[olpc-software] sugar - patch

Dan Williams dcbw at redhat.com
Wed Jun 7 18:27:17 UTC 2006

On Wed, 2006-06-07 at 19:14 +0100, Mike Hearn wrote:
> On 6/7/06, Dan Williams <dcbw at redhat.com> wrote:
> > Most parts of it will be, in all likelihood.
> OK, I ask for the usual performance related reasons. Python and
> super-efficient aren't terms I see often together.
> That said if written in a certain style there are (alpha-ish) programs
> out there that can convert it to C++ ....

It's all about the trade-offs, yes.  For not being as memory and CPU
efficient as C, we get to (a) not care as much about buffer overflows,
(b) rapidly prototype features, (c) allow children to easily make their
own activities, (d) use all the C code that is very efficient through
bindings, and (e) not care at all about C/C++ ABI/API issues.

Again, if there are efficiency issues with parts of the environment, we
may well end up recoding them in C.  We're certainly not going to do
window-manager-like bits in Python.


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