[Ovirt-devel] [PATCH server] Fixed a few bugs in o-identify-node processing.

Darryl L. Pierce dpierce at redhat.com
Wed Apr 1 12:34:16 UTC 2009

NOTE: This version includes fixes based on feedback from mmorsi and some
      refactorings to the way nics are updated.

Fixed the processing of NICs to handle properly deleting a NIC that was
not identified by the node. All unidentified NICs are now deleted from
the database after o-i-node runs.

Signed-off-by: Darryl L. Pierce <dpierce at redhat.com>
 src/host-browser/host-browser.rb |   36 ++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/host-browser/host-browser.rb b/src/host-browser/host-browser.rb
index 1c5cf83..b927d3c 100755
--- a/src/host-browser/host-browser.rb
+++ b/src/host-browser/host-browser.rb
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ class HostBrowser
         Cpu.delete_all(['host_id = ?', host.id])
         puts "Saving new CPU records"
-        cpu_info.collect do |cpu|
+        cpu_info.each do |cpu|
             detail = Cpu.new(
                 "cpu_number"      => cpu['CPUNUM'].to_i,
                 "core_number"     => cpu['CORENUM]'].to_i,
@@ -271,37 +271,37 @@ class HostBrowser
         puts "Updating NIC records for the node"
         nics = Array.new
+        nics_to_delete = Array.new
-        host.nics.collect do |nic|
+        host.nics.each do |nic|
             found = false
-            nic_info.collect do |detail|
+            nic_info.each do |detail|
                 # if we have a match, then update the database and remove
                 # the received data to avoid creating a dupe later
-                if detail['MAC'] == nic.mac
-                    nic_info.delete(detail)
-                    updated_nic = Nic.find_by_id(nic.id)
-                    updated_nic.bandwidth = detail['BANDWIDTH'].to_i
-                    updated_nic.interface_name = detail['IFACE_NAME']
-                    updated_nic.save!
-                    found=true
-                    nic_info.delete detail
+                puts "Searching for existing record for: #{detail['MAC'].upcase}"
+                if detail['MAC'].upcase == nic.mac
+                  puts "Updating details for: #{detail['IFACE_NAME']} [#{nic.mac}]}"
+                  nic.bandwidth = detail['BANDWIDTH'].to_i
+                  nic.interface_name = detail['IFACE_NAME']
+                  nic.save!
+                  found = true
+                  nic_info.delete(detail)
             # if the record wasn't found, then remove it from the database
             unless found
-                host.nics.delete(nic)
-                nic.destroy
+              puts "Marking NIC for removal: #{nic.interface_name} [#{nic.mac}]"
+                nics_to_delete << nic
+        nics_to_delete.each { |nic| puts "Removing NIC: #{nic.interface_name} []#{nic.mac}]"; host.nics.delete(nic) }
         # iterate over any nics left and create new records for them.
-        nic_info.collect do |nic|
-            puts "Creating a new nic..."
+        nic_info.each do |nic|
+            puts "Creating a new nic: #{nic.interface_name} [#{nic.mac}]"
             detail = Nic.new(
                 'mac'          => nic['MAC'].upcase,
                 'bandwidth'    => nic['BANDWIDTH'].to_i,

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