[Open-scap] Git directory structure

Daniel Kopecek dkopecek at redhat.com
Fri Mar 13 09:30:07 UTC 2009

OVAL, CCE, CPE, CVE and CVSS code is now available in git.

 - The header files from includes/liboval/ were moved to src/OVAL/includes/
   (Please let me know if you don't like this change)
 - The lib prefix that some files used was removed.
 - I'm going to change the FOO_H_, FOO_H_INCLUDED, _FOO_H_ to FOO_H. Please
   use this format in your new source codes.

   foobar.h  -> FOOBAR_H
   foo-bar.h -> FOO_BAR_H

 - The OVAL sources are not compilable because of missing enum, type definitions. The enums/types are
   actually there but they use different names (e.g. Oval_ vs. oval_, SomeType_t vs. struct some_type_s).


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