[Ovirt-devel] [PATCH node] BZ479378: Provide the user an option to mount the logging partition during the initial configuration of the logging configurations

Bryan Kearney bkearney at redhat.com
Thu Jan 15 19:55:56 UTC 2009

This is built off of Alan's patch stream, and replaces the earlier logging patch which was sent. 

 scripts/ovirt-config-logging |  196 +++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 scripts/ovirt-functions      |   31 +++++++
 2 files changed, 139 insertions(+), 88 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scripts/ovirt-config-logging b/scripts/ovirt-config-logging
index f1daf29..97551b0 100755
--- a/scripts/ovirt-config-logging
+++ b/scripts/ovirt-config-logging
@@ -7,6 +7,25 @@
+function enable_local_logging {
+    if grep -q "/dev/mapper/HostVG-Logging " /proc/mounts; then
+        return 0
+    else    
+        while true; do
+            printf "\n"
+            read -p "Would you like to enable logging to the local disk? (Y/N)? "
+            r=$(echo $REPLY|tr '[[:lower:]]' '[[:upper:]]')
+            if [ "$r" == "Y" ]; then
+                mount_logging
+                return
+            elif [ "$r" == "N" ]; then
+                printf "\nNot mounting the local disk. All logs will be lost\n"
+                return
+            fi
+        done
+    fi
 # Creates the rsyslog file based on the following inputs
 # $1 ipaddress of remote syslog server
 # $2 port of remote syslog server
@@ -71,96 +90,96 @@ function is_numeric {
 function prompt_user {
     while true ; do
-	max_log_size="10"
-	syslog_server_ip=""
-	syslog_server_port=""
-	while true; do
-	    printf "\n"
-	    read -p "What is the max size, in kilobytes, for local log files (def. ${max_log_size}k)? "
-	    if [ -n "$REPLY" ]; then
-		r=$REPLY
-		if [[ $r =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && [[ $r -gt 0 ]]; then
-		    max_log_size=$r
-		    printf "\nMaximum logging size will be ${max_log_size}k.\n"
-		    break
-		else
-		    printf "\nInvalid input.\n"
-		fi
-	    else
-		printf "\nLeaving log size as ${max_log_size}k.\n"
-		break
-	    fi
-	done
-	printf "\n"
-	read -p "What is the IP address for the syslog server, hit Enter to skip? "
-	if [ -n "$REPLY" ]; then
-	    syslog_server_ip=$REPLY
-	    while true; do
-		read -p "Please enter the remote logging port used:  "
-		r=$REPLY
-		if [ -n "$r" ]; then
-		    if [[ $r =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && [[ $r -gt 0 ]]; then
-			syslog_server_port=$REPLY
-			break
-		    else
-			printf "Invalid port.\n"
-		    fi
-		fi
-	    done
-	    printf "\n"
-	    while true; do
-		read -p "Remote logging uses [t]cp or [u]dp? "
-		r=$(echo $REPLY|tr '[[:lower:]]' '[[:upper:]]')
-		if [ "$r" == "T" ]; then syslog_server_protocol="tcp"; break; fi
-		if [ "$r" == "U" ]; then syslog_server_protocol="udp"; break; fi
-		# else
-		printf "Invalid input.\n"
-	    done
-	else
-	    printf "\nDisabling remote logging.\n"
-	fi
-	printf "\n"
-	printf "\nLogging will be configured as follows:"
-	printf "\n======================================"
-	printf "\n Max Logfile Size: $max_log_size"
-	if [ -n "$syslog_server_ip" ]; then
-	    printf "\n    Remote Server: $syslog_server_ip"
-	    printf "\n      Remote Port: $syslog_server_port"
-	    printf "\n Logging Protocol: $syslog_server_protocol"
-	fi
-	printf "\n"
-	printf "\n"
-	while true; do
-	    read -p "Is this correct (Y/N/A)? "
-	    r=$(echo $REPLY|tr '[[:lower:]]' '[[:upper:]]')
-	    if [ "$r" == "Y" ]; then
-		printf "\nSaving configuration.\n"
-		if [[ -n "$syslog_server_ip" ]] &&
-		    [[ -n "$syslog_server_port" ]] &&
-		    [[ -n "$syslog_server_protocol" ]]; then
-		    ovirt_rsyslog $syslog_server_ip \
-			$syslog_server_port \
-			$syslog_server_protocol
-		fi
-		sed -i -e "s/^size=.*/size=${max_log_size}k/" \
-		    /etc/logrotate.d/ovirt-logrotate.conf
-		return
-	    elif [ "$r" == "N" ]; then
-		printf "\nRestarting logging configuration.\n"
-		break
-	    elif [ "$r" == "A" ]; then
-		printf "\nAborting logging configuration.\n"
-		return
-	    fi
-	done
+        max_log_size="10"
+        syslog_server_ip=""
+        syslog_server_port=""
+        while true; do
+            printf "\n"
+            read -p "What is the max size, in kilobytes, for local log files (def. ${max_log_size}k)? "
+            if [ -n "$REPLY" ]; then
+            r=$REPLY
+            if [[ $r =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && [[ $r -gt 0 ]]; then
+                max_log_size=$r
+                printf "\nMaximum logging size will be ${max_log_size}k.\n"
+                break
+            else
+                printf "\nInvalid input.\n"
+            fi
+            else
+            printf "\nLeaving log size as ${max_log_size}k.\n"
+            break
+            fi
+        done
+        printf "\n"
+        read -p "What is the IP address for the syslog server, hit Enter to skip? "
+        if [ -n "$REPLY" ]; then
+            syslog_server_ip=$REPLY
+            while true; do
+            read -p "Please enter the remote logging port used:  "
+            r=$REPLY
+            if [ -n "$r" ]; then
+                if [[ $r =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && [[ $r -gt 0 ]]; then
+                syslog_server_port=$REPLY
+                break
+                else
+                printf "Invalid port.\n"
+                fi
+            fi
+            done
+            printf "\n"
+            while true; do
+            read -p "Remote logging uses [t]cp or [u]dp? "
+            r=$(echo $REPLY|tr '[[:lower:]]' '[[:upper:]]')
+            if [ "$r" == "T" ]; then syslog_server_protocol="tcp"; break; fi
+            if [ "$r" == "U" ]; then syslog_server_protocol="udp"; break; fi
+            # else
+            printf "Invalid input.\n"
+            done
+        else
+            printf "\nDisabling remote logging.\n"
+        fi
+        printf "\n"
+        printf "\nLogging will be configured as follows:"
+        printf "\n======================================"
+        printf "\n Max Logfile Size: $max_log_size"
+        if [ -n "$syslog_server_ip" ]; then
+            printf "\n    Remote Server: $syslog_server_ip"
+            printf "\n      Remote Port: $syslog_server_port"
+            printf "\n Logging Protocol: $syslog_server_protocol"
+        fi
+        printf "\n"
+        printf "\n"
+        while true; do
+            read -p "Is this correct (Y/N/A)? "
+            r=$(echo $REPLY|tr '[[:lower:]]' '[[:upper:]]')
+            if [ "$r" == "Y" ]; then
+            printf "\nSaving configuration.\n"
+            if [[ -n "$syslog_server_ip" ]] &&
+                [[ -n "$syslog_server_port" ]] &&
+                [[ -n "$syslog_server_protocol" ]]; then
+                ovirt_rsyslog $syslog_server_ip \
+                $syslog_server_port \
+                $syslog_server_protocol
+            fi
+            sed -i -e "s/^size=.*/size=${max_log_size}k/" \
+                /etc/logrotate.d/ovirt-logrotate.conf
+            return
+            elif [ "$r" == "N" ]; then
+            printf "\nRestarting logging configuration.\n"
+            break
+            elif [ "$r" == "A" ]; then
+            printf "\nAborting logging configuration.\n"
+            return
+            fi
+        done
 # AUTO for auto-install
 if [ "$1" = "AUTO" ]; then
     if [ -z "$OVIRT_SYSLOG_SERVER" -o -z "$OVIRT_SYSLOG_PORT" ]; then
@@ -178,6 +197,7 @@ if [ "$1" = "AUTO" ]; then
+    enable_local_logging    
 exit 0
diff --git a/scripts/ovirt-functions b/scripts/ovirt-functions
index 26dc556..ec4cf89 100644
--- a/scripts/ovirt-functions
+++ b/scripts/ovirt-functions
@@ -193,6 +193,37 @@ mount_config() {
+# mount logging partition
+mount_logging() {
+    if grep -q "/dev/mapper/HostVG-Logging " /proc/mounts; then
+        return 0
+    fi
+    if [ -e /dev/HostVG/Logging ] ; then
+        #  backup the logs
+        if [ -e /var/logs-backup ]; then
+            rm -rf /var/logs-backup
+        fi
+        cp -R /var/log /var/logs-backup
+        mount /dev/HostVG/Logging /var/log    
+        if [ -e /var/log/initialboot ]; then
+            rm -rf /var/log/initialboot
+        fi
+        mkdir /var/log/initialboot
+        cp -R /var/logs-backup/* /var/log/initialboot
+        rm -rf /var/logs-backup
+        return 0
+    else
+        # /var/log is not available
+        printf "\nThe logging partion has not been created. Please create it at the main menu.\n"
+        return 1
+    fi
 # augtool wrapper
 #   workaround for bind-mounted files
 #   see https://fedorahosted.org/augeas/ticket/32

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