[Ovirt-devel] [PATCH] integrated backend monitoring api to drive graphs on hardware pool views

Mohammed Morsi mmorsi at redhat.com
Wed Jun 4 23:23:31 UTC 2008

Signed-off-by: Mohammed Morsi <mmorsi at redhat.com>
 wui/src/app/controllers/graph_controller.rb   |  270 +-
 wui/src/app/util/stats/DummyData.rb           |12641 -------------------------
 wui/src/app/util/stats/Stats.rb               |   68 +-
 wui/src/app/util/stats/StatsRequest.rb        |    2 +
 wui/src/app/util/stats/StatsTypes.rb          |  333 +
 wui/src/app/util/stats/statsTest.rb           |   49 +-
 wui/src/app/views/graph/history_graphs.rhtml  |    4 +-
 wui/src/app/views/graph/snapshot_graph.rhtml  |   36 +-
 wui/src/app/views/host/_grid.rhtml            |    5 +-
 wui/src/app/views/storage/_grid.rhtml         |    6 +-
 wui/src/app/views/storage/addstorage.html.erb |    2 +-
 wui/src/app/views/vm/_grid.rhtml              |    2 +-
 wui/src/public/stylesheets/components.css     |    4 +-
 13 files changed, 564 insertions(+), 12858 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 wui/src/app/util/stats/DummyData.rb
 create mode 100644 wui/src/app/util/stats/StatsTypes.rb

diff --git a/wui/src/app/controllers/graph_controller.rb b/wui/src/app/controllers/graph_controller.rb
index 80ece7e..0a7c4da 100644
--- a/wui/src/app/controllers/graph_controller.rb
+++ b/wui/src/app/controllers/graph_controller.rb
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# require 'util/stats/Stats'
+require 'util/stats/Stats'
 class GraphController < ApplicationController
   layout nil
@@ -94,44 +94,67 @@ class GraphController < ApplicationController
   # generate layout for history graphs
   def history_graphs
     @id = params[:id]
-    @peak_history = { :color => 'red',  :values => [ 100, 99, 98, 93, 95, 12, 92] }
-    @avg_history  = { :color => 'blue', :values => [12, 23, 42, 33, 12, 23, 65] }
+    @peak_history = { :color => 'red',  :values => [0,0,0,0,0,0,0], :dataPoints => [0,0,0,0,0,0,0] }
+    @avg_history  = { :color => 'blue', :values => [0,0,0,0,0,0,0], :dataPoints => [0,0,0,0,0,0,0] }
   # retrieves data for history graphs
   def history_graph_data
     target = params[:target]
+    devclass = DEV_KEY_CLASSES[target]
+    avgcounter  = DEV_KEY_AVGCOUNTERS[target]
+    peakcounter = nil
     @pool = Pool.find(@id)
     today = Time.now
-    #requestList = [ ]
+    firstday = today - 6
     dates = [ Date::ABBR_MONTHNAMES[today.month] + ' ' + today.day.to_s ]
     0.upto(6){ |x|  # TODO get # of days from wui
        dte = today - x
        dates.push ( Date::ABBR_MONTHNAMES[dte.month] + ' ' + dte.day.to_s )
-       #requestList.push ( StatsRequest.new (@pool.id.to_s, target, 0, "used", dte.to_i - 3600, 3600, 0), 
-       #                   StatsRequest.new (@pool.id.to_s, target, 0, "peak", dte.to_i - 3600, 3600, 0) )
+    }
+    requestList = [ ]
+    @pool.hosts.each { |host|
+        if target == "cpu"
+            0.upto(host.num_cpus - 1){ |x|
+                requestList.push ( StatsRequest.new (host.hostname, devclass, x, avgcounter, 0, 0, RRDResolution::Long) ) #, # one weeks worth of data
+                                  # StatsRequest.new (@pool.id.to_s, devclass, x, peakcounter, firstday.to_i - 3600, 604800, 3600))
+            }
+        else
+            requestList.push ( StatsRequest.new (host.hostname, devclass, 0, avgcounter, 0, 0, RRDResolution::Long) ) #, 
+                           # StatsRequest.new (@pool.id.to_s, devclass, 0, peakcounter, firstday.to_i - 3600, 604800, 3600))
+        end
     dates.reverse! # want in ascending order
-    #requestList.reverse!
-    #statsList = getStatsData?( requestList )
-    #statsList.each { |stat|
-    #    devClass = stat.get_devClass?
-    #    counter  = stat.get_counter?
-    #    stat.get_data?.each{ |data|
-    #        value    = data.get_value?.to_i
-    #        if devClass == target
-    #            if counter == "used"
-    #                @avg_history[:values].push value
-    #            else
-    #            #elsif counter == "peak"
-    #                @peak_history[:values].push value
-    #            end
-    #        end
-    #    }
-    #}
+    statsList = getStatsData?( requestList )
+    statsList.each { |stat|
+        counter  = stat.get_counter?
+        stat.get_data?.each{ |data|
+            timestamp = data.get_timestamp?
+            valueindex = ((timestamp.to_i - firstday.to_i) / 86400).to_i  # 86400 secs per day
+            value    = data.get_value?
+            if !value.nan?
+                if counter == avgcounter
+                    @avg_history[:values][valueindex] += value.to_i
+                    @avg_history[:dataPoints][valueindex] += 1
+                elsif counter == peakcounter
+                    @peak_history[:values][valueindex] += value.to_i
+                    @peak_history[:dataPoints][valueindex] += 1
+                end
+            end
+       }
+    }
+    # avgerage out history for each day
+    0.upto(@avg_history[:values].size - 1){ |x|
+        (@avg_history[:values][x] /= @avg_history[:dataPoints][x]) if (@avg_history[:dataPoints][x] != 0)
+    }
+    0.upto(@peak_history[:values].size - 1){ |x|
+        (@peak_history[:values][x] /= @peak_history[:dataPoints][x]) if (@peak_history[:dataPoints][x] != 0)
+    }
     graph_object = {
        :timepoints => dates,
@@ -192,58 +215,65 @@ class GraphController < ApplicationController
   # generate layout for snapshot graphs
   def snapshot_graph
     @id = params[:id]
-    @target = params[:target]
+    @host   = params[:host]
-    #ret_time = Time.now.to_i
-    #@snapshots = { :avg  => { :overall_load => 0, :cpu => 0, :in => 0, :out => 0, :io => 0 },
-    #               :peak => { :overall_load => 0, :cpu => 0, :in => 0, :out => 0, :io => 0 }}
-    #requestList = []
-    #requestList << StatsRequest.new(@id.to_s, "system", 0, "used", ret_time, 3600, 0)
-    #requestList << StatsRequest.new(@id.to_s, "system", 0, "peak", ret_time, 3600, 0)
-    #requestList << StatsRequest.new(@id.to_s, "cpu",    0, "used", ret_time, 3600, 0)
-    #requestList << StatsRequest.new(@id.to_s, "cpu",    0, "peak", ret_time, 3600, 0)
-    #requestList << StatsRequest.new(@id.to_s, "in",     0, "used", ret_time, 3600, 0)
-    #requestList << StatsRequest.new(@id.to_s, "in",     0, "peak", ret_time, 3600, 0)
-    #requestList << StatsRequest.new(@id.to_s, "out",    0, "used", ret_time, 3600, 0)
-    #requestList << StatsRequest.new(@id.to_s, "out",    0, "peak", ret_time, 3600, 0)
-    #requestList << StatsRequest.new(@id.to_s, "io",     0, "used", ret_time, 3600, 0)
-    #requestList << StatsRequest.new(@id.to_s, "io",     0, "peak", ret_time, 3600, 0)
-    #statsList = getStatsData?( requestList )
-    #statsList.each { |stat|
-    #    devClass = stat.get_devClass?
-    #    counter  = stat.get_counter?
-    #    stat.get_data?.each{ |data|
-    #        value = data.get_value?.to_i
-    #        if counter == "used"
-    #            if devClass == "system"
-    #                @snapshots[:avg][:overall_load] = value
-    #            elsif devClass == "cpu"
-    #                @snapshots[:avg][:cpu] = value
-    #            elsif devClass == "in"
-    #                @snapshots[:avg][:in]  = value
-    #            elsif devClass == "out"
-    #                @snapshots[:avg][:out] = value
-    #            elsif devClass == "io"
-    #                @snapshots[:avg][:io]  = value
-    #            end
-    #        else
-    #        #elsif counter == "peak"
-    #            if devClass == "system"
-    #                @snapshots[:peak][:overall_load] = value.to_i
-    #            elsif devClass == "cpu"
-    #                @snapshots[:peak][:cpu] = value.to_i
-    #            elsif devClass == "in"
-    #                @snapshots[:peak][:in]  = value.to_i
-    #            elsif devClass == "out"
-    #                @snapshots[:peak][:out] = value.to_i
-    #            elsif devClass == "io"
-    #                @snapshots[:peak][:io]  = value.to_i
-    #            end
-    #        end
-    #    }
-    #}
-    @snapshots = { :avg  => { :overall_load => 500, :cpu => 10, :in => 100, :out => 1024, :io => 200 },
-                   :peak => { :overall_load => 100, :cpu => 50, :in => 12, :out => 72, :io => 100 } }
+    pool = Pool.find(@id)
+    @snapshots = { :avg  => { 'load' => 0, 'cpu' => 0, 'netin' => 0, 'netout' => 0, 'memory' => 0 },
+                   :peak => { 'load' => 0, 'cpu' => 0, 'netin' => 0, 'netout' => 0, 'memory' => 0 }}
+    requestList = []
+    if(@host == nil)
+        pool.hosts.each{ |host|
+            requestList += _create_host_snapshot_requests(host.hostname)
+        }
+    else
+        requestList += _create_host_snapshot_requests(@host.hostname)
+    end
+    statsList = getStatsData?( requestList )
+    statsList.each { |stat|
+        devClass = stat.get_devClass?
+        counter  = stat.get_counter?
+        stat.get_data?.each{ |data|
+            value = data.get_value?
+            if !value.nan?
+                if devClass == DEV_KEY_CLASSES["load"]
+                    if counter == DEV_KEY_AVGCOUNTERS["load"]
+                        @snapshots[:avg]["load"] = value.to_i
+                    elsif counter == DEV_KEY_PEAKCOUNTERS["load"]
+                        @snapshots[:peak]["load"] = value.to_i
+                    end
+                elsif devClass == DEV_KEY_CLASSES["cpu"]
+                    if counter == DEV_KEY_AVGCOUNTERS["cpu"]
+                        @snapshots[:avg]["cpu"] = value.to_i
+                    elsif counter == DEV_KEY_PEAKCOUNTERS["cpu"]
+                        @snapshots[:peak]["cpu"] = value.to_i
+                    end
+                elsif devClass == DEV_KEY_CLASSES["netin"]
+                    if counter == DEV_KEY_AVGCOUNTERS["netin"]
+                        @snapshots[:avg]["netin"] = value.to_i
+                    elsif counter == DEV_KEY_PEAKCOUNTERS["netin"]
+                        @snapshots[:peak]["netin"] = value.to_i
+                    end
+                elsif devClass == DEV_KEY_CLASSES["netout"]
+                    if counter == DEV_KEY_AVGCOUNTERS["netout"]
+                        @snapshots[:avg]["netout"] = value.to_i
+                    elsif counter == DEV_KEY_PEAKCOUNTERS["netout"]
+                        @snapshots[:peak]["netout"] = value.to_i
+                    end
+                #elsif devClass == DEV_KEY_AVGCOUNTERS["io"]
+                #    if counter == DEV_KEY_AVGCOUNTERS["io"]
+                #        @snapshots[:peak]["io"] = value.to_i
+                #    elsif counter == _dev_key_peak_counters["io"]
+                #        @snapshots[:peak]["io"] = value.to_i
+                #    end
+                end
+            end
+        }
+    }
+    #@snapshots = { :avg  => { :overall_load => 500, :cpu => 10, :in => 100, :out => 1024, :io => 200 },
+    #               :peak => { :overall_load => 100, :cpu => 50, :in => 12, :out => 72, :io => 100 } }
@@ -252,18 +282,7 @@ class GraphController < ApplicationController
     target =  params[:target]
-    snapshot = nil
-    if target == 'overall_load'
-        snapshot = @snapshots[:avg][:overall_load]
-    elsif target == 'cpu'
-        snapshot = @snapshots[:avg][:cpu]
-    elsif target == 'in'
-        snapshot = @snapshots[:avg][:in]
-    elsif target == 'out'
-        snapshot = @snapshots[:avg][:out]
-    elsif target == 'io'
-        snapshot = @snapshots[:avg][:io]
-    end
+    snapshot = @snapshots[:avg][target]
     snapshot_remaining = 1024 - snapshot
@@ -293,57 +312,32 @@ class GraphController < ApplicationController
     render :json => graph_object
-  #This is static test data to show how we would format whatever we get back from the 
-  #data api.  We can pass that api:
-  #*  node id
-  #*  type of data we want back (things like summary, memory, storage, etc.)
-  #*  timeframe we are interested in.  This one goes into 'timepoints'
-  #   and probably would call some rails helpers to format the date info however we want
+  private
+      DEV_KEY_CLASSES  = { 'cpu' => DevClass::CPU, 'memory' => DevClass::Memory, 'disk' => DevClass::Disk, 'load' => DevClass::Load, 'netin' => DevClass::NIC, 'netout' => DevClass::NIC }
+      # TODO this needs fixing / completing (cpu: more than user time? disk: ?, load: correct?, nics: correct?)
+      DEV_KEY_AVGCOUNTERS = { 'cpu' => CpuCounter::User, 'memory' => MemCounter::Used, 'disk' => DiskCounter::Ops_read, 'load' => LoadCounter::Load_1min, 'netin' => NicCounter::Packets_Rx, 'netout' => NicCounter::Packets_Tx }
+      # TODO 
+      DEV_KEY_PEAKCOUNTERS = { 'cpu' => nil, 'memory' => nil, 'disk' => nil, 'load' => nil, 'netin' => nil, 'netout' => nil }
+      def _create_host_snapshot_requests(hostname)
+        requestList = []
+        requestList << StatsRequest.new(hostname, DEV_KEY_CLASSES['load'], 0, DEV_KEY_AVGCOUNTERS['load'], 0, 0, RRDResolution::Default) # RRDResolution::Long ?
+        #requestList << StatsRequest.new(hostname, "system", 0, "peak", ret_time, 3600, 0)
+        requestList << StatsRequest.new(hostname, DEV_KEY_CLASSES['cpu'],  0, DEV_KEY_AVGCOUNTERS['cpu'], 0, 0, RRDResolution::Default)  # TODO instance
+        #requestList << StatsRequest.new(hostname, "cpu",    0, "peak", ret_time, 3600, 0)
+        #requestList << StatsRequest.new(hostname, DEV_KEY_CLASSES['netin'],0, DEV_KEY_AVGCOUNTERS['netin'], 0, 0, RRDResolution::Default) 
+        #requestList << StatsRequest.new(hostname, "in",     0, "peak", ret_time, 3600, 0)
+        #requestList << StatsRequest.new(hostname, DEV_KEY_CLASSES['netout'],0, DEV_KEY_AVGCOUNTERS['netout'], 0, 0, RRDResolution::Default) 
+        #requestList << StatsRequest.new(hostname, "out",    0, "peak", ret_time, 3600, 0)
+        #requestList << StatsRequest.new(hostname, DEV_KEY_CLASSES["io"],0, DEV_KEY_AVGCOUNTERS["io"], 0, 0, RRDResolution::Default) 
+        #requestList << StatsRequest.new(hostname, "io",     0, "peak", ret_time, 3600, 0)
+        return requestList
+      end
-  def graph
-    if params[:type] =="Memory" 
-       graph_object = {
-        :timepoints => [],
-        :dataset => [{
-            :name =>'IE', 
-            :values => [86.64], 
-            :fill => 'lightblue', 
-            :stroke => 'blue', 
-            :strokeWidth => 3
-          }
-        ]
-      } 
-    elsif params[:type] == "detail"
-      graph_object = {
-        :timepoints => ["April 1", "April 2","April 3","April 4","April 5","April 6","April 7"],
-        :dataset => [{
-            :name =>'Peak', 
-            :values => [75.97, 71.80, 68.16, 56.64,95.97, 81.80, 28.16], 
-            :fill => 'lightblue', 
-            :stroke => 'blue', 
-            :strokeWidth => 3
-          }]
-      }
-    else      
-      graph_object = {
-        :timepoints => ["April 1", "April 2","April 3","April 4"],
-        :dataset => [{
-            :name =>'Peak', 
-            :values => [95.97, 91.80, 88.16, 86.64], 
-            :fill => 'lightblue', 
-            :stroke => 'blue', 
-            :strokeWidth => 3
-          },
-          {
-            :name =>'Average', 
-            :values => [3.39, 2.83, 1.61, 0.00], 
-            :fill => 'pink', 
-            :stroke => 'red', 
-            :strokeWidth => 3
-          }
-        ]
-      }
-    end
-    render :json => graph_object
-  end
diff --git a/wui/src/app/util/stats/Stats.rb b/wui/src/app/util/stats/Stats.rb
index 0e9060b..73a6920 100644
--- a/wui/src/app/util/stats/Stats.rb
+++ b/wui/src/app/util/stats/Stats.rb
@@ -21,40 +21,61 @@
 $: << '/usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/x86_64-linux'
 require 'RRD'
+require 'util/stats/StatsTypes'
 require 'util/stats/StatsData'
 require 'util/stats/StatsDataList'
 require 'util/stats/StatsRequest'
-require 'util/stats/DummyData' 
 def fetchData?(node, devClass, instance, counter, startTime, duration, interval)
    if (interval == 0)
-      interval = 10
+      interval = RRDResolution::Default
    if (startTime == 0)
-      start = Time.now.to_i - duration
+      if (duration > 0 )
+         sTime = Time.now.to_i - duration
+      else
+         sTime = Time.now.to_i - 86400 
+      end
+      eTime = Time.now.to_i  
-      start = startTime
+      sTime = startTime
+      eTime = sTime + duration
-   endTime = start + duration
+   # Now mangle based on the intervals
+   start =  (sTime / interval).to_i * interval 
+   endTime =  (eTime / interval).to_i * interval 
-   rrdNode=rrdBase + "/" + node + "/"
+   rrdNode=rrdBase + node + "/"
    # Now we need to mess a bit to get the right combos
+   case devClass
+    when DevClass::CPU
+       rrdTail = CpuCounter.getRRDPath(instance, counter)
+       lIndex = CpuCounter.getRRDIndex(counter)
+    when DevClass::Memory
+       rrdTail = MemCounter.getRRDPath(instance, counter)
+       lIndex = MemCounter.getRRDIndex(counter)
+    when DevClass::Load
+       rrdTail = LoadCounter.getRRDPath(instance, counter)
+       lIndex = LoadCounter.getRRDIndex(counter)
+    when DevClass::NIC
+       rrdTail = NicCounter.getRRDPath(instance, counter)
+       lIndex = NicCounter.getRRDIndex(counter)
+    when DevClass::Disk
+       rrdTail = DiskCounter.getRRDPath(instance, counter)
+       lIndex = DiskCounter.getRRDIndex(counter)
+    else
+       puts "Nothing for devClass"
+    end
-   if ( devClass <=> "cpu" ) == 0
-       rrdDev = rrdNode + "cpu-" + instance.to_s  
-   else
-       rrdDev = rrdNode + devClass
-   end
-   rrd = rrdDev + "/" + devClass + "-" + counter + ".rrd"
+    rrd = rrdNode + rrdTail + ".rrd"
    returnList = StatsDataList.new(node,devClass,instance, counter)
-   (fstart, fend, names, data, interval) = RRD.fetch(rrd, "--start", start, "--end", endTime, "AVERAGE", "-r", interval)
+   (fstart, fend, names, data, interval) = RRD.fetch(rrd, "--start", start.to_s, "--end", endTime.to_s, "AVERAGE", "-r", interval.to_s)
    i = 0 
    # For some reason, we get an extra datapoint at the end.  Just chop it off now...
@@ -62,33 +83,24 @@ def fetchData?(node, devClass, instance, counter, startTime, duration, interval)
    # Now, lets walk the returned data and create the ojects, and put them in a list.
    data.each do |vdata|
       i += 1
-      returnList.append_data( StatsData.new(fstart + interval * i, vdata[0] ))
+      returnList.append_data( StatsData.new(fstart + interval * i, vdata[lIndex] ))
  return returnList
-#  This is the Ruby entry point into the world of statistics retrieval 
-#  for ovirt.
-# This call takes a list of StatRequest objects.  
-# It returns a list of StatsData objects that contain the data
-# that satisifies the request. 
-# ToDo:
-# 1) There is currently no error reporting mechanisms implemented
 def  getStatsData?(statRequestList)
     tmpList = []
     myList = []
     statRequestList.each do |request|
        node = request.get_node?
        counter = request.get_counter?
-       tmpList =fetchData?(request.get_node?, request.get_devClass?,request.get_instance?, request.get_counter?,request.get_starttime?, request.get_duration?,request.get_precision?)
+          tmpList =fetchData?(request.get_node?, request.get_devClass?,request.get_instance?, request.get_counter?,request.get_starttime?, request.get_duration?,request.get_precision?)
+       #  Now copy the array returned into the main array
        myList << tmpList
diff --git a/wui/src/app/util/stats/StatsRequest.rb b/wui/src/app/util/stats/StatsRequest.rb
index 4a0ab28..24088c7 100644
--- a/wui/src/app/util/stats/StatsRequest.rb
+++ b/wui/src/app/util/stats/StatsRequest.rb
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
 # This is the base level request mechanism for the ovirt statistical
 # interface
+require 'util/stats/StatsTypes'
 #define class StatsRequest  
 class StatsRequest  
   def initialize(node, devClass, instance, counter, starttime, duration, precision)  
diff --git a/wui/src/app/util/stats/StatsTypes.rb b/wui/src/app/util/stats/StatsTypes.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6049a2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wui/src/app/util/stats/StatsTypes.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat, Inc.
+# Written by Mark Wagner <mwagner at redhat.com>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
+# MA  02110-1301, USA.  A copy of the GNU General Public License is
+# also available at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
+$: << '/usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/x86_64-linux'
+class DevClass 
+   def DevClass.add_item(key,value)
+      @hash ||= {}  
+      @hash[key]=value
+   end       
+   def DevClass.const_missing(key)
+      @hash[key]    
+   end       
+   def DevClass.each
+      @hash.each {|key,value| yield(key,value)}
+   end       
+   def DevClass.getRRDDevName?(key)
+      return @hash.values_at(key)
+   end
+   DevClass.add_item :CPU, 1
+   DevClass.add_item :Memory, 2
+   DevClass.add_item :Disk, 3
+   DevClass.add_item :Load, 4
+   DevClass.add_item :NIC, 5
+class DiskCounter
+   def DiskCounter.add_item(key,value)
+      @hash ||= {}
+      @hash[key]=value
+   end
+   def DiskCounter.const_missing(key)
+      @hash[key]
+   end
+   def DiskCounter.each
+      @hash.each {|key,value| yield(key,value)}
+   end
+   def  DiskCounter.getRRDPath(instance, counter)
+        extension = ".rrd"
+        path = "disk-dm-" + instance.to_s + "/"
+        case counter
+           when DiskCounter::Merged_read,  DiskCounter::Merged_write
+              path += "disk_merged"
+           when DiskCounter::Octets_read,  DiskCounter::Octets_write
+              path += "disk_octets"
+           when DiskCounter::Ops_read,  DiskCounter::Ops_write
+              path += "disk_ops"
+           when DiskCounter::Time_read,  DiskCounter::Time_write
+              path += "disk_time"
+           else
+              puts "Nothing"
+           end
+        return path
+   end
+   def DiskCounter.getRRDIndex(counter)
+        case counter
+           when DiskCounter::Merged_read, DiskCounter::Octets_read, DiskCounter::Ops_read,  DiskCounter::Time_read
+              localIndex = 0
+           when DiskCounter::Merged_read, DiskCounter::Octets_write, DiskCounter::Ops_write,  DiskCounter::Time_write
+              localIndex = 1
+           else
+              localIndex = 0
+           end
+        return localIndex
+   end
+   DiskCounter.add_item :Merged_read, 1
+   DiskCounter.add_item :Merged_write, 2
+   DiskCounter.add_item :Octets_read, 3
+   DiskCounter.add_item :Octets_write, 4
+   DiskCounter.add_item :Ops_read, 5
+   DiskCounter.add_item :Ops_write, 6
+   DiskCounter.add_item :Time_read, 7
+   DiskCounter.add_item :Time_write, 8
+class CpuCounter
+   def CpuCounter.add_item(key,value)
+      @hash ||= {}  
+      @hash[key]=value
+   end       
+   def CpuCounter.const_missing(key)
+      @hash[key]    
+   end       
+   def CpuCounter.each
+      @hash.each {|key,value| yield(key,value)}
+   end       
+   def  CpuCounter.getRRDPath(instance, counter)
+        extension = ".rrd"
+        path = "cpu-" + instance.to_s + "/cpu-"
+        case counter
+           when CpuCounter::Idle
+              path += "idle"
+           when CpuCounter::Interrupt
+              path += "interrupt"
+           when CpuCounter::Nice
+              path += "nice"
+           when CpuCounter::Softirq
+              path += "softirq"
+           when CpuCounter::Steal
+              path += "steal"
+           when CpuCounter::System
+              path += "system"
+           when CpuCounter::User
+              path += "user"
+           when CpuCounter::Wait
+              path += "wait"
+           else
+              puts "Nothing"
+           end
+        return path
+   end
+   def CpuCounter.getRRDIndex(counter)
+        return 0
+   end
+   CpuCounter.add_item :Idle, 1
+   CpuCounter.add_item :Interrupt, 2
+   CpuCounter.add_item :Nice, 3
+   CpuCounter.add_item :Softirq, 4
+   CpuCounter.add_item :Steal, 5
+   CpuCounter.add_item :System, 6
+   CpuCounter.add_item :User, 7
+   CpuCounter.add_item :Wait, 8
+class MemCounter
+   def MemCounter.add_item(key,value)
+      @hash ||= {}  
+      @hash[key]=value
+   end       
+   def MemCounter.const_missing(key)
+      @hash[key]    
+   end       
+   def MemCounter.each
+      @hash.each {|key,value| yield(key,value)}
+   end       
+   def  MemCounter.getRRDPath(instance, counter)
+        path = "memory/memory-"
+        case counter
+           when MemCounter::Buffered
+              path += "buffered"
+           when CpuCounter::Cached
+              path += "cache"
+           when MemCounter::Free
+              path += "free"
+           when MemCounter::Used
+              path += "used"
+           else
+              puts "Nothing"
+           end
+        return path
+   end
+   def MemCounter.getRRDIndex(counter)
+        return 0
+   end
+   MemCounter.add_item :Buffered, 1
+   MemCounter.add_item :Cached, 2
+   MemCounter.add_item :Free, 3
+   MemCounter.add_item :Used, 4
+class NicCounter
+   def NicCounter.add_item(key,value)
+      @hash ||= {}  
+      @hash[key]=value
+   end       
+   def NicCounter.const_missing(key)
+      @hash[key]    
+   end       
+   def NicCounter.each
+      @hash.each {|key,value| yield(key,value)}
+   end       
+   def  NicCounter.getRRDPath(instance, counter)
+        extension = ".rrd"
+        path = "interface/"
+        case counter
+           when NicCounter::Errors_rx,  NicCounter::Errors_tx
+              path += "if_errors-eth" + instance.to_s
+           when NicCounter::Octets_rx,  NicCounter::Octets_tx
+              path += "if_octets-eth" + instance.to_s
+           when NicCounter::Packets_rx,  NicCounter::Packets_tx
+              path += "if_packets-eth" + instance.to_s
+           else
+              puts "Nothing"
+           end
+        return path
+   end
+   def NicCounter.getRRDIndex(counter)
+        case counter
+           when NicCounter::Errors_rx
+              localIndex = 0
+           when NicCounter::Errors_tx
+              localIndex = 1
+           when NicCounter::Octets_rx
+              localIndex = 0
+           when NicCounter::Octets_tx
+              localIndex = 1
+           when NicCounter::Packets_rx
+              localIndex = 0
+           when NicCounter::Packets_tx
+              localIndex = 1
+           else
+              localIndex = 0
+           end
+        return localIndex
+   end
+   NicCounter.add_item :Errors_rx, 1
+   NicCounter.add_item :Errors_tx, 2
+   NicCounter.add_item :Octets_rx, 3
+   NicCounter.add_item :Octets_tx, 4
+   NicCounter.add_item :Packets_rx, 5
+   NicCounter.add_item :Packets_tx, 6
+class LoadCounter
+   def LoadCounter.add_item(key,value)
+      @hash ||= {}  
+      @hash[key]=value
+   end       
+   def LoadCounter.const_missing(key)
+      @hash[key]    
+   end       
+   def LoadCounter.each
+      @hash.each {|key,value| yield(key,value)}
+   end       
+   def  LoadCounter.getRRDPath(instance, counter)
+        path = "load/"
+        case counter
+           when LoadCounter::Load_1min, LoadCounter::Load_5min, LoadCounter::Load_15min
+              path += "load"
+           else
+              puts "Nothing"
+           end
+        return path
+   end
+   def LoadCounter.getRRDIndex(counter)
+      case counter
+         when LoadCounter::Load_1min
+            localIndex = 0
+         when LoadCounter::Load_5min
+            localIndex = 1
+         when LoadCounter::Load_15min
+            localIndex = 2
+         else
+            localIndex = 0
+      end
+      return localIndex
+   end
+   LoadCounter.add_item :Load_1min, 1
+   LoadCounter.add_item :Load_5min, 5
+   LoadCounter.add_item :Load_15min, 15
+class RRDResolution
+   def RRDResolution.add_item(key,value)
+      @hash ||= {}
+      @hash[key]=value
+   end
+   def RRDResolution.const_missing(key)
+      @hash[key]
+   end
+   def RRDResolution.each
+      @hash.each {|key,value| yield(key,value)}
+   end
+   # Set up the resolutions for our rrd
+   RRDResolution.add_item :Default, 10    # Ten secs
+   RRDResolution.add_item :Short, 500     # 500 secs ( 8minute, 20 sec)
+   RRDResolution.add_item :Medium, 2230
+   RRDResolution.add_item :Long, 26500
diff --git a/wui/src/app/util/stats/statsTest.rb b/wui/src/app/util/stats/statsTest.rb
index bf3bc60..f7ce612 100644
--- a/wui/src/app/util/stats/statsTest.rb
+++ b/wui/src/app/util/stats/statsTest.rb
@@ -23,43 +23,48 @@
 #  It shows some simple steps to build a request list and then 
 #  request and process the data.
-require 'Stats'
+require 'util/stats/Stats'
 #  Retrieve the "idle" data for cpu0 from node3, node4, and node5
    requestList = []
-   requestList << StatsRequest.new("node3", "cpu", 0, "idle", 1211688000, 3600, 10 )
-   requestList << StatsRequest.new("node4", "cpu", 0, "idle", 0, 3600, 10 )
-   requestList << StatsRequest.new("node5", "cpu", 0, "idle", 1211688000, 3600, 500 )
-   requestList << StatsRequest.new("node5", "memory", 0, "used", 0, 3600, 0 )
+#   requestList << StatsRequest.new("node3.priv.ovirt.org", DevClass::Load, 0, LoadCounter::Load_1min, 0, 3600, 10 )
+#   requestList << StatsRequest.new("node3.priv.ovirt.org", DevClass::Load, 0, LoadCounter::Load_1min, 0, 0, RRDResolution::Long )
+#   requestList << StatsRequest.new("node3.priv.ovirt.org", DevClass::Load, 0, LoadCounter::Load_15min, 0, 0, RRDResolution::Long )
+#   requestList << StatsRequest.new("node3.priv.ovirt.org", DevClass::NIC, 0, NicCounter::Octets_rx, 0, 0, RRDResolution::Long )
+#   requestList << StatsRequest.new("node3.priv.ovirt.org", DevClass::NIC, 0, NicCounter::Octets_tx, 0, 0, RRDResolution::Long )
+   requestList << StatsRequest.new("node3.priv.ovirt.org", DevClass::Disk, 0, DiskCounter::Octets_read, 0, 0, RRDResolution::Long )
+   requestList << StatsRequest.new("node3.priv.ovirt.org", DevClass::Disk, 0, DiskCounter::Octets_write, 0, 0, RRDResolution::Long )
+#   requestList << StatsRequest.new("node3.priv.ovirt.org", "cpu", 0, "idle", 1211688000, 3600, 10 )
+#   requestList << StatsRequest.new("node4.priv.ovirt.org", DevClass::CPU, 0, CpuCounter::Idle, 0, 3600, RRDResolution::Short )
+#   requestList << StatsRequest.new("node5.priv.ovirt.org", "cpu", 0, "idle", 1211688000, 3600, 500 )
+#   requestList << StatsRequest.new("node5.priv.ovirt.org", DevClass::Memory, 0, MemCounter::Used, 0, 3600, 10 )
    #  Now send the request list and store the results in the statsList.
    statsListBig = getStatsData?( requestList )
    tmp = ""
-   #  Now lets loop through the returned list. It is a list of lists so take the first list 
-   # and chomp through it. 
-   #, pull off the statsData object and get the data from it. 
+   #  Now lets loop through the list, pull off the statsData object and get the data from it. 
+   #  Note that there is currently only one list sent back, so you need to check the node, 
+   #  device and counter for each to detect changes.  We can look at using a list of lists 
+   #  if you think it is easier to process the results. 
+# puts statsListBig.length
    statsListBig.each do |statsList|
-      # grab the data about this list, this will be consistent for all StatData objects in this list.
-      myNodeName = statsList.get_node?()
-      myDevClass = statsList.get_devClass?()
-      myInstance = statsList.get_instance?()
-      myCounter = statsList.get_counter?()
+   myNodeName = statsList.get_node?()
+   myDevClass = statsList.get_devClass?()
+   myInstance = statsList.get_instance?()
+   myCounter = statsList.get_counter?()
-      # add a newline to break up data from different nodes for readability
       if tmp != myNodeName then
-      #  Now grab the data that is stored in the list
-      #  and loop through it.  Note that we print it our directly
-      list = statsList.get_data?()
-      list.each do |d|
-         print("\t", myNodeName, "\t", myDevClass, "\t", myInstance, "\t",  myCounter, "\t",d.get_value?, "\t",d.get_timestamp?)
-         puts
-      end  
+   list = statsList.get_data?()
+   list.each do |d|
+      print("\t", myNodeName, "\t", myDevClass, "\t", myInstance, "\t",  myCounter, "\t",d.get_value?, "\t",d.get_timestamp?)
+      puts
+   end  
       tmp = myNodeName
diff --git a/wui/src/app/views/graph/history_graphs.rhtml b/wui/src/app/views/graph/history_graphs.rhtml
index 2f0026e..21b3efc 100644
--- a/wui/src/app/views/graph/history_graphs.rhtml
+++ b/wui/src/app/views/graph/history_graphs.rhtml
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
   <div id="history_graphs_graphs">
     <div class="history_graph" ><%= render :partial => '/layouts/graph', :locals => { :div_id => 'cpu_history', :chartType => 'line', :yGridLines => 'lightgrey', :url => (url_for :controller => 'graph', :action => 'history_graph_data', :id => @id, :target => 'cpu'         ) } %></div>
-    <div class="history_graph" ><%= render :partial => '/layouts/graph', :locals => { :div_id => 'io_history', :chartType => 'line', :yGridLines => 'lightgrey', :url => (url_for :controller => 'graph', :action => 'history_graph_data', :id => @id, :target => 'io' ) } %></div>
-    <div class="history_graph" ><%= render :partial => '/layouts/graph', :locals => { :div_id => 'overall_load_history',  :chartType => 'line', :yGridLines => 'lightgrey', :url => (url_for :controller => 'graph', :action => 'history_graph_data', :id => @id, :target => 'system'          ) } %></div> -->
+    <div class="history_graph" ><%= render :partial => '/layouts/graph', :locals => { :div_id => 'memory_history', :chartType => 'line', :yGridLines => 'lightgrey', :url => (url_for :controller => 'graph', :action => 'history_graph_data', :id => @id, :target => 'memory' ) } %></div>
+    <div class="history_graph" ><%= render :partial => '/layouts/graph', :locals => { :div_id => 'load_history',  :chartType => 'line', :yGridLines => 'lightgrey', :url => (url_for :controller => 'graph', :action => 'history_graph_data', :id => @id, :target => 'load'          ) } %></div> -->
diff --git a/wui/src/app/views/graph/snapshot_graph.rhtml b/wui/src/app/views/graph/snapshot_graph.rhtml
index 2b8f58d..68d32f8 100644
--- a/wui/src/app/views/graph/snapshot_graph.rhtml
+++ b/wui/src/app/views/graph/snapshot_graph.rhtml
@@ -8,11 +8,11 @@
            <td>Overall Load </td>  
-               <div class="snapshot_graph_text"><%= @snapshots[:avg][:overall_load] %> </div>
+               <div class="snapshot_graph_text"><%= @snapshots[:avg]['load'] %> </div>
                <div class="snapshot_graph_container">
-                  <div class="snapshot_graph_arrow" style="padding-left: <%= @snapshots[:peak][:overall_load] + 28 %>px;"><%= image_tag "icon_menu_arrow.gif" %></div>
+                  <div class="snapshot_graph_arrow" style="padding-left: <%= @snapshots[:peak]['load'] + 28 %>px;"><%= image_tag "icon_menu_arrow.gif" %></div>
                   <div class="snapshot_graph">
-                    <%= render :partial => '/layouts/graph', :locals => { :div_id => 'overall_load_snapshot',  :chartType => 'stackedRow', :url => (url_for :controller => 'graph', :action => 'snapshot_graph_data', :id => @id, :target => 'overall_load'  ) } %>
+                    <%= render :partial => '/layouts/graph', :locals => { :div_id => 'load_snapshot',  :chartType => 'stackedRow', :url => (url_for :controller => 'graph', :action => 'snapshot_graph_data', :id => @id, :target => 'load'  ) } %>
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@
            <td>CPU </td>  
-               <div class="snapshot_graph_text"><%= @snapshots[:avg][:cpu] %> </div>
+               <div class="snapshot_graph_text"><%= @snapshots[:avg]['cpu'] %> </div>
                <div class="snapshot_graph_container">
-                  <div class="snapshot_graph_arrow" style="padding-left: <%= @snapshots[:peak][:cpu] + 28 %>px;"><%= image_tag "icon_menu_arrow.gif" %></div>
+                  <div class="snapshot_graph_arrow" style="padding-left: <%= @snapshots[:peak]['cpu'] + 28 %>px;"><%= image_tag "icon_menu_arrow.gif" %></div>
                   <div class="snapshot_graph">
                       <%= render :partial => '/layouts/graph', :locals => { :div_id => 'cpu_snapshot',  :chartType => 'stackedRow', :url => (url_for :controller => 'graph', :action => 'snapshot_graph_data', :target => 'cpu'  ) } %>
@@ -30,40 +30,40 @@
-           <td>Network In </td>  
+           <td>Memory </td>  
-               <div class="snapshot_graph_text"><%= @snapshots[:avg][:in] %> mb/s </div>
+               <div class="snapshot_graph_text"><%= @snapshots[:avg]['memory'] %> </div>
                <div class="snapshot_graph_container">
-                  <div class="snapshot_graph_arrow" style="padding-left: <%= @snapshots[:peak][:in] + 28 %>px;"><%= image_tag "icon_menu_arrow.gif" %></div>
+                  <div class="snapshot_graph_arrow" style="padding-left: <%= @snapshots[:peak]['memory'] + 28 %>px;"><%= image_tag "icon_menu_arrow.gif" %></div>
                   <div class="snapshot_graph">
-                      <%= render :partial => '/layouts/graph', :locals => { :div_id => 'net_in_snapshot',  :chartType => 'stackedRow', :url => (url_for :controller => 'graph', :action => 'snapshot_graph_data', :target => 'in'  ) } %>
+                      <%= render :partial => '/layouts/graph', :locals => { :div_id => 'memory_snapshot',  :chartType => 'stackedRow', :url => (url_for :controller => 'graph', :action => 'snapshot_graph_data', :target => 'memory'  ) } %>
-           <td>Network Out</td>  
+           <td>Network In </td>  
-               <div class="snapshot_graph_text"><%= @snapshots[:avg][:out] %> mb/s</div>
+               <div class="snapshot_graph_text"><%= @snapshots[:avg]['netin'] %> mb/s </div>
                <div class="snapshot_graph_container">
-                  <div class="snapshot_graph_arrow" style="padding-left: <%= @snapshots[:peak][:out] + 28 %>px;"><%= image_tag "icon_menu_arrow.gif" %></div>
+                  <div class="snapshot_graph_arrow" style="padding-left: <%= @snapshots[:peak]['netin'] + 28 %>px;"><%= image_tag "icon_menu_arrow.gif" %></div>
                   <div class="snapshot_graph">
-                      <%= render :partial => '/layouts/graph', :locals => { :div_id => 'net_out_snapshot', :chartType => 'stackedRow', :url => (url_for :controller => 'graph', :action => 'snapshot_graph_data', :target => 'out' ) } %>
+                      <%= render :partial => '/layouts/graph', :locals => { :div_id => 'net_in_snapshot',  :chartType => 'stackedRow', :url => (url_for :controller => 'graph', :action => 'snapshot_graph_data', :target => 'netin'  ) } %>
-           <td>I/O </td>  
+           <td>Network Out</td>  
-               <div class="snapshot_graph_text"><%= @snapshots[:avg][:io] %> mb/s</div>
+               <div class="snapshot_graph_text"><%= @snapshots[:avg]['netout'] %> mb/s</div>
                <div class="snapshot_graph_container">
-                  <div class="snapshot_graph_arrow" style="padding-left: <%= @snapshots[:peak][:io] + 28 %>px;"><%= image_tag "icon_menu_arrow.gif" %></div>
+                  <div class="snapshot_graph_arrow" style="padding-left: <%= @snapshots[:peak]['netout'] + 28 %>px;"><%= image_tag "icon_menu_arrow.gif" %></div>
                   <div class="snapshot_graph">
-                      <%= render :partial => '/layouts/graph', :locals => { :div_id => 'io_snapshot',  :chartType => 'stackedRow', :url => (url_for :controller => 'graph', :action => 'snapshot_graph_data', :target => 'io'  ) } %> </td> 
+                      <%= render :partial => '/layouts/graph', :locals => { :div_id => 'net_out_snapshot', :chartType => 'stackedRow', :url => (url_for :controller => 'graph', :action => 'snapshot_graph_data', :target => 'netout' ) } %>
-           </td>
+           </td> 
diff --git a/wui/src/app/views/host/_grid.rhtml b/wui/src/app/views/host/_grid.rhtml
index 0ce2a06..a3cac7c 100644
--- a/wui/src/app/views/host/_grid.rhtml
+++ b/wui/src/app/views/host/_grid.rhtml
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 	url: '<%=  url_for :controller => "hardware", :action => "hosts_json", :id => (hwpool.nil? ? nil : hwpool.id), :exclude_id => exclude_id %>',
+    url: '<%=  url_for :controller => "hardware", :action => "hosts_json", :id => (hwpool.nil? ? nil : hwpool.id), :exclude_id => exclude_id %>',
 	dataType: 'json',
 	colModel : [
 		{display: '', width : 20, align: 'left', process: <%= table_id %>checkbox},
@@ -27,8 +28,8 @@
 	sortname: "hostname",
 	sortorder: "asc",
-	usepager: <%= (!hwpool.nil? and hwpool.hosts.size > hosts_per_page) ? 'true' : 'false' %>,
-	useRp: <%= (!hwpool.nil? and hwpool.hosts.size > hosts_per_page) ? 'true' : 'false' %>,
+    usepager: <%= (!hwpool.nil? and hwpool.hosts.size > hosts_per_page) ? 'true' : 'false' %>,
+    useRp: <%= (!hwpool.nil? and hwpool.hosts.size > hosts_per_page) ? 'true' : 'false' %>,
 	rp: <%= hosts_per_page %>,
 	showTableToggleBtn: true,
 	onSelect: <%= on_select %>,
diff --git a/wui/src/app/views/storage/_grid.rhtml b/wui/src/app/views/storage/_grid.rhtml
index 15a0331..843d64d 100644
--- a/wui/src/app/views/storage/_grid.rhtml
+++ b/wui/src/app/views/storage/_grid.rhtml
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 	$("#<%= table_id %>").flexigrid
-	url: '<%=  url_for :controller => "hardware", :action => "storage_pools_json", :id => (hwpool.nil? ? nil : hwpool.id), :exclude_id => exclude_id %>',
+    url: '<%=  url_for :controller => "hardware", :action => "storage_pools_json", :id => (hwpool.nil? ? nil : hwpool.id), :exclude_id => exclude_id %>',
 	dataType: 'json',
 	colModel : [
 		{display: '', width : 20, align: 'left', process: <%= table_id %>checkbox},
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
 	sortname: "ip_addr",
 	sortorder: "asc",
-	usepager: <%= (!hwpool.nil? and hwpool.storage_pools.size > storage_per_page) ? 'true' : 'false' %>,
-	useRp: <%= (!hwpool.nil? and hwpool.storage_pools.size > storage_per_page) ? 'true' : 'false' %>,
+    usepager: <%= (!hwpool.nil? and hwpool.storage_pools.size > storage_per_page) ? 'true' : 'false' %>,
+    useRp: <%= (!hwpool.nil? and hwpool.storage_pools.size > storage_per_page) ? 'true' : 'false' %>,
 	rp: <%= storage_per_page %>,
 	showTableToggleBtn: true,
 	onSelect: <%= on_select %>
diff --git a/wui/src/app/views/storage/addstorage.html.erb b/wui/src/app/views/storage/addstorage.html.erb
index 0fb3ce1..fa49111 100644
--- a/wui/src/app/views/storage/addstorage.html.erb
+++ b/wui/src/app/views/storage/addstorage.html.erb
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
   <div class="panel_header"></div>
   <div class="dialog_body">
        <%= render :partial => "/storage/grid", :locals => { :table_id => "addstorage_grid",
-           :hwpool => nil, :exclude_id => @hardware_pool.id, 
+           :hwpool => nil, :exclude_id => @hardware_pool.id,
            :on_select => "false" } %>
diff --git a/wui/src/app/views/vm/_grid.rhtml b/wui/src/app/views/vm/_grid.rhtml
index b0fc71a..c56e6b8 100644
--- a/wui/src/app/views/vm/_grid.rhtml
+++ b/wui/src/app/views/vm/_grid.rhtml
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 	sortname: "description",
 	sortorder: "asc",
 	usepager: <%= pool.vms.size > vms_per_page ? 'true' : 'false' %>,
-	useRp: <%= pool.vms.size > vms_per_page ? 'true' : 'false' %>,
+    useRp: <%= pool.vms.size > vms_per_page ? 'true' : 'false' %>,
 	rp: <%= vms_per_page %>,
 	showTableToggleBtn: true,
 	onSelect: <%= on_select %>,
diff --git a/wui/src/public/stylesheets/components.css b/wui/src/public/stylesheets/components.css
index 30730da..e2bc235 100644
--- a/wui/src/public/stylesheets/components.css
+++ b/wui/src/public/stylesheets/components.css
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@
   position: relative;
   float: left;
-#cpu_history, #io_history, #overall_load_history{
+#cpu_history, #io_history, #load_history, #memory_history{
   height: 200px; width: 1200px; position: absolute; left: -70px;
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
 #snapshot_graphs table { width: 90%; border-spacing: 0;}
 #snapshot_graphs th    { background: #CCCCCC; text-align: left; padding-left: 10px; border: 1px solid #DDDDDD;}
 #snapshot_graphs td    { padding-left: 10px; border: 1px solid #DDDDDD;}
-#overall_load_snapshot, #cpu_snapshot, #net_in_snapshot, #net_out_snapshot, #io_snapshot {
+#load_snapshot, #cpu_snapshot, #net_in_snapshot, #net_out_snapshot, #io_snapshot, #memory_snapshot {
   width: 350px; height: 20px; float: left;
 .snapshot_graph_text {

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