[Ovirt-devel] [PATCH node] Usability fixes to the logging configuration.

Darryl L. Pierce dpierce at redhat.com
Fri Dec 12 14:27:49 UTC 2008

Users can now abort the configuration. At any point the user can enter
either "abort" or an "a" depending on the input and quit the logging

Also smoothes out the overall flow of configuration.

Signed-off-by: Darryl L. Pierce <dpierce at redhat.com>
 scripts/ovirt-config-logging |  144 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 1 files changed, 90 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scripts/ovirt-config-logging b/scripts/ovirt-config-logging
index f79597f..8e6bc70 100755
--- a/scripts/ovirt-config-logging
+++ b/scripts/ovirt-config-logging
@@ -71,62 +71,98 @@ function is_numeric {
 function prompt_user {
+    max_log_size="10"
+    syslog_server_ip=""
+    syslog_server_port=""
     while true ; do
-        max_log_size="10k"
-        printf "\nWhat is the max size for log files on this machine [10k]? "
-        read -e
-        if [ -n "$REPLY" ]; then
-            max_log_size=$REPLY
-        fi
-        printf "\nWhat is the IP address or server name for the syslog server? "
-        read -e
-        syslog_server_ip=$REPLY
-        printf "\nWhat port does the syslog daemon run on? "
-        read -e
-        if is_numeric "$REPLY"; then
-            syslog_server_port=$REPLY
-            PROTOCOLS="udp tcp"
-            PS3="Please select the protocol to use: "
-            select syslog_server_protocol in $PROTOCOLS;
-            do
-                case $syslog_server_protocol in
-                    "tcp")
-                        break ;;
-                    "udp")
-                        break;;
-                esac
-            done
-            printf "\n"
-            printf "\nLogging will be configured as follows:"
-            printf "\n======================================"
-            printf "\n Max Logfile Size: $max_log_size"
-            printf "\n    Remote Server: $syslog_server_ip"
-            printf "\n      Remote Port: $syslog_server_port"
-            printf "\n Logging Protocol: $syslog_server_protocol"
-            printf "\n"
-            printf "\nPlease confirm these changes (Y/N)"
-            read -e
-            case $REPLY in
-                Y|y)
-                    ovirt_rsyslog $syslog_server_ip \
-                                  $syslog_server_port \
-                                  $syslog_server_protocol
-                    sed -i -e "s/^size=.*/size=$max_log_size/" \
-                              /etc/logrotate.d/ovirt-logrotate.conf
-                    break
-                    ;;
-                N|n)
-                    printf "Discarding settings\n"
-                    break
-                    ;;
-            esac
-        else
-            printf "Invalid port number\n"
-        fi
+	while true; do
+	    printf "\n"
+	    read -p "What is the max size for log files on this machine (def. $max_log_size)? "
+	    if [ -n "$REPLY" ]; then
+		r=$(echo $REPLY|tr '[[:lower:]]' '[[:upper:]]')
+		if [[ $r =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && [[ $r -gt 0 ]]; then
+		    max_log_size=$r
+		    printf "\nMaximum logging size will be ${max_log_size}k.\n"
+		    break
+		elif [ "ABORT" == "$r" ]; then
+		    printf "\nAborting...\n"
+		    return
+		else
+		    printf "\nInvalid input.\n"
+		fi
+	    else
+		printf "\nLeaving log size as $max_log_size.\n"
+		break
+	    fi
+	done
+	printf "\n"
+	read -p "What is the IP address or hostname for the syslog server? "
+	if [ -n "$REPLY" ]; then
+	    syslog_server_ip=$REPLY
+	    while true; do
+		read -p "What port does the syslog daemon use? "
+		r=$(echo $REPLY|tr '[[:lower:]]' '[[:upper:]]')
+		if [ -n "$r" ]; then
+		    if [[ $r =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && [[ $r -gt 0 ]]; then
+			syslog_server_port=$REPLY
+			break
+		    elif [ "ABORT" == "$r" ]; then
+			printf "\nAbort...\n"
+			return
+		    else
+			printf "Invalid port.\n"
+		    fi
+		fi
+	    done
+	    printf "\n"
+	    while true; do
+		read -p "Remote logging uses [t]cp or [u]dp, or [a]bort? "
+		r=$(echo $REPLY|tr '[[:lower:]]' '[[:upper:]]')
+		if [ "$r" == "T" ]; then syslog_server_protocol="tcp"; break; fi
+		if [ "$r" == "U" ]; then syslog_server_protocol="udp"; break; fi
+		if [ "$r" == "A" ]; then return; fi
+		# else
+		printf "Invalid input.\n"
+	    done
+	else
+	    printf "\nDisabling remote logging.\n"
+	fi
+	printf "\n"
+	printf "\nLogging will be configured as follows:"
+	printf "\n======================================"
+	printf "\n Max Logfile Size: $max_log_size"
+	if [ -n "$syslog_server_ip" ]; then
+	    printf "\n    Remote Server: $syslog_server_ip"
+	    printf "\n      Remote Port: $syslog_server_port"
+	    printf "\n Logging Protocol: $syslog_server_protocol"
+	fi
+	printf "\n"
+	printf "\n"
+	while true; do
+	    read -p "Is this correct (Y/N/A)? "
+	    r=$(echo $REPLY|tr '[[:lower:]]' '[[:upper:]]')
+	    if [ "$r" == "Y" ]; then
+		printf "\nSaving configuration.\n"
+		ovirt_rsyslog $syslog_server_ip \
+		    $syslog_server_port \
+		    $syslog_server_protocol
+		sed -i -e "s/^size=.*/size=${max_log_size}k/" \
+		    /etc/logrotate.d/ovirt-logrotate.conf
+		return
+	    elif [ "$r" == "N" ]; then
+		printf "\nRestarting logging configuration.\n"
+		break
+	    elif [ "$r" == "A" ]; then
+		printf "\nAborting logging configuration.\n"
+		return
+	    fi
+	done
 # AUTO for auto-install

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