[olpc-software] Authentication, authorization, personalization/imprinting

Dean Johnson dtj at uberh4x0r.org
Wed Mar 29 18:30:19 UTC 2006

Alan Horkan wrote:
> I got the impression there some assumption of school teacher handing out
> the laptops and giving some basic instruction, at least how to turn it on.
> Autologon sounds like the best idea though.
You also have to keep in mind that it is certainly possible that the 
laptops might be deployed into areas where things like privacy aren't as 
much at the forefront as they are in our culture(s). How much does 
privacy matter to someone whose house has no door or windows? Car alarms 
are fairly common (and important) in the western world, but the Amish 
probably don't consider them all that important.


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