[Ovirt-devel] [PATCH] initial model work for lvm storage (revised)

Chris Lalancette clalance at redhat.com
Thu Oct 16 08:11:24 UTC 2008

Scott Seago wrote:
> This includes the model classes w/ migrations for the lvm storage pools and
> volumes, and some changes required to support Storage Volume tasks. This
> patch does not include all of the necessary model API methods to support lvm,
> but it's a starting point -- some changes to clalance's taskomatic bits will
> be required to support this, and we will need additional model enhancements
> when the UI work is done, and when the taskomatic back end is finalized.
> revised to fix a couple controller bugs and to increment the migration
> version #

Well, this version is better, but still not working.  I downloaded this patch,
applied it with git-am (thanks Jim), then rebuilt an RPM with it.  Then I did
"rpm -Uvh ovirt-server", followed by "cd /usr/share/ovirt-server ; rake
db:migrate".  Then I shut down all of the services (including mongrel-rails),
and restarted them.  Now, I was able to successfully add the iSCSI storage pool,
but taskomatic barfed when trying to do the scanning.  In particular, the error
I got in the database was:

Couldn't find StoragePool without an ID

And a more complete stack trace from /var/log/ovirt-server/taskomatic.log is:

Task action processing failed: ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound: Couldn't find
StoragePool without an ID
/usr/share/ovirt-server/task-omatic/./task_storage.rb:26:in `refresh_pool'
/usr/share/ovirt-server/task-omatic/taskomatic.rb:88:in `each'
/usr/share/ovirt-server/task-omatic/taskomatic.rb:68:in `loop'

Any ideas?

Chris Lalancette

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