[olpc-software] sugar

Dan Williams dcbw at redhat.com
Mon Jun 5 15:20:48 UTC 2006

On Mon, 2006-06-05 at 17:17 +0200, Ivan Krstic wrote:
> Dan Williams wrote:
> > That's certainly debatable... FF has a lot of junk that we may/may not
> > need.  
> Right. Davidz mentioned on IRC that we're now getting Gecko out of
> XULRunner instead of Firefox, so I suppose there's no compelling reason
> to keep Firefox proper around.
> > This isn't to say the the Sugar bits will be the only way to look
> > at web pages, but you have to ask what all the stuff in FF is needed
> > for.
> I haven't looked at the very recent Sugar snapshots, but do we have it
> playing nicely with the canvas element and such? I seem to recall
> earlier versions couldn't show Logowiki.

If this doesn't work with gecko-embed and xulrunner, then I'd consider
it a bug that we need to fix, yes.


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