[Ovirt-devel] Ganeti from Google (was Re : I'm all for it)

Guillaume FORTAINE gfortaine at live.com
Tue Dec 29 12:35:30 UTC 2009

On 12/29/2009 10:01 AM, Ingmar Schraub wrote:
> Maybe you could give ganeti a try and report back here?


Installing a Ganeti cluster - Hardware built

I finally "got" what Ganeti is and decided to create my own test bed to 
try it out. For the most part, Ganeti manages xen domu's using DRBD for 
redundancy. By default, DRBD only allows two nodes to replicate data 
(usually for a fail over cluster). So if you have a virtual machine on 
ServerA and it fails, you can fail your virtual machine over to ServerB. 
What Ganeti allows you to do though is to then designate ServerC as the 
next fail over node, sets up DRBD, and begins syncing between the two. 
There are some great slides about this in the PDF file at the Ganeti site.

I was able to build up three servers out of spare parts around the 
office and have begun to configure them for use. They each have two 64 
bit procs and eight gigs of ram. I made 700 gig disk space available 
using RAID 5, but I might have been better off with no raid from what 
I'm reading in the install doc (better IO). Already it's been a nice 
learning experience for me, as I learned about reducing the amount of 
resources Dom0 takes up. The install guide is for Debian, but I'm trying 
to make it work for my CentOS 5.4 systems. So far so goo

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