[Ovirt-devel] flexchart build instructions

Steve Linabery slinabery at redhat.com
Thu Oct 9 19:06:45 UTC 2008


If anyone would like to build the flexchart swf (Flash Movie), here's how:

0) download the Open Flex SDK at http://opensource.adobe.com/wiki/display/flexsdk/Download+Flex+3 (I think I used latest stable build)
1) unzip that archive somewhere and add the bin subdirectory of same to your PATH
2) Apply the patch I sent for review earlier today
3) cd to {ovirt_src_home}/server/src/flexchart in your patched source tree
4) execute 'mxmlc flexchart.mxml'
5) copy the resulting flexchart.swf to /usr/share/ovirt-server/public on your appliance (which you've just rebuilt using my patch)

Please let me know if it works for you (or doesn't!). If you see blue bars in your chart area (assumes you have some rrd data stored for memory use), it's working.


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