[OS:N:] Seniors and open source

Mark Jensen markjensen at charter.net
Sat Apr 30 13:27:18 UTC 2005

Kevin Cole wrote:
> Consider some of the Live CD's out there, so that you can guarantee
> the students that they won't do any harm by experimenting.

Since I saw a lot of LiveCD talk here, let me point out that it may be 
really neat to show off Linux in this way, but it really isn't practical 
for them to *use* a LiveCD for email, as they would have to re-setup 
their account settings, plus they would lose all their data (previous 
emails, address book, etc).   Unless they only used webmail or you also 
taught them how to use a USB key as a permanent home storage device.

I think that the target audience is comfortable with Windows, and it 
would be an advantage to show them Open Source apps that run on that 
platform, rather than try to convert them to a new OS.


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