[Open-scap] SCAP customizations and OS migrations

Shawn Wells shawn at redhat.com
Wed Jun 6 03:10:28 UTC 2018

On 6/3/18 11:59 PM, Robert Sanders wrote:
> Marek,
>    Thank you for your reply.  While I understand how it can be difficult to compare between versions, I've found it very useful to do so.  I've written a very rough hack (as in, one step better than a stone axe) that will compare multiple profile/content pairs, and/or customizations.  This includes trying to apply one customization to a more recent profile/content.  It basically loops over the rules, showing where any of the input files 'differ'.  Isn't perfect, but it does help highlight places where things have issues.  If my management allows, I may make this available to the community.
Sounds useful! Hope you're able to share.
>    I have seen the issue regarding update to a tailoring file.  I'd actually gotten to the point of manually tweaking my tailoring file as I need to make changes, using an 'expendable' tailoring file to get the new lines.  Do you know if this is on the list of things to be fixed at some point?

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