[Ovirt-devel] [PATCH node-image] Added new autotests and refactored the autotest script.

Darryl L. Pierce dpierce at redhat.com
Fri Apr 24 13:56:26 UTC 2009

Completely reworked the tests so that it would be easier to add or
extend tests. Added commandline arguments to enable debugging of tests,
open virt-viewer on a test vm while it's running. specify different ISOs
to test, run just a single or small set of tests, and to make the script
itself more robust.

Signed-off-by: Darryl L. Pierce <dpierce at redhat.com>
 autotest.sh |  706 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------
 1 files changed, 349 insertions(+), 357 deletions(-)

diff --git a/autotest.sh b/autotest.sh
index 6cba9fa..6b4496e 100755
--- a/autotest.sh
+++ b/autotest.sh
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 # oVirt node image autotest script
@@ -36,53 +36,201 @@
 # This will, for each module whose autobuild.sh is run, to have a matching
 # autotest.sh to run as well.
-# To run the test locally, all that's needed is for an ISO file named ovirt-node-image.iso
-# be present in the local directory. This will then be put through its paces with test
-# results being send to stdout.
+# To run these tests locally, you will need to open port 69 TCP and UDP and have
+# an ISO file.
 ME=$(basename "$0")
 warn() { printf '%s: %s\n' "$ME" "$*" >&2; }
 die() {  warn "$*"; exit 1; }
+debug() { if $debugging; then log "[DEBUG] %s" "$*"; fi }
-# trap '__st=$?; stop_log; exit $__st' 0
-trap '__st=$?; log "Exiting normally."; cleanup; exit $__st' 0
-trap '__st=$?; log "Dying a horrible death."; cleanup; exit $__st' 1 2 13 15
+trap '__st=$?; cleanup_after_testing; exit $__st' 0
+trap '__st=$?; log "Dying a horrible death."; cleanup_after_testing; exit $__st' 1 2 13 15
-test -n "$1" && RESULTS=$1 || RESULTS=autotest.log
+set -e
+set -u
-echo "Running oVirt node image Autotest"
+log () {
+    date=$(date)
+    printf "${date} $*\n"
-# BZ#495954 needs to be fixed to uncomment this
-# set -e
-# set -v
+usage () {
+    cat <<EOF
+Usage: $ME [-n test_name] [LOGFILE]
+  -i: set the ISO filename (defualt: ovirt-node-image.iso)
+  -n: the name of the specific autotest to run (default: run all autotests)
+  -d: enable more verbose output (default: disabled)
+  -v: enable tracing (default: disabled)
+  -w: launch virt-viewer for each VM (default: no window shown)
+  -h: display this help and exit
+# $1 - the test function to call
+execute_test () {
+    local testname=$1
-if [ ! -f $OVIRT_NODE_IMAGE_ISO ]; then
-    die "Missing ovirt-node-image.iso file!"
+    if [ -z $testname ]; then die "Missing test name"; fi
-log () {
-    local text="`date` $*"
-    printf "${text}\n"
-    # sudo bash -c "printf \"[$$] ${text}\n\" >> ${RESULTS}"
+    log "Executing test: $testname"
+    eval $testname
+    rc=$?
+    log "Completed test: $testname [result=$rc]"
+    return $rc
-cleanup () {
-    log "CLEANING UP"
+# setup a node for pxeboot
+# $1 - the working directory
+# $2 - kernel arguments; if present then they replace all default flags
+setup_pxeboot () {
+    local workdir=${1-}
+    local kernelargs=${2-}
+    local pxedefault=$workdir/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default
+    debug "setup for pxeboot: isofile=${isofile} workdir=${workdir} kernelargs='${kernelargs}' pxedefault=${pxedefault}"
+    (cd $workdir && sudo livecd-iso-to-pxeboot $isofile) > /dev/null 2>&1
+    sudo chmod -R 777 $workdir
+    # set default kernel arguments if none were provided
+    # the defaults boot in standalone mode
+    if [ -z "$kernelargs" ]; then
+	kernelargs="ovirt_standalone"
+    fi
+    local definition="DEFAULT pxeboot"
+    definition="${definition}\nTIMEOUT 20"
+    definition="${definition}\nPROMPT 0"
+    definition="${definition}\nLABEL pxeboot"
+    definition="${definition}\n     KERNEL vmlinuz0"
+    definition="${definition}\n     IPAPPEND 2"
+    definition="${definition}\n     APPEND rootflags=loop initrd=initrd0.img root=/${isoname} rootfstype=auto console=tty0 check console=ttyS0,115200n8 $kernelargs"
+    debug "pxeboot definition=\n${definition}"
+    sudo bash -c "printf \"${definition}\" > $pxedefault"
+# Starts a simple instance of dnsmasq.
+# $1 - the iface on which dnsmasq works
+# $2 - the root for tftp files
+# $3 - the mac address for the node (ignored if blank)
+# $4 - the nodename
+start_dnsmasq () {
+    local iface=$1
+    local tftproot=$2
+    local macaddress=$3
+    local nodename=$4
+    local pidfile=$2/dnsmasq.pid
-    destroy_test_iface
+    debug "Starting dnsmasq"
+    dns_startup="sudo /usr/sbin/dnsmasq --read-ethers
+                                        --dhcp-range=${NETWORK}.100,${NETWORK}.254,,24h
+                                        --interface=${iface}
+                                        --bind-interfaces
+                                        --except-interface=lo
+                                        --dhcp-boot=tftpboot/pxelinux.0
+                                        --enable-tftp
+                                        --tftp-root=${tftproot}
+                                        --log-facility=/tmp/dnsmasq-${nodename}.log
+                                        --log-queries
+                                        --log-dhcp
+                                        --pid-file=${pidfile}"
+    if [ -n "$macaddress" ]; then
+	dns_startup="${dns_startup} --dhcp-host=${macaddress},${NODE_ADDRESS}"
+    fi
+    # start dnsmasq
+    eval $dns_startup
+    debug "pidfile=$pidfile"
+    DNSMASQ_PID=$(sudo cat $pidfile)
-# Creates a HD disk file.
+# Kills the running instance of dnsmasq.
+stop_dnsmasq () {
+    if [ -n "${DNSMASQ_PID-}" -a "${DNSMASQ_PID-}" != "0" ]; then
+	local check=$(ps -ef | awk "/${DNSMASQ_PID}/"' { if ($2 ~ '"${DNSMASQ_PID}"') print $2 }')
+	if [[ "${check}" == "${DNSMASQ_PID}" ]]; then
+	    debug "Killing dnsmasq: DNSMASQ_PID=${DNSMASQ_PID}"
+	    sudo kill -9 $DNSMASQ_PID
+	    return
+	fi
+    fi
+    DNSMASQ_PID="0"
+# Creates a virt network.
+# $1 - the network interface name
+# $2 - use DHCP (any value)
+create_test_iface () {
+    local name=$1
+    local dhcp=$2
+    local definition=$(mktemp)
+    local network=$NETWORK
+    local definition=""
+    local xmlfile=$(mktemp)
+    debug "Creating network interface: $name"
+    destroy_test_iface $name
+    NETWORK_NAME=$name
+    definition="<network>\n<name>${name}</name>\n<forward mode='nat' />\n<bridge name='${name}' stp='on' forwardDelay='0' />"
+    definition="${definition}\n<ip address='${network}.1' netmask=''>"
+    if [ -n "$dhcp" ]; then
+	debug "Test networking is using DHCP."
+	definition="${definition}\n<dhcp>\n<range start='${network}.100' end='${network}.199' />\n</dhcp>"
+    fi
+    definition="${definition}\n</ip>\n</network>"
+    debug "Saving network definition file to: ${xmlfile}\n"
+    sudo printf "${definition}" > $xmlfile
+    sudo virsh net-define $xmlfile > /dev/null 2>&1
+    debug "Starting network."
+    sudo virsh net-start $name > /dev/null 2>&1
+# Destroys the test network interface
+# $1 - the network name
+destroy_test_iface () {
+    local networkname=${1-}
+    # if no network was supplied, then check for the global network
+    if [ -z "$networkname" ]; then
+	networkname=${NETWORK_NAME-}
+    fi
+    if [ -n "${networkname}" ]; then
+	debug "Destroying network interface: ${networkname}"
+	check=$(sudo virsh net-list --all)
+	if [[ "${check}" =~ "${networkname}" ]]; then
+	    if [[ "{$check}" =~ active ]]; then
+		sudo virsh net-destroy $networkname > /dev/null 2>&1
+	    fi
+	    sudo virsh net-undefine $networkname > /dev/null 2>&1
+	fi
+        # ensure the bridge interface was destroyed
+	check=$(sudo /sbin/ifconfig)
+	if [[ "${check}" =~ "${networkname}" ]]; then
+	    sudo /sbin/ifconfig $networkname down
+	fi
+    fi
+# creates a HD disk file
 # $1 - filename for disk file
-# $2 - size
+# $2 - size, in MB
 create_hard_disk () {
     local filename=$1
     local size=$2
-    sudo qemu-img create -f raw $filename $size
-    sudo chcon -t virt_image_t $filename
+    debug "Creating hard disk: filename=${filename} size=${size}M"
+    sudo qemu-img create -f raw $filename "${size}M" > /dev/null 2>&1
+    sudo chcon -t virt_image_t $filename > /dev/null 2>&1
 # Creates the XML for a virtual machine.
@@ -111,11 +259,19 @@ define_node () {
     local vncport="-1"
     local bootdev='hd'
+    # first destroy the node
+    destroy_node $nodename
     # if a cdrom was defined, then assume it's the boot device
     if [ -n "$cddrive" ]; then bootdev='cdrom'; fi
     if [ -n "$options" ]; then eval "$options"; fi
+    debug "Defining virtual machine"
+    for var in filename nodename memory harddrive cddrive bridge options arch emulator serial vncport bootdev; do
+	eval debug "$var: \$$var"
+    done
     result="<domain type='kvm'>\n<name>${nodename}</name>\n<memory>${memory}</memory>\n <vcpu>1</vcpu>"
     # begin the os section
@@ -139,6 +295,7 @@ define_node () {
     # inject the hard disk if defined
     if [ -n "$harddrive" ]; then
+	debug "Adding a hard drive to the node"
 	result="${result}\n<disk type='file' device='disk'>"
 	result="${result}\n<source file='$harddrive' />"
 	result="${result}\n<target dev='vda' bus='virtio' />"
@@ -146,6 +303,7 @@ define_node () {
     # inject the cdrom drive if defined
     if [ -n "$cddrive" ]; then
+	debug "Adding a CDROM drive to the node"
 	result="${result}\n<disk type='file' device='cdrom'>"
 	result="${result}\n<source file='${cddrive}' />"
 	result="${result}\n<target dev='hdc' bus='ide' />"
@@ -169,398 +327,232 @@ define_node () {
-    log "Saving node definition to file: ${filename}"
+    debug "Node definition: ${filename}"
     sudo printf "$result" > $filename
     # now define the vm
-    sudo virsh define $filename
+    sudo virsh define $filename > /dev/null 2>&1
     if [ $? != 0 ]; then die "Unable to define virtual machine: $nodename"; fi
-# Returns the mac address for the given node.
-# $1 - the node name
-# $2 - the variable name to set
-get_mac_address () {
-    local nodename=$1
-    local varname=$2
-    if [ -z "$nodename" ]; then die "Cannot get mac address for node with a name"; fi
-    address=$(sudo virsh dumpxml $nodename|awk '/<mac address/ {
-              match($0,"mac address='"'"'(.*)'"'"'",data); print data[1]}')
-    if [ -z "$varname" ]; then die "Cannot set unnamed varilable"; fi
-    eval $varname="$address"
-# Starts the named node.
-# $1 - the node name
-start_node () {
-    local nodename=$1
-    if [ -z "$nodename" ]; then die "Cannot start node without a name"; fi
-    sudo virsh start $nodename
 # Destroys any existing instance of the given node.
 # $1 - the node name
 destroy_node () {
     local nodename=$1
     if [ -n "${nodename}" ]; then
-	log "Destroying VM: ${nodename}"
 	check=$(sudo virsh list --all)
 	if [[ "${check}" =~ "${nodename}" ]]; then
 	    if [[ "${check}" =~ running ]]; then
-		sudo virsh destroy $nodename
+		debug "Destroying node: $nodename"
+		sudo virsh destroy $nodename > /dev/null 2>&1
-	    sudo virsh undefine $nodename
+	    debug "Undefining node: $nodename"
+	    sudo virsh undefine $nodename > /dev/null 2>&1
-# PXE boots a node.
-# $1 - the ISO file
-# $2 - the working directory
-# $3 - kernel arguments; if present then they replace all default flags
-setup_pxeboot () {
-    local isofile=$1
-    local workdir=$2
-    local kernelargs=$3
-    local pxedefault=$workdir/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default
-    (cd $workdir && sudo livecd-iso-to-pxeboot $isofile)
-    sudo chmod -R 777 $workdir
-    # set default kernel arguments if none were provided
-    # the defaults boot in standalone mode
-    if [ -z "$kernelargs" ]; then
-	kernelargs="ovirt_standalone"
-    fi
-    local definition="DEFAULT pxeboot\nTIMEOUT 20\nPROMPT 0\nLABEL pxeboot\n     KERNEL vmlinuz0\n     IPAPPEND 2\n     APPEND rootflags=loop BOOTIF=link|eth*|<MAC> initrd=initrd0.img root=/ovirt-node-image.iso rootfstype=auto console=ttyS0,115200n8 $kernelargs\n"
+# for each test created, add it to the follow array:
+tests=''; testcount=0;
-    sudo bash -c "printf \"${definition}\" > $pxedefault"
+# $1 - test name
+add_test () {
+    tests[$testcount]=$1
+    testcount=$testcount+1
-# Launches the node as a virtual machine.
-# $1 - the node name
-# $2 - the ISO filename
-# $3 - the hard disk file
-# $4 - the memory size (in MB)
-# $5 - the network bridge to use
-# $6 - kernel arguments
-# $7 - verification method
-pxeboot_node_vm () {
-    local nodename=$1
-    local isofile=$2
-    local diskfile=$3
-    local memsize=$4
-    local bridge=$5
-    local kernel_args=$6
-    local verify_method=$7
-    local xmlfile=$(mktemp)
-    local tftproot=$(mktemp -d)
-    local node_mac_address=""
-    local return_code=0
-    destroy_node $nodename
+# $1 - the node's name
+# $2 - hard disk size (no disk if blank)
+# $3 - script to verify the node
+# $4 - kernel arguments
+boot_with_pxe () {
+    local workdir=$(mktemp -d)
+    local nodename=${1-}
+    local disksize=${2-}
+    local script=${3-}
+    local kernel_args=${4-}
+    local diskfile=$workdir/ovirt-harddisk.img
+    local nodefile=$workdir/ovirt-node.xml
-    log "Beginning pxeboot for $nodename"
-    # setup the dnsmasq instance with the iso setup
-    setup_pxeboot "$isofile" "$tftproot" "$kernel_args"
-    create_test_iface $bridge
-    define_node $xmlfile $nodename $memsize "$diskfile" "" $bridge "local bootdev='network'; local noapic='yes'"
-    get_mac_address $nodename "node_mac_address"
-    start_dnsmasq $bridge $tftproot $node_mac_address $nodename
-    start_node $nodename
-    if [ -n "$verify_method" ]; then
-	eval $verify_method
-	return_code=$?
+    setup_pxeboot $workdir "${kernel_args}"
+    if [ -n "${disksize}" ]; then
+	create_hard_disk $diskfile $disksize
+    else
+	diskfile=""
-    destroy_node $nodename
-    stop_dnsmasq
-    destroy_test_iface $bridge
-    log "Finished pxeboot for $nodename (RC=${return_code})"
-    if [ $return_code != 0 ]; then
-	log "Test ended in failure"
+    create_test_iface $IFACE_NAME ""
+    start_dnsmasq $IFACE_NAME $workdir "" "${nodename}"
+    define_node $nodefile $nodename 524288 "${diskfile}" "" $IFACE_NAME "local bootdev='network'; local noapic='yes'"
+    debug "Starting node: $nodename"
+    sudo virsh start $nodename # > /dev/null 2>&1
+    if $show_viewer; then
+	sudo virt-viewer $nodename > /dev/null 2>&1&
-    test $return_code == 0 && return 0 || return 1
-# Launches the node as a virtual machine with a CDROM.
-# $1 - the node name
-# $2 - the ISO filename
-# $3 - the disk file to use
-# $4 - the memory size (in MB)
-# $5 - the network bridge
-cdrom_boot_node_vm () {
-    local nodename=$1
-    local isofile=$2
-    local diskfile=$3
-    local memsize=$4
-    local bridge=$5
-    local xmlfile=$(mktemp)
+    result=0
+    if [ -n "${script}" ]; then
+	debug "script=${script}"
+	expect -c "${script}"
+	result=$?
+	debug "result=$result"
+	read -ep "Press ENTER To Continue: "
+    else
+	read -ep "Press ENTER To Continue: "
+    fi
     destroy_node $nodename
+    stop_dnsmasq
+    destroy_test_iface $IFACE_NAME
-    log "Beginning cdrom boot for $nodename"
-    create_test_iface $bridge "yes"
-    define_node $xmlfile $nodename $memsize "$diskfile" "$isofile" $bridge
-    start_node $nodename
-    # TODO make sure the node's booted
-    sleep 300
-    # TODO verify the node's running
-    destroy_node $nodename
-    destroy_test_iface $bridge
-    log "Finished cdrom booting for $nodename"
+    return $result
-# Creates a virt network.
-# $1 - the network interface name
-# $2 - use DHCP (any value)
-create_test_iface () {
-    local name=$1
-    local dhcp=$2
-    local definition=$(mktemp)
-    local network=$NETWORK
-    local definition=""
-    local xmlfile=$(mktemp)
+log_file -noappend expect.log
-    destroy_test_iface $name
-    NETWORK_NAME=$name
+spawn sudo virsh console stateless-pxe-nohd
-    log "Creating network definition file: $definition"
-    definition="<network>\n<name>${name}</name>\n<forward mode='nat' />\n<bridge name='${name}' stp='on' forwardDelay='0' />"
-    definition="${definition}\n<ip address='${network}.1' netmask=''>"
-    if [ -n "$dhcp" ]; then
-	definition="${definition}\n<dhcp>\n<range start='${network}.100' end='${network}.199' />\n</dhcp>"
-    fi
-    definition="${definition}\n</ip>\n</network>"
-    printf "Saving network definition file to: ${xmlfile}\n"
-    sudo printf "${definition}" > $xmlfile
-    sudo virsh net-define $xmlfile
-    log "Starting network"
-    sudo virsh net-start $name
+expect {
+    -exact \"Linux version\"         { send_log \"\\n\\nMarker 1\\n\\n\"; exp_continue }
+    -exact \"Starting ovirt-early:\" { send_log \"\\n\\nMarker 2\\n\\n\"; exp_continue }
+    -exact \"Starting ovirt:\"       { send_log \"\\n\\nMarker 3\\n\\n\"; exp_continue }
+    -exact \"Starting ovirt-post:\"  { send_log \"\\n\\nMarker 4\\n\\n\"; exp_continue }
+    -exact \"login:\"      { send_log \"\\n\\nMarker 5\\n\\n\"; exit }
+    timeout {
+        send_user \"\\nMarker not found.\\n\\n\"
+	exit 1
+    } eof {
+        send_user \"Unexpected end of file.\"
+	exit 2
+    }
-# Destroys the test network interface
-# $1 - the network name
-destroy_test_iface () {
-    local networkname=$1
-    # if no network was supplied, then check for the global network
-    if [ -z "$networkname" ]; then
-	networkname=$NETWORK_NAME
-    fi
-    if [ -n "${networkname}" ]; then
-	log "Destroying network interface: ${networkname}"
-	check=$(sudo virsh net-list --all)
-	if [[ "${check}" =~ "${networkname}" ]]; then
-	    log "- found existing instance"
-	    if [[ "{$check}" =~ active ]]; then
-		log "- shutting down current instance"
-		sudo virsh net-destroy $networkname
-	    fi
-	    log "- undefining previous instance"
-	    sudo virsh net-undefine $networkname
-	fi
+send_log \"\\n\\nUnexpected end of interaction.\\n\\n\"
+exit 3"
-        # ensure the bridge interface was destroyed
-	check=$(sudo /sbin/ifconfig)
-	if [[ "${check}" =~ "${networkname}" ]]; then
-	    sudo /sbin/ifconfig $networkname down
-	fi
-    fi
+add_test "test_stateless_pxe_with_nohd"
+test_stateless_pxe_with_nohd () {
+    boot_with_pxe "stateless-pxe-nohd" "" "${STATELESS_PXE_NOHD_SCRIPT}" "ovirt_firstboot=yes"
-# Starts a simple instance of dnsmasq.
-# $1 - the iface on which dnsmasq works
-# $2 - the root for tftp files
-# $3 - the mac address for the node (ignored if blank)
-# $4 - the nodename
-start_dnsmasq () {
-    local iface=$1
-    local tftproot=$2
-    local macaddress=$3
-    local nodename=$4
-    local pidfile=$2/dnsmasq.pid
-    stop_dnsmasq
-    log "Starting dnsmasq"
-    dns_startup="sudo /usr/sbin/dnsmasq --read-ethers
-                                        --dhcp-range=${NETWORK}.100,${NETWORK}.254,,24h
-                                        --interface=${iface}
-                                        --bind-interfaces
-                                        --except-interface=lo
-                                        --dhcp-boot=tftpboot/pxelinux.0
-                                        --enable-tftp
-                                        --tftp-root=${tftproot}
-                                        --log-facility=/tmp/dnsmasq-${nodename}.log
-                                        --log-queries
-                                        --log-dhcp
-                                        --pid-file=${pidfile}"
-    if [ -n "$macaddress" ]; then
-	dns_startup="${dns_startup} --dhcp-host=${macaddress},${NODE_ADDRESS}"
-   fi
-    # start dnsmasq
-    eval $dns_startup
-    DNSMASQ_PID=$(sudo cat $pidfile)
-    log "dnsmasq start: PID=${DNSMASQ_PID}"
+STATELESS_PXE_SCRIPT="set timeout 120
+log_file -noappend expect.log
-# Kills the running instance of dnsmasq.
-stop_dnsmasq () {
-    log "Killing dnsmasq: DNSMASQ_PID=${DNSMASQ_PID}"
-    if [ -n "$DNSMASQ_PID" -a "$DNSMASQ_PID" != "0" ]; then
-	local check=$(ps -ef | awk "/${DNSMASQ_PID}/"' { if ($2 ~ '"${DNSMASQ_PID}"') print $2 }')
+spawn sudo virsh console stateless-pxe
-	if [[ "${check}" == "${DNSMASQ_PID}" ]]; then
-	    log "Killing dnsmasq"
-	    sudo kill -9 $DNSMASQ_PID
-	    return
-	fi
-    fi
-    log "No running instance of dnsmasq found."
-    DNSMASQ_PID="0"
+expect {
+    -exact \"Linux version\"         { send_log \"\\n\\nMarker 1\\n\\n\"; exp_continue }
+    -exact \"Starting ovirt-early:\" { send_log \"\\n\\nMarker 2\\n\\n\"; exp_continue }
+    -exact \"Starting ovirt:\"       { send_log \"\\n\\nMarker 3\\n\\n\"; exp_continue }
+    -exact \"Starting ovirt-post:\"  { send_log \"\\n\\nMarker 4\\n\\n\"; exp_continue }
+    -re    \"localhost.*login:\"     { send_log \"\\n\\nMarker 5\\n\\n\"; exit }
+    timeout {
+        send_user \"\\nMarker not found.\\n\\n\"
+	exit 1
+    } eof {
+        send_user \"Unexpected end of file.\"
+	exit 2
+    }
-# Boots a node via CDROM.
-# $1 - the node name
-# $2 - the network to use
-# $3 - the working directory
-# $4 - the ISO file to use as CDROM
-cdrom_boot () {
-    local nodename=$1
-    local network=$2
-    local workdir=$3
-    local isofile=$4
-    local diskfile=$workdir/ovirt-harddisk.img
+send_log \"\\n\\nUnexpected end of interaction.\\n\\n\"
+exit 3"
-    create_hard_disk $diskfile "10G"
-    cdrom_boot_node_vm $nodename $isofile $diskfile "512" $network
+add_test "test_stateless_pxe"
+test_stateless_pxe () {
+    boot_with_pxe "stateless-pxe" "10000" "${STATELESS_PXE_SCRIPT}" "ovirt_firstboot=yes"
-# verify that a node has booted properly
-# $1 - the node's name
-# $2 - the logfile to use
-verify_pxeboot_stateless_standalone () {
-    local nodename=$1
-    local port=$(sudo virsh ttyconsole $nodename)
-    local logfile=$2
+STATEFUL_PXE_SCRIPT="set timeout 120
+log_file -noappend expect.log
+spawn sudo virsh console stateful-pxe
-    log "Verifying ${nodename} is booted correctly"
-    local script='
-log_file -noappend '"${logfile}"'
-set timeout 60
-expect {
-    "Linux version" {send_log "\n\n***\nGot first boot marker\n\n"}
-     timeout {send_log "\n\n***\nDid not receive in time\n\n"
-              exit 1}
 expect {
-    -re "Kernel command line.*ovirt_standalone" {send_log "\n\n***\nGot kernel arguments marker\n\n"}
+    -exact \"Linux version\"                     { send_log \"\\n\\nMarker 1\\n\\n\"; exp_continue }
+    -exact \"Starting ovirt-early:\"             { send_log \"\\n\\nMarker 2\\n\\n\"; exp_continue }
+    -exact \"Starting ovirt:\"                   { send_log \"\\n\\nMarker 3\\n\\n\"; exp_continue }
+    -exact \"Starting ovirt-post:\"              { send_log \"\\n\\nMarker 4\\n\\n\"; exp_continue }
+    -exact \"Starting ovirt-firstpost:\"         { send_log \"\\n\\nMarker 5\\n\\n\"; exp_continue }
+    -exact \"Starting partitioning of /dev/vda\" { send_log \"\\n\\nMarker 6\\n\\n\"; exp_continue }
+    -exact \"Restarting system\"                 { send_log \"\\n\\nMarker 7\\n\\n\"; exit }
     timeout {
-       send_log "\n\n***\nDid not receive in time\n\n"
-       exit 2
+        send_user \"\\nMarker not found.\\n\\n\"
+	exit 1
+    } eof {
+        send_user \"Unexpected end of file.\"
+	exit 2
-expect {
-    "Starting ovirt-early:" {send_log "\n\n***\nGot ovirt-early marker\n\n"}
-    timeout {send_log "\n\n***\nDid not receive in time\n\n"
-             exit 3}
-expect {
-    "Starting ovirt:" {send_log "\n\n***\nGot ovirt marker\n\n"}
-    timeout {send_log "\n\n***\nDid not receive in time\n\n"
-             exit 4}
-expect {
-    "Starting ovirt-post:"  {send_log "\n\n***\nGot ovirt-post marker\n\n"}
-    timeout {send_log "\n\n***\nDid not receive in time\n\n"
-             exit 5}
-expect {
-    "Starting ovirt-firstboot:" {send_log "\n\n***\nGot ovirt-firstboot marker\n\n"}
-    timeout {send_log "\n\n***\nDid not receive in time\n\n"
-             exit 6}
-    sudo bash -c "/usr/bin/expect -c '${script}' < ${port}"
-    result=$?
-    printf "result=${result}\n"
-# Verify that a stateful node has booted properly.
-# $1 - the node's name
-# $2 - the logfile for recording the transcript
-verify_pxeboot_stateful_standalone () {
-    local nodename=$1
-    local port=$(sudo virsh ttyconsole $nodename)
-    local logfile=$2
-    # leverage the existing stateless test
-    verify_pxeboot_stateless_standalone $nodename
-    log "Verifying ${nodename} is booted correctly"
-    local script='
-log_file -noappend '"${logfile}"'
-set timeout 180
-expect {
-    -re "login:$" {send_log "\n\n***\nGot login prompt!\n\n"}
-    timeout {send_log "\n\n***\nDid not receive in time\n\n"
-             exit 7}
-    sudo bash -c "/usr/bin/expect -c '${script}' < ${port}"
-# TEST: Performs a PXE boot of the node as a standalone, stateless instance.
-test_pxeboot_stateless_standalone () {
-    local nodename="pxe_stateless_standalone-$$"
-    local hdfile=$(mktemp)
+send_log \"\\n\\nUnexpected end of interaction.\\n\\n\"
+exit 3"
-    log "TEST: Booting a stateless standalone node via PXE."
-    create_hard_disk $hdfile "10G"
-    pxeboot_node_vm $nodename $OVIRT_NODE_IMAGE_ISO "${hdfile}" "524288" \
-	            $IFACE_NAME "ovirt_standalone OVIRT_FIRSTBOOT=no" \
-                    "verify_pxeboot_stateless_standalone $nodename 'pxeboot_stateless_standalone.log'"
+# add_test "test_stateful_pxe"
+test_stateful_pxe () {
+    boot_with_pxe "stateful-pxe" "10000" "${STATEFUL_PXE_SCRIPT}" "ovirt_standalone ovirt_init=/dev/vda ovirt_local_boot"
-# TEST: Performs a PXE boot of the node as a standalone instance. The node then performs a full install
-test_pxeboot_stateful_standalone () {
-    local nodename="pxe_stateful_standalone-$$"
-    local hdfile=$(mktemp)
-    log "TEST: Installing a stateful standalone node via PXE."
-    create_hard_disk $hdfile "10G"
-    pxeboot_node_vm $nodename $OVIRT_NODE_IMAGE_ISO "${hdfile}" "524288" \
-	            $IFACE_NAME "ovirt_standalone OVIRT_FIRSTBOOT=no ovirt_init=/dev/vda" \
-	            "verify_pxeboot_stateful_standalone $nodename 'pxeboot_stateful_standalone.log'"
+# configures the environment for testing
+setup_for_testing () {
+    debug "isofile=${isofile}"
+    debug "isoname=${isoname}"
+    IFACE_NAME=testbr$$
+    debug "IFACE_NAME=${IFACE_NAME}"
+    NETWORK=192.168.$(echo "scale=0; print $$ % 255" | bc -l)
+    debug "NETWORK=${NETWORK}"
-# TEST: Performs a CDROM boot of the node as a standalone, stateless instance
-test_cdrom_stateless_standalone () {
-    local nodename="stateless_cdrom_standalone-$$"
-    log "TEST: Booting a stateless node from CDROM."
-    cdrom_boot $nodename "$IFACE_NAME" "$TFTP_ROOT_DIR" "$OVIRT_NODE_IMAGE_ISO"
+# cleans up any loose ends
+cleanup_after_testing () {
+    stop_dnsmasq
+    destroy_test_iface
-# automated testing entry points
+# check commandline options
+while getopts di:n:vwh c; do
+    case $c in
+	d) debugging=true;;
+	i) isofile=($OPTARG);;
+	n) tests=($OPTARG);;
+	v) set -v;;
+	w) show_viewer=true;;
+	h) usage; exit 0;;
+	'?') die "invalid option \`-$OPTARG'";;
+	:) die "missing argument to \`-$OPTARG' option";;
+	*) die "internal error";;
+    esac
+isoname=$(basename $isofile)
+isofile="$(cd dirname $isofile; pwd)/${isoname}"
+shift $(($OPTIND - 1))
+set +u
+if [ $# -gt 0 -a -n "${1-}" ]; then RESULTS=$1; else RESULTS=autotest.log; fi
+set -u
+log "Logging results to file: ${RESULTS}"
-    IFACE_NAME=testbr$$
-    NETWORK=192.168.$(echo "scale=0; print $$ % 255" | bc -l)
+    setup_for_testing
+    log "Begin Testing: RHEV-H"
-    log "Starting tests"
-    log "Using network: ${NETWORK}.0"
+    for test in ${tests[@]}; do
+	execute_test $test
+    done
-    test_pxeboot_stateless_standalone
-    test_pxeboot_stateful_standalone
+    log "End Testing: RHEV-H"
 } | sudo tee --append $RESULTS

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