[olpc-software] sugar - patch

Mike Hearn mike at plan99.net
Wed Jun 7 20:39:40 UTC 2006

On 6/7/06, Dan Williams <dcbw at redhat.com> wrote:
> I know Python ABI changes every now and again, more or less when
> Guido waves his wand

It varies between distros too though obviously I guess that isn't your
problem :)

> Haha.  Yeah, chandler.  Enough said.  I think the idea here is not to
> write a ton of python code, but to write a framework that allows other
> people to shoot themselves in the foot if they want to :)

Heh, well I'm sure any new programmer child or not will do that a few times.

> Also, remember that nothing requires activities to be in Python.

OK, that's cool.

thanks -mike

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