[Napc-2018] Automatic reply: Breakout sessions announced | Red Hat North America Partner Conference

Marco.Keimp at dell.com Marco.Keimp at dell.com
Wed Sep 5 16:06:49 UTC 2018

Dear sender,

Thank you very much for your email.
I will be on vacation until 10th of September with no access to my emails. Apologies for any delay in my reply.

If your message is urgent and you need immediate assistance, please leave a message on my mobile or contact one of my office based account managers below.

Stephan Schachtschneider
Tel.: +49 (0) 345 782 25783
E-mail : stephan_schachtschne at dell.com<mailto:andreas_messing at dell.com>

Andreas Messing
Tel.: +49 (0) 345 782 25245
E-mail : andreas_messing at dell.com<mailto:andreas_messing at dell.com>

Stefan Walter
Tel.: +49 (0) 345 782 25692
E-mail : stefan_walther at dell.com<mailto:andreas_messing at dell.com>

Dorian Luther (out of office, but his stand in takes care about his mails)
Tel.: +49 (0) 345 782 25943
E-mail : dorian_luther at dell.com<mailto:andreas_messing at dell.com>

Internet: http://www.dell.de and  http://www.dell.com/oem
PremierPage: http://premier.euro.dell.com/premier
DELL Technical Hotline Germany: +49 (0)69 / 979 - 27200
         Customer Care Germany: +49 (0)69 / 9792 - 7320

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Dell GmbH, Gesch?ftsanschrift/business address: Unterschweinstiege 10, 60549 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Gesch?ftsf?hrer: Doris Albiez, J?rgen Renz, Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Benedikte Leroy.
Sitz: Frankfurt am Main, eingetragen beim Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main unter HRB 75453
USt.-ID: DE113541138, WEEE-Reg.Nr.: DE 49515708
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