[olpc-software] lapWiki - Wiki/eBook experiment for OLPC

Jim Gettys jg at laptop.org
Mon Jun 12 18:37:49 UTC 2006

We should certainly set this up.  We did this for iPAQ's and it was very
useful for people who just wanted to do some occasional tests on a real
machine while developing on their usual machines (and, in that case,
rebuilding for ARM since cross building is "entertaining" and not
something that most people wanted to bother with figuring out how to

In this case, it will be most useful for people who need to do
performance testing of their code, given this is an x86 architecture.


On Mon, 2006-06-12 at 12:24 +0100, John Marshall wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > 
> > John Marshall wrote:
> > > Sourceforge is being slow
> > > granting me a project so I'm hosting it myself for now
> > 
> > Heads-up: we'll probably be able to start hosting people's 
> > projects in the next couple of days.
> Great news.  Are there any plans to have remote access to dev boards
> running the latest OS for compile, compatibility and speed testing?
> ttfn,
> John
> --
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Jim Gettys
One Laptop Per Child

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