[Openshift Commons Image Builders SIG] Fwd: A Comparative Study of Docker Engine on Windows Server Vs Linux Platform

Scott McCarty smccarty at redhat.com
Tue Oct 18 18:26:16 UTC 2016



It is important to note that there is no “FROM scratch” in Dockerfile 
for Windows due to large number of DLLs interlinked system processes to 
provide the base functionalities. Instead, Microsoft settled down their 
base images at the following two options:

 1. microsoft/windowsservercore – basically windows server, .Net 4.5,
    9.3 Gigs, large, fully compatible, support Windows existing app
 2. microsoft/nanoserver – very smaller, ~600MB, no graphic stack, fast,
    smaller API  surface, existing application mighn’t be compatible,
    less memory


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