[olpc-software] Re: Yum won't install SDK

Ivan Krstic krstic at fas.harvard.edu
Tue Jun 20 15:54:37 UTC 2006

Teus Benschop wrote:
> Does anybody has an idea why the nightly image cannot be mounted using
> the loopback device?

krstic at aeryn:~/olpc-sdk> fdisk -lu olpc-2006_05_23_15_11-ext3.img
Disk olpc-2006_05_23_15_11-ext3.img: 0 MB, 0 bytes
16 heads, 32 sectors/track, 0 cylinders, total 0 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes

                         Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks
  Id  System
olpc-2006_05_23_15_11-ext3.img1   *          32       20479       10224
  83  Linux
olpc-2006_05_23_15_11-ext3.img2           20480      839679      409600
  83  Linux

Now look at the start number for the second partition down, and multiply
by 512 bytes; with this image, you'll get 512*20480 = 10485760.

root at aeryn:~/olpc-sdk# losetup /dev/loop0 -o 10485760
root at aeryn:~/olpc-sdk# mount /dev/loop0 /mnt/olpc
root at aeryn:~/olpc-sdk# ls /mnt/olpc
bin   dev  home  lost+found  mnt  proc  sbin     srv  tmp  var
boot  etc  lib   media       opt  root  selinux  sys  usr


Ivan Krstic <krstic at fas.harvard.edu> | GPG: 0x147C722D

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