[Ovirt-devel] [PATCH: server 1/3] Removed host-browser identify node functionality and unit test.

Arjun Roy arroy at redhat.com
Fri Jul 10 16:48:17 UTC 2009

 src/host-browser/host-browser.rb            |  255 +----------------------
 src/test/unit/host_browser_identify_test.rb |  310 ---------------------------
 2 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 564 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/test/unit/host_browser_identify_test.rb

diff --git a/src/host-browser/host-browser.rb b/src/host-browser/host-browser.rb
index 13b2ac4..d77b321 100755
--- a/src/host-browser/host-browser.rb
+++ b/src/host-browser/host-browser.rb
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ $: << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../dutils")
 $: << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../")
 require 'rubygems'
-require 'libvirt'
 require 'dutils'
 require 'socket'
@@ -35,9 +34,7 @@ include Socket::Constants
 $logfile = '/var/log/ovirt-server/host-browser.log'
-# +HostBrowser+ communicates with the a managed node. It retrieves specific information
-# about the node and then updates the list of active nodes for the Server.
+# +HostBrowser+ provides kerberos related services to a managed node.
 class HostBrowser
     attr_accessor :logfile
     attr_accessor :keytab_dir
@@ -78,245 +75,6 @@ class HostBrowser
-    # Requests node information from the remote system.
-    #
-    def get_remote_info
-        puts "#{prefix(@session)} Begin remote info collection" unless defined?(TESTING)
-        result = Hash.new
-        result['HOSTNAME'] = @session.peeraddr[2]
-        result['IPADDR']   = @session.peeraddr[3]
-        result['NICINFO']  = Array.new
-        @session.write("INFO?\n")
-        loop do
-            info = @session.readline.chomp
-            puts "Received info='#{info}'"
-            break if info == "ENDINFO"
-            case info
-            when "CPU"
-                cpu = get_cpu_info
-                cpu_info = result['CPUINFO']
-                if(cpu_info == nil)
-                    cpu_info = Array.new
-                    result['CPUINFO'] = cpu_info
-                end
-                cpu_info << cpu
-            when "NIC"
-                nic = get_nic_info
-                nic_info = result['NICINFO']
-                if(nic_info == nil)
-                    nic_info = Array.new
-                    result['NICINFO'] = nic_info
-                end
-                nic_info << nic
-            else
-                raise Exception.new("ERRINFO! Expected key=value : #{info}\n") unless info =~ /[\w]+[\s]*=[\w]+/
-                key, value = info.split("=")
-                puts "#{prefix(@session)} ::Received - #{key}:#{value}" unless defined?(TESTING)
-                result[key] = value
-                @session.write("ACK #{key}\n")
-            end
-        end
-        return result
-    end
-    # Extracts CPU details from the managed node.
-    #
-    def get_cpu_info
-        puts "Begin receiving CPU details"
-        result = Hash.new
-        @session.write("CPUINFO?\n")
-        loop do
-            info = @session.readline.chomp
-            break if info == "ENDCPU"
-            raise Exception.new("ERRINFO! Excepted key=value : #{info}\n") unless info =~ /[\w]+[\s]*=[\w]/
-            key, value = info.split("=")
-            puts "#{prefix(@session)} ::Received - #{key}:#{value}" unless defined?(TESTING)
-            result[key] = value
-            @session.write("ACK #{key}\n")
-        end
-        @session.write("ACK CPU\n");
-        return result
-    end
-    # Extracts NIC details from the managed node.
-    #
-    def get_nic_info
-        puts "Begin receiving NIC details"
-        result = Hash.new
-        @session.write("NICINFO?\n")
-        loop do
-            info = @session.readline.chomp
-            break if info == "ENDNIC"
-            raise Exception.new("ERRINFO! Excepted key=value : #{info}\n") unless info =~ /[\w]+[\s]*=[\w]*/
-            key, value = info.split("=")
-            puts "#{prefix(@session)} ::Received - #{key}:#{value}" unless defined?(TESTING)
-            result[key] = value
-            @session.write("ACK #{key}\n")
-        end
-        @session.write("ACK NIC\n");
-        return result
-    end
-    # Writes the supplied host information to the database.
-    #
-    def write_host_info(host_info)
-        ensure_present(host_info,'HOSTNAME')
-        ensure_present(host_info,'ARCH')
-        ensure_present(host_info,'MEMSIZE')
-        ensure_present(host_info,'CPUINFO')
-        ensure_present(host_info,'NICINFO')
-        cpu_info = host_info['CPUINFO']
-        nic_info = host_info['NICINFO']
-        cpu_info.each do |cpu|
-            ensure_present(cpu,'CPUNUM')
-            ensure_present(cpu,'CORENUM')
-            ensure_present(cpu,'NUMCORES')
-            ensure_present(cpu,'VENDOR')
-            ensure_present(cpu,'MODEL')
-            ensure_present(cpu,'FAMILY')
-            ensure_present(cpu,'CPUIDLVL')
-            ensure_present(cpu,'SPEED')
-            ensure_present(cpu,'CACHE')
-            ensure_present(cpu,'FLAGS')
-        end
-        puts "Searching for existing host record..." unless defined?(TESTING)
-        host = Host.find(:first, :conditions => ["hostname = ?", host_info['HOSTNAME']])
-        if host == nil
-            begin
-                puts "Creating a new record for #{host_info['HOSTNAME']}..." unless defined?(TESTING)
-                host = Host.create(
-                    "uuid"            => host_info['UUID'],
-                    "hostname"        => host_info['HOSTNAME'],
-                    "hypervisor_type" => host_info['HYPERVISOR_TYPE'],
-                    "arch"            => host_info['ARCH'],
-                    "memory"          => host_info['MEMSIZE'],
-                    "is_disabled"     => 0,
-                    "hardware_pool"   => HardwarePool.get_default_pool,
-                    # Let host-status mark it available when it
-                    # successfully connects to it via libvirt.
-                    "state"           => Host::STATE_UNAVAILABLE)
-            rescue Exception => error
-                puts "Error while creating record: #{error.message}" unless defined?(TESTING)
-            end
-        else
-            host.uuid         = host_info['UUID']
-            host.hostname     = host_info['HOSTNAME']
-            host.arch         = host_info['ARCH']
-            host.memory       = host_info['MEMSIZE']
-        end
-        # delete an existing CPUs and create new ones based on the data
-        puts "Deleting any existing CPUs"
-        Cpu.delete_all(['host_id = ?', host.id])
-        puts "Saving new CPU records"
-        cpu_info.each do |cpu|
-            detail = Cpu.new(
-                "cpu_number"      => cpu['CPUNUM'].to_i,
-                "core_number"     => cpu['CORENUM]'].to_i,
-                "number_of_cores" => cpu['NUMCORES'].to_i,
-                "vendor"          => cpu['VENDOR'],
-                "model"           => cpu['MODEL'],
-                "family"          => cpu['FAMILY'],
-                "cpuid_level"     => cpu['CPUIDLVL'].to_i,
-                "speed"           => cpu['SPEED'],
-                "cache"           => cpu['CACHE'],
-                "flags"           => cpu['FLAGS'])
-            host.cpus << detail
-         end
-        # Update the NIC details for this host:
-        # -if the NIC exists, then update the IP address
-        # -if the NIC does not exist, create it
-        # -any nic not in this list is deleted
-        puts "Updating NIC records for the node"
-        nics = Array.new
-        nics_to_delete = Array.new
-        host.nics.each do |nic|
-            found = false
-            nic_info.each do |detail|
-                # if we have a match, then update the database and remove
-                # the received data to avoid creating a dupe later
-                puts "Searching for existing record for: #{detail['MAC'].upcase}"
-                if detail['MAC'].upcase == nic.mac
-                  puts "Updating details for: #{detail['IFACE_NAME']} [#{nic.mac}]}"
-                  nic.bandwidth = detail['BANDWIDTH'].to_i
-                  nic.interface_name = detail['IFACE_NAME']
-                  nic.save!
-                  found = true
-                  nic_info.delete(detail)
-                end
-            end
-            # if the record wasn't found, then remove it from the database
-            unless found
-              puts "Marking NIC for removal: #{nic.interface_name} [#{nic.mac}]"
-                nics_to_delete << nic
-            end
-        end
-        nics_to_delete.each { |nic| puts "Removing NIC: #{nic.interface_name} []#{nic.mac}]"; host.nics.delete(nic) }
-        # iterate over any nics left and create new records for them.
-        nic_info.each do |nic|
-            puts "Creating a new nic: #{nic['IFACE_NAME']} [#{nic['MAC']}]"
-            detail = Nic.new(
-                'mac'          => nic['MAC'].upcase,
-                'bandwidth'    => nic['BANDWIDTH'].to_i,
-                'interface_name'    => nic['IFACE_NAME'],
-                'usage_type'   => 1)
-            host.nics << detail
-        end
-        host.save!
-        return host
-    end
     # Creates a keytab if one is needed, returning the filename.
     def create_keytab(hostname, ipaddress, krb5_arg = nil)
@@ -359,12 +117,6 @@ class HostBrowser
-    # Private method to ensure that a required field is present.
-    #
-    def ensure_present(info,key)
-        raise Exception.new("ERROR! Missing '#{key}'...") if info[key] == nil
-    end
     # Executes an external program to support the keytab function.
     def kadmin_local(command)
@@ -379,17 +131,12 @@ def entry_point(server)
             puts "Connected to #{remote}" unless defined?(TESTING)
-            # This is needed because we just forked a new process
-            # which now needs its own connection to the database.
-            database_connect
                 browser = HostBrowser.new(session)
                 case browser.get_mode
                     when "AWAKEN": browser.create_keytab(remote,session.peeraddr[3])
-                    when "IDENTIFY": browser.write_host_info(browser.get_remote_info)
diff --git a/src/test/unit/host_browser_identify_test.rb b/src/test/unit/host_browser_identify_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 083b364..0000000
--- a/src/test/unit/host_browser_identify_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/ruby -Wall
-# Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat, Inc.
-# Written by Darryl L. Pierce <dpierce at redhat.com>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
-# MA  02110-1301, USA.  A copy of the GNU General Public License is
-# also available at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
-$: << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../../dutils")
-$: << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../../host-browser")
-require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper'
-require 'test/unit'
-require 'flexmock/test_unit'
-require 'dutils'
-require 'host-browser'
-# +HostBrowserIdentifyTest+ tests the host-browser server to ensure that it
-# works correctly during the identify mode of operation.
-class HostBrowserIdentifyTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
-  fixtures :boot_types
-  def setup
-    @connection = flexmock('connection')
-    @connection.should_receive(:peeraddr).at_least.once.returns { [nil,nil,nil,""] }
-    @browser = HostBrowser.new(@connection)
-    @browser.logfile = './unit-test.log'
-    # default host info
-    @host_info = {}
-    @host_info['UUID']     = 'node1'
-    @host_info['IPADDR']   = ''
-    @host_info['HOSTNAME'] = 'prod.corp.com'
-    @host_info['ARCH']     = 'x86_64'
-    @host_info['MEMSIZE']  = '16384'
-    @host_info['DISABLED'] = '0'
-    @host_info['NUMCPUS']  = '2'
-    @host_info['CPUINFO'] = Array.new
-    @host_info['CPUINFO'][0] = {}
-    @host_info['CPUINFO'][0]['CPUNUM']   = '0'
-    @host_info['CPUINFO'][0]['CORENUM']  = '0'
-    @host_info['CPUINFO'][0]['NUMCORES'] = '2'
-    @host_info['CPUINFO'][0]['VENDOR']   = 'GenuineIntel'
-    @host_info['CPUINFO'][0]['MODEL']    = '15'
-    @host_info['CPUINFO'][0]['FAMILY']   = '6'
-    @host_info['CPUINFO'][0]['CPUIDLVL'] = '10'
-    @host_info['CPUINFO'][0]['SPEED']    = '3'
-    @host_info['CPUINFO'][0]['CACHE']    = '4096 kb'
-    @host_info['CPUINFO'][0]['FLAGS']    = 'fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae \
-            mce cx8 apic mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx \
-            fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe nx lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs \
-            bts pni monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr lahf_lm'
-    @host_info['CPUINFO'][1] = {}
-    @host_info['CPUINFO'][1]['CPUNUM']   = '1'
-    @host_info['CPUINFO'][1]['CORENUM']  = '1'
-    @host_info['CPUINFO'][1]['NUMCORES'] = '2'
-    @host_info['CPUINFO'][1]['VENDOR']   = 'GenuineIntel'
-    @host_info['CPUINFO'][1]['MODEL']    = '15'
-    @host_info['CPUINFO'][1]['FAMILY']   = '6'
-    @host_info['CPUINFO'][1]['CPUIDLVL'] = '10'
-    @host_info['CPUINFO'][1]['SPEED']    = '3'
-    @host_info['CPUINFO'][1]['CACHE']    = '4096 kb'
-    @host_info['CPUINFO'][1]['FLAGS']    = 'fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae \
-            mce cx8 apic mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx \
-            fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe nx lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs \
-            bts pni monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr lahf_lm'
-    @host_info['NICINFO'] = Array.new
-    @host_info['NICINFO'] << {
-      'MAC'        => '00:11:22:33:44:55',
-      'BANDWIDTH'  => '100',
-      'IFACE_NAME' => 'eth0'}
-    @host_info['NICINFO'] << {
-      'MAC'        => '00:77:11:77:19:65',
-      'BANDWIDTH'  => '100',
-      'IFACE_NAME' => 'eth01'}
-  end
-  # Ensures that the server is satisfied if the remote system is
-  # making a wakeup call.
-  #
-  def test_get_mode_with_awaken_request
-    @connection.should_receive(:write).with("MODE?\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
-    @connection.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "IDENTIFY\n" }
-    result = @browser.get_mode()
-    assert_equal "IDENTIFY", result, "method did not return the right value"
-  end
-  # Ensures that, if an info field is missing a key, the server raises
-  # an exception.
-  #
-  def test_get_info_with_missing_key
-    @connection.should_receive(:write).with("INFO?\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
-    @connection.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "=value1\n" }
-    assert_raise(Exception) { @browser.get_remote_info }
-  end
-  # Ensures that, if an info field is missing a value, the server raises
-  # an exception.
-  #
-  def test_get_info_with_missing_value
-    @connection.should_receive(:write).with("INFO?\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
-    @connection.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "key1=\n" }
-    assert_raise(Exception) { @browser.get_remote_info }
-  end
-  # Ensures that, if the server gets a poorly formed ending statement, it
-  # raises an exception.
-  #
-  def test_get_info_with_invalid_end
-    @connection.should_receive(:write).with("INFO?\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
-    @connection.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "key1=value1\n" }
-    @connection.should_receive(:write).with("ACK key1\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
-    @connection.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "ENDIFNO\n" }
-    assert_raise(Exception) { @browser.get_remote_info }
-  end
-  # Ensures that a well-formed transaction works as expected.
-  #
-  def test_get_info
-    @connection.should_receive(:write).with("INFO?\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
-    @connection.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "key1=value1\n" }
-    @connection.should_receive(:write).with("ACK key1\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
-    @connection.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "key2=value2\n" }
-    @connection.should_receive(:write).with("ACK key2\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
-    @connection.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "ENDINFO\n" }
-    info = @browser.get_remote_info
-    assert_equal 5,info.keys.size, "Should contain five keys"
-    assert info.include?("IPADDR")
-    assert info.include?("HOSTNAME")
-    assert info.include?("NICINFO")
-    assert info.include?("key1")
-    assert info.include?("key2")
-  end
-  # Ensures that the server is fine when no UUID is present.
-  #
-  def test_write_host_info_with_missing_uuid
-    @host_info['UUID'] = nil
-    assert_nothing_raised { @browser.write_host_info(@host_info) }
-  end
-  # Ensures that, if the hostname is missing, the server
-  # raises an exception.
-  #
-  def test_write_host_info_with_missing_hostname
-    @host_info['HOSTNAME'] = nil
-    assert_raise(Exception) { @browser.write_host_info(@host_info) }
-  end
-  # Ensures that, if the architecture is missing, the server raises an
-  # exception.
-  #
-  def test_write_host_info_with_missing_arch
-    @host_info['ARCH'] = nil
-    assert_raise(Exception) { @browser.write_host_info(@host_info) }
-  end
-  # Ensures that, if the memory size is missing, the server raises an
-  # exception.
-  #
-  def test_write_host_info_info_with_missing_memsize
-    @host_info['MEMSIZE'] = nil
-    assert_raise(Exception) { @browser.write_host_info(@host_info) }
-  end
-  # Ensures that, if no cpu info was available, the server raises an
-  # exception.
-  #
-  def test_write_host_info_with_missing_cpuinfo
-    @host_info['CPUINFO'] = nil
-    assert_raise(Exception) { @browser.write_host_info(@host_info) }
-  end
-  # Ensures that, if no NIC info was available, the server raises an
-  # exception.
-  #
-  def test_write_host_info_with_missing_nicinfo
-    @host_info['NICINFO'] = nil
-    assert_raise(Exception) { @browser.write_host_info(@host_info) }
-  end
-  # Ensures that, if a NIC is present that was already submitted, it
-  # doesn't get re-entered.
-  #
-  def test_write_host_info_with_duplicate_nic
-    # Values taken from the nics.yml fixture
-    @host_info['NICINFO'] << {
-      'MAC'        => '00:11:22:33:44:55',
-      'BANDWIDTH'  => '100',
-      'IFACE_NAME' => 'eth0'
-    }
-    assert_nothing_raised { @browser.write_host_info(@host_info) }
-    assert_equal 3, Host.find_by_hostname('prod.corp.com').nics.size, 'Expected three NICs.'
-  end
-  # Ensures the browser can properly parse the CPU details.
-  #
-  def test_parse_cpu_info
-    @connection.should_receive(:write).with("INFO?\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
-    @connection.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "CPU\n" }
-    @connection.should_receive(:write).with("CPUINFO?\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
-    @connection.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "key1=value1\n" }
-    @connection.should_receive(:write).with("ACK key1\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
-    @connection.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "key2=value2\n" }
-    @connection.should_receive(:write).with("ACK key2\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
-    @connection.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "ENDCPU\n" }
-    @connection.should_receive(:write).with("ACK CPU\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
-    @connection.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "ENDINFO\n" }
-    info = @browser.get_remote_info
-    assert_equal 4,info.keys.size, "Should contain four keys"
-    assert info.include?("CPUINFO")
-  end
-  # Ensures the browser can properly parse the CPU details of two CPUs.
-  #
-  def test_parse_cpu_info_with_two_entries
-    @connection.should_receive(:write).with("INFO?\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
-    # CPU 0
-    @connection.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "CPU\n" }
-    @connection.should_receive(:write).with("CPUINFO?\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
-    @connection.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "key1=value1\n" }
-    @connection.should_receive(:write).with("ACK key1\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
-    @connection.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "key2=value2\n" }
-    @connection.should_receive(:write).with("ACK key2\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
-    @connection.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "ENDCPU\n" }
-    @connection.should_receive(:write).with("ACK CPU\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
-    # CPU 1
-    @connection.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "CPU\n" }
-    @connection.should_receive(:write).with("CPUINFO?\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
-    @connection.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "key3=value3\n" }
-    @connection.should_receive(:write).with("ACK key3\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
-    @connection.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "key4=value4\n" }
-    @connection.should_receive(:write).with("ACK key4\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
-    @connection.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "ENDCPU\n" }
-    @connection.should_receive(:write).with("ACK CPU\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
-    @connection.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "ENDINFO\n" }
-    info = @browser.get_remote_info
-    assert_equal 4,info.keys.size, "Should contain four keys"
-    assert info.include?('CPUINFO')
-    assert_equal 2, info['CPUINFO'].size, "Should contain details for two CPUs"
-    assert_not_nil info['CPUINFO'][0]['key1']
-    assert_not_nil info['CPUINFO'][0]['key2']
-    assert_not_nil info['CPUINFO'][1]['key3']
-    assert_not_nil info['CPUINFO'][1]['key4']
-  end
-  # Ensures the browser can properly parse the details for a NIC.
-  #
-  def test_parse_nic_info
-    @connection.should_receive(:write).with("INFO?\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
-    @connection.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "NIC\n" }
-    @connection.should_receive(:write).with("NICINFO?\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
-    @connection.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "key1=value1\n" }
-    @connection.should_receive(:write).with("ACK key1\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
-    @connection.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "key2=value2\n" }
-    @connection.should_receive(:write).with("ACK key2\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
-    @connection.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "ENDNIC\n" }
-    @connection.should_receive(:write).with("ACK NIC\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
-    @connection.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "ENDINFO\n" }
-    info = @browser.get_remote_info
-    assert_equal 3,info.keys.size, "Should contain four keys"
-    assert info.include?("NICINFO")
-  end

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