[Open-scap] Offline scanning - SCE, probes

Zbynek Moravec zmoravec at redhat.com
Wed Apr 13 21:47:51 UTC 2016


We plan to implement offline scan support for SCE scripts. I would like to ask
for our opinion.

We have two? options how to deal with SCE offline scan support
- 1] pass new root path to script (env variable)
  - Script will decide how to scan new root, it can use path prefix, chroot..
- 2] oscap will do chroot before execute script
  - Script don't need to know that it is in different root

   + easy to implement in oscap
   + script can use best way to perform offline_scan
   - old SCE scripts are not compatible
   - lot of work to deal with offline scan in every script
   - not easy way to detect offline scan support of script

   + we can use old SCE scripts, easily write new one
   - potentially execute evil code(grep/... called from script) with root rights (but in chroot)
   - offline scan of incompatible architecture will not work (but majority use x86_64)
   - complicated way to execute script in new root if FS is read_only and script cannot be copied

Which of these two methods is better? Or do you any have better idea?

Similar question I have about probes which support offline scan.

Simplified phases of rpm probe life.
1] begin
2] chroot
3] init - rpmReadConfigFiles
4] collect
5] end

During phase 3, some of dynamic libraries are loaded from new root.
Question is - when to load libraries?
   - before chroot
     - We can try to force libraries to load their dynamic parts before chroot,
      but it require some effort.

   - after chroot
     - again, we will run container code with root rights in chroot

Thank you for your opinion!

Zbynek Moravec

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