[olpc-software] Re: Yum won't install SDK

Christopher Blizzard blizzard at redhat.com
Fri Jun 16 20:48:48 UTC 2006

Marcin Wojdyr wrote:
> On Mon, 12 Jun 2006, Marco Pesenti Gritti wrote:
>> 4 qemu -hda image_file_name
> I've tried it (it works on Ubuntu, with both qemu and vmplayer, 
> .img -> .vmdk by qemu), but the image contains only sugar, 
> no WM and no other apps. 
> Is it already known what window manager and what apps will be 
> delivered with OLPC? (wiki mentions only firefox, abiword, gnumeric
> and evince)
> Marcin

The wiki is filled with lies. :)

We've got a basic set of tasks down; browsing, chatting, VoIP, document 
creation and sharing.  The sugar guys have been concentrating on putting 
together an architecture for presence and to make it easy to build 
activities.  From there we'll be refining a lot of the tasks, including 
coming up with a way to support standard X window apps.  Right now 
activities are xembed plugins.


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