[Open-scap] variable number of instance problem

Karim BENZINA karim.benzina at gmail.com
Sat Mar 5 17:43:04 UTC 2016

I'm trying to insert a variable as number of instance in 30001 object. I
need to check that the number of instance is equal to a local variable that
i provide but it does not work.
Could you help me to use a variable as a number of occurence of my pattern

In my example, if i put 4 as below , it works (result is true)
<ind:instance datatype="int" operation="equals">4</ind:instance>

but it put the variable which has a value of 4, it does not work(result is
<ind:instance datatype="int"

Thank you in advance for your help.

Please find below my oval script.


<definition id="oval:x:def:10001" version="1" class="compliance">
<title>1.2.2 Enable the Log Config Module</title>
<affected family="unix">
<platform>Linux CentOS</platform>
<reference source="Linux" ref_id="Linux" />
<description>The log_config module provides for flexible logging of client
requests, and provides for the configuration of the information in each
log. </description>
<criteria operator="AND" comment="test">
<criterion comment="Check Module in httpd.conf"

  <ind:textfilecontent54_test comment="test" check="all"
id="oval:x:tst:20001" version="1">
      <ind:object object_ref="oval:x:obj:30001"/>

<ind:textfilecontent54_object id="oval:x:obj:30001" version="1">
      <ind:filepath operation="pattern
      <ind:pattern operation="pattern
      <ind:instance datatype="int"

 <ind:variable_object id="oval:x:obj:30002" version="1">

    <constant_variable id="oval:x:var:1344" comment="constant variable of
4" datatype="int" version="1">


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