/">


        AllowOverride all

        NSSVerifyClient require

        NSSOptions +ExportCertData

        NSSOptions +StdEnvVars






NSSPassPhraseHelper /usr/sbin/nss_pcache




Could you please help me?


Thank you very much



Un saludo,

Tomás Tormo Franco
Area de sistemas

C/ Dels Traginers 14, 2º B
Polígono Vara de Quart
46014 Valencia
Tel. (34) 96 381 99 47
Fax. (34) 96 381 99 48

ttormo at indenova.com

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Un saludo,

Tomás Tormo Franco
Area de sistemas

C/ Dels Traginers 14, 2º B
Polígono Vara de Quart
46014 Valencia
Tel. (34) 96 381 99 47
Fax. (34) 96 381 99 48

ttormo at indenova.com

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Un saludo,

Tomás Tormo Franco
Area de sistemas

C/ Dels Traginers 14, 2º B
Polígono Vara de Quart
46014 Valencia
Tel. (34) 96 381 99 47
Fax. (34) 96 381 99 48

ttormo at indenova.com

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