[Napc-2018] Automatic reply: Breakout sessions announced | Red Hat North America Partner Conference

Judy_Hall at Dell.com Judy_Hall at Dell.com
Wed Sep 5 16:05:21 UTC 2018

It is good to hear from you.

Currently I am out of the office without access to phone or email.  I will return Monday September 10th at 8:00am CST.

Please contact one of my backups in my absense:
Kayden_Ortiz at dell.com
Hunter_Vancleve at dell.com
Trey_Winburn at dell.com

Helpfull contacts at Dell:
      Tech Support:     1-800-945-3355  option 3
      Customer Care:   1-800-822-8965  option 4
      Online Customer Support:   1-877-542-3355

I look forward to working with you upon my return.

Judy L. Hall
Data Center Software Specialist
Direct Line: 512-723-7816

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