[Open-scap] openscap-0.6.2

Peter Vrabec pvrabec at redhat.com
Fri Aug 27 13:53:59 UTC 2010


new openscap release is available:

- provide draft of fedora14 XCCDF and OVAL content
- XSL transformations for generating report and guidance
- memory optimalizations for  file probe
- add probes: sql and xinetd
- new modular design of oscap tool with additional functions
- OVAL API refactoring and clean up
- debug mechanism clean up
- improved python bindings
- many many fixes

big thnx. to all who helped.


Why not openscap-0.6.1? There were several  unofficial packages released during 
Fedora Test Day. So to keep the upgrade process smooth the release number had 
to be >= 0.6.2.

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