[Ovirt-devel] ovirt-server patch for vm failover and actual data set to db

Василец Дмитрий pronix.service at gmail.com
Wed Jan 21 15:51:44 UTC 2009

this patch restart vm from crashed host and set to db current data about vm.
please test or criticize it.
 fencing is ipmi , when domain['state'] set 'crashed' i will reboot host

diff --git a/src/db-omatic/db_omatic.rb b/src/db-omatic/db_omatic.rb
index 4afffb1..bdab392 100755
--- a/src/db-omatic/db_omatic.rb
+++ b/src/db-omatic/db_omatic.rb
@@ -74,6 +76,65 @@ class DbOmatic < Qpid::Qmf::Console
         domain[:synced] = true

+    #find hostname from values['node'] where values['class_type'] == 'domain'
+    def get_host_id(abank,bbank) #возвращает значение не то что надо
- числовой идентификатор ноды возвращает
+     begin
+	@cached_objects.keys.each do |objkey|
+  	  if @cached_objects[objkey][:agent_bank].to_s == abank and
@cached_objects[objkey][:broker_bank].to_s == bbank and
@cached_objects[objkey][:class_type].to_s == 'node'
+		return Host.find(:first, :conditions => ['hostname =
?', at cached_objects[objkey]["hostname"].to_s]).id
+		    break
+	  end
+	end
+      rescue => ex
+	log("error in get_host_id")
+	log(ex)
+     end
+    end
+    def set_host(values,digit)
+      begin
+	vm = Vm.find(:first, :conditions => ['description = ?',values["name"].to_s])
+	if vm and digit
+	vm.host_id = digit
+	vm.save!
+	else
+		log("this vm not exist #{values["name"]}")
+	end
+      rescue => ex
+	puts "error when set_host for #{values["name"]}"
+	puts ex
+      end
+    end
+    def start_crashed_vm(vm)
+	task = VmTask.new( :user => 'db-omatic', :task_target => vm, :action
=> 'start_vm', :state => 'queued')
+	task.save!
+	log("set task for start crashed vm #{vm.id}")
+    end
+    def set_domain_stopped(domain)
+      begin
+        vm = Vm.find(:first, :conditions => ['uuid = ?', domain['uuid']])
+        if vm != nil
+	  curstate = vm.state
+          vm.state = Vm::STATE_STOPPED
+          vm.host_id = nil
+          vm.save
+	  domain['state'] = 'crashed'  # and now i will use ipmi for reboot
anavailable host - simple fencing
+	  if curstate == Vm::STATE_RUNNING
+            start_crashed_vm(vm)
+	  end
+        else
+          log('vm == nil ')
+        end
+        log("domain  #{domain['id']} already stopped")
+      rescue => ex
+        log("can\'t set domain #{domain['id']} stopped")
+	log(ex)
+      end
+    end
     def update_host_state(host_info, state)
         db_host = Host.find(:first, :conditions => [ "hostname = ?",
host_info['hostname'] ])
         if db_host

@@ -130,20 +190,36 @@ class DbOmatic < Qpid::Qmf::Console

             domain_state_change = false
+	    change_node = false
             obj.properties.each do |key, newval|
                 if values[key.to_s] != newval
                     values[key.to_s] = newval
                     #log "new value for property #{key} : #{newval}"
                     if type == "domain" and key.to_s == "state"
-                        domain_state_change = true
+			domain_state_change = true
+		    if type == "domain" and key.to_s == "node"
+			change_node = true
+		    end

             if domain_state_change
+	if change_node		
+	values.each do |key,val|
+	  if key == 'state' and val == 'running'
+		abank = values['node'].to_s.split('-')[3]
+		bbank = values['node'].to_s.split('-')[4]
+		@@host_id = get_host_id(abank,bbank)
+		set_host(values,@@host_id)
+		log("update node data for #{values['name']}")
+		break
+	  end
+	end
+	end

             if new_object
                 if type == "node"
@@ -187,11 +263,6 @@ class DbOmatic < Qpid::Qmf::Console

-    def del_agent(agent)
-        agent_disconnected(agent)
-    end
     # This method marks objects associated with the given agent as
timed out/invalid.  Called either
     # when the agent heartbeats out, or we get a del_agent callback.
     def agent_disconnected(agent)
@@ -204,11 +275,13 @@ class DbOmatic < Qpid::Qmf::Console
                 if values[:timed_out] == false
                     if values[:class_type] == 'node'
                         update_host_state(values, Host::STATE_UNAVAILABLE)
+			values[:timed_out] = true
                     elsif values[:class_type] == 'domain'
-                        update_domain_state(values, Vm::STATE_UNREACHABLE)
-                    end
+			set_domain_stopped(values)
+			values[:timed_out] = true
+		@cached_objects.delete(objkey)
+		    end
-            values[:timed_out] = true
@@ -248,6 +320,7 @@ class DbOmatic < Qpid::Qmf::Console
         db_vm = Vm.find(:all)
         db_vm.each do |vm|
             log "Marking vm #{vm.description} as stopped."
+	    vm.host_id = nil
             vm.state = Vm::STATE_STOPPED

С уважением, Дмитрий.

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