[olpc-software] graceful handling of out-of-memory conditions

David Zeuthen davidz at redhat.com
Tue Mar 28 14:14:05 UTC 2006

On Tue, 2006-03-28 at 08:59 -0500, David Zeuthen wrote:
>         +----------------------------------------------------+
>         | You are running more than one (legacy) application |
>         | already. Your applications may exit unexpectedly   |
>         | and you may lose all your work if running more     |
>         | than one (legacy) application.                     |
>         |                                                    |
>         | [Go Ahead Already]              [Don't Launch App] |
>         +----------------------------------------------------+

Or we can be even smarter about this

 | You are attempting to launch the application "XYZ world    |
 | of math teaching" which is not optimized for the OLPC      |
 | platform. It may exit unexpectedly and you may lose your   |
 | work if resources are running out.                         |
 |                                                            |
 | [Don't run app] [Complain to authors!] [Launch app anyway] |

This might, shall we say, encourage app authors to make the app handle
OOM and cooperate with our WM (e.g. making sure it works and making it
export "OLPC_OOM_Handling_and_Cooperation_with_WM=True".

Maybe we need a certification program as well :-)


p.s. : sorry about the "Complain to authors", but as both a user and
developer I've always wanted some button like this to use as an outlet
for frustration :-)

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