[Ovirt-devel] [PATCH: server 2/3] Added new host-register script to ovirt server.

Arjun Roy arroy at redhat.com
Fri Jul 10 19:43:29 UTC 2009

host-register is a qmf ruby console the replaces the identify node
functionality in host-browser, by interfacing with the matahari qmf
agent on the node to stat node hardware data.

host-browser still performs kerberos related duties as before.
 conf/ovirt-host-register                   |   54 ++++
 installer/modules/ovirt/manifests/ovirt.pp |    6 +
 ovirt-server.spec.in                       |    5 +
 src/host-browser/host-register.rb          |  468 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 533 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 conf/ovirt-host-register
 create mode 100755 src/host-browser/host-register.rb

diff --git a/conf/ovirt-host-register b/conf/ovirt-host-register
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f47e23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/conf/ovirt-host-register
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# ovirt-host-register       startup script for ovirt-host-register
+# chkconfig: - 97 03
+# description: ovirt-host-register is an essential component of the \
+#    ovirt VM manager, handling the bookkeeping for hw nodes managed \
+#    by the server.
+[ -r /etc/sysconfig/ovirt-rails ] && . /etc/sysconfig/ovirt-rails
+export RAILS_ENV="${RAILS_ENV:-production}"
+. /etc/init.d/functions
+start() {
+    echo -n "Starting ovirt-host-register: "
+    daemon $DAEMON
+    RETVAL=$?
+    echo
+stop() {
+    echo -n "Shutting down ovirt-host-register: "
+    killproc host-register.rb
+    RETVAL=$?
+    echo
+case "$1" in
+    start)
+	start
+	;;
+    stop)
+	stop
+	;;
+    restart)
+	stop
+	start
+	;;
+    status)
+	status $DAEMON
+	;;
+    *)
+      echo "Usage: ovirt-host-register {start|stop|restart|status}"
+      exit 1
+  ;;
+exit $RETVAL
diff --git a/installer/modules/ovirt/manifests/ovirt.pp b/installer/modules/ovirt/manifests/ovirt.pp
index 636cd6e..b018a00 100644
--- a/installer/modules/ovirt/manifests/ovirt.pp
+++ b/installer/modules/ovirt/manifests/ovirt.pp
@@ -146,6 +146,12 @@ class ovirt::setup {
                 ensure => running
+        service {"ovirt-host-register" :
+                enable => true,
+                require => [Package[ovirt-server],Single_Exec[db_migrate]],
+                ensure => running
+        }
         service {"ovirt-host-collect" :
                 enable => true,
 		require => [Package[ovirt-server],Single_Exec[db_migrate]],
diff --git a/ovirt-server.spec.in b/ovirt-server.spec.in
index a315381..1bf73c7 100644
--- a/ovirt-server.spec.in
+++ b/ovirt-server.spec.in
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ touch %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/log/%{name}/db-omatic.log
 %{__install} -p -m0644 %{pbuild}/conf/%{name}.crontab %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/cron.d/%{name}
 %{__install} -Dp -m0755 %{pbuild}/conf/ovirt-host-browser %{buildroot}%{_initrddir}
+%{__install} -Dp -m0755 %{pbuild}/conf/ovirt-host-register %{buildroot}%{_initrddir}
 %{__install} -Dp -m0755 %{pbuild}/conf/ovirt-db-omatic %{buildroot}%{_initrddir}
 %{__install} -Dp -m0755 %{pbuild}/conf/ovirt-agent %{buildroot}%{_initrddir}
 %{__install} -Dp -m0755 %{pbuild}/conf/ovirt-host-collect %{buildroot}%{_initrddir}
@@ -183,6 +184,7 @@ fi
 # on; otherwise, we respect the choices the administrator already has made.
 # check this by seeing if each daemon is already installed
 %daemon_chkconfig_post -d ovirt-host-browser
+%daemon_chkconfig_post -d ovirt-host-register
 %daemon_chkconfig_post -d ovirt-db-omatic
 %daemon_chkconfig_post -d ovirt-agent
 %daemon_chkconfig_post -d ovirt-host-collect
@@ -193,6 +195,7 @@ fi
 if [ "$1" = 0 ] ; then
   /sbin/service ovirt-host-browser stop > /dev/null 2>&1
+  /sbin/service ovirt-host-register stop > /dev/null 2>&1
   /sbin/service ovirt-db-omatic stop > /dev/null 2>&1
   /sbin/service ovirt-agent stop > /dev/null 2>&1
   /sbin/service ovirt-host-collect stop > /dev/null 2>&1
@@ -200,6 +203,7 @@ if [ "$1" = 0 ] ; then
   /sbin/service ovirt-taskomatic stop > /dev/null 2>&1
   /sbin/service ovirt-vnc-proxy stop > /dev/null 2>&1
   /sbin/chkconfig --del ovirt-host-browser
+  /sbin/chkconfig --del ovirt-host-register
   /sbin/chkconfig --del ovirt-db-omatic
   /sbin/chkconfig --del ovirt-agent
   /sbin/chkconfig --del ovirt-host-collect
@@ -215,6 +219,7 @@ fi
diff --git a/src/host-browser/host-register.rb b/src/host-browser/host-register.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3fdf204
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/host-browser/host-register.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
+$: << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../dutils")
+$: << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), ".")
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'qpid'
+require 'monitor'
+require 'dutils'
+require 'daemons'
+require 'optparse'
+require 'logger'
+include Daemonize
+# This sad and pathetic readjustment to ruby logger class is
+# required to fix the formatting because rails does the same
+# thing but overrides it to just the message.
+# See eg: http://osdir.com/ml/lang.ruby.rails.core/2007-01/msg00082.html
+class Logger
+  def format_message(severity, timestamp, progname, msg)
+    "#{severity} #{timestamp} (#{$$}) #{msg}\n"
+  end
+$logfile = '/var/log/ovirt-server/host-register.log'
+class HostRegister < Qpid::Qmf::Console
+    # Use monitor mixin for mutual exclusion around checks to heartbeats
+    # and updates to objects/heartbeats.
+    include MonitorMixin
+    def initialize()
+        super()
+        @cached_hosts = {}
+        @heartbeats = {}
+        @broker = nil
+        @debug = false
+        @do_daemon = true
+        opts = OptionParser.new do |opts|
+            opts.on('-h', '--help', 'Print help message') do
+                puts opts
+                exit
+            end
+            opts.on('-n', '--nodaemon', 'Run interactively (useful for debugging)') do |n|
+                @do_daemon = false
+            end
+            opts.on('-d', '--debug', 'Print out debug messages') do
+                @debug = true
+            end
+        end
+        begin
+            opts.parse!(ARGV)
+        rescue OptionParser::InvalidOption
+            puts opts
+            exit
+        end
+        if @do_daemon
+            # XXX: This gets around a problem with paths for the database stuff.
+            # Normally daemonize would chdir to / but the paths for the database
+            # stuff are relative so it breaks it.. It's either this or rearrange
+            # things so the db stuff is included after daemonizing.
+            pwd = Dir.pwd
+            daemonize
+            Dir.chdir(pwd)
+            @logger = Logger.new($logfile)
+        else
+            @logger = Logger.new(STDERR)
+        end
+        @logger.info 'hostregister started.'
+        begin
+            ensure_credentials
+            database_connect
+            server, port = nil
+            sleepy = 5
+            while true do
+                server, port = get_srv('qpidd', 'tcp')
+                break if server
+                @logger.error "Unable to determine qpid server from DNS SRV record, retrying.." if not server
+                sleep(sleepy)
+                sleepy *= 2 if sleepy < 120
+            end
+            @logger.info "Connecting to amqp://#{server}:#{port}"
+            @session = Qpid::Qmf::Session.new(:console => self, :manage_connections => true)
+            @broker = @session.add_broker("amqp://#{server}:#{port}", :mechanism => 'GSSAPI')
+         rescue Exception => ex
+            @logger.error "Error in hostregister: #{ex}"
+            @logger.error ex.backtrace
+        end
+    end
+    def debugputs(msg)
+        puts msg if @debug == true and @do_daemon == false
+    end
+    def ensure_credentials()
+        get_credentials('qpidd')
+        Thread.new do
+            while true do
+                sleep(3600)
+                get_credentials('qpidd')
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    def broker_connected(broker)
+        @logger.info 'Connected to broker.'
+    end
+    def broker_disconnected(broker)
+        @logger.error 'Broker disconnected.'
+    end
+    def agent_disconnected(agent)
+        synchronize do
+            debugputs "Marking objects for agent #{agent.broker.broker_bank}.#{agent.agent_bank} inactive"
+            @cached_hosts.keys.each do |objkey|
+                if @cached_hosts[objkey][:broker_bank] == agent.broker.broker_bank and
+                   @cached_hosts[objkey][:agent_bank] == agent.agent_bank
+                    cached_host = @cached_hosts[objkey]
+                    cached_host[:active] = false
+                    @logger.info "Host #{cached_host['hostname']} marked inactive"
+                end
+            end # @objects.keys.each
+        end # synchronize do
+    end
+    def agent_connected(agent)
+        synchronize do
+            debugputs "Marking objects for agent #{agent.broker.broker_bank}.#{agent.agent_bank} active"
+            @cached_hosts.keys.each do |objkey|
+                if @cached_hosts[objkey][:broker_bank] == agent.broker.broker_bank and
+                   @cached_hosts[objkey][:agent_bank] == agent.agent_bank
+                    cached_host = @cached_hosts[objkey]
+                    cached_host[:active] = true
+                    @logger.info "Host #{cached_host['hostname']} marked active"
+                end
+            end # @objects.keys.each
+        end # synchronize do
+    end
+    def update_cpus(host_qmf, host_db, cpu_info)
+        @logger.info "Updating CPU info for host #{host_qmf.hostname}"
+        debugputs "Broker reports #{cpu_info.length} cpus for host #{host_qmf.hostname}"
+        # delete an existing CPUs and create new ones based on the data
+        @logger.info "Deleting any existing CPUs for host #{host_qmf.hostname}"
+        Cpu.delete_all(['host_id = ?', host_db.id])
+        @logger.info "Saving new CPU records for host #{host_qmf.hostname}"
+        cpu_info.each do |cpu|
+            flags = (cpu.flags.length > 255) ? "#{cpu.flags[0..251]}..." : cpu.flags
+            detail = Cpu.new(
+                         'cpu_number'      => cpu.cpunum,
+                         'core_number'     => cpu.corenum,
+                         'number_of_cores' => cpu.numcores,
+                         'vendor'          => cpu.vendor,
+                         'model'           => cpu.model.to_s,
+                         'family'          => cpu.family.to_s,
+                         'cpuid_level'     => cpu.cpuid_lvl,
+                         'speed'           => cpu.speed.to_s,
+                         'cache'           => cpu.cache.to_s,
+                         'flags'           => flags)
+            host_db.cpus << detail
+            debugputs "Added new CPU for #{host_qmf.hostname}: "
+            debugputs "CPU #       : #{cpu.cpunum}"
+            debugputs "Core #      : #{cpu.corenum}"
+            debugputs "Total Cores : #{cpu.numcores}"
+            debugputs "Vendor      : #{cpu.vendor}"
+            debugputs "Model       : #{cpu.model}"
+            debugputs "Family      : #{cpu.family}"
+            debugputs "Cpuid_lvl   : #{cpu.cpuid_lvl}"
+            debugputs "Speed       : #{cpu.speed}"
+            debugputs "Cache       : #{cpu.cache}"
+            debugputs "Flags       : #{flags}"
+        end
+        @logger.info "Saved #{cpu_info.length} cpus for #{host_qmf.hostname}"
+    end
+    def update_nics(host_qmf, host_db, nic_info)
+        # Update the NIC details for this host:
+        # -if the NIC exists, then update the IP address
+        # -if the NIC does not exist, create it
+        # -any nic not in this list is deleted
+        @logger.info "Updating NIC records for host #{host_qmf.hostname}"
+        debugputs "Broker reports #{nic_info.length} NICs for host"
+        nics = Array.new
+        nics_to_delete = Array.new
+        host_db.nics.each do |nic|
+            found = false
+            nic_info.each do |detail|
+                # if we have a match, then update the database and remove
+                # the received data to avoid creating a dupe later
+                @logger.info "Searching for existing record for: #{detail.macaddr.upcase} in host #{host_qmf.hostname}"
+                if detail.macaddr.upcase == nic.mac
+                    @logger.info "Updating details for: #{detail.interface} [#{nic.mac}]}"
+                    nic.bandwidth = detail.bandwidth
+                    nic.interface_name = detail.interface
+                    nic.save!
+                    found = true
+                    nic_info.delete(detail)
+                end
+            end
+            # if the record wasn't found, then remove it from the database
+            unless found
+                @logger.info "Marking NIC for removal: #{nic.interface_name} [#{nic.mac}]"
+                nics_to_delete << nic
+            end
+        end
+        debugputs "Deleting #{nics_to_delete.length} NICs that are no longer part of host #{host_qmf.hostname}"
+        nics_to_delete.each do |nic| 
+            @logger.info "Removing NIC: #{nic.interface_name} [#{nic.mac}]"
+            host_db.nics.delete(nic)
+        end
+        # iterate over any nics left and create new records for them.
+        debugputs "Adding new records for #{nic_info.length} NICs to host #{host_qmf.hostname}"
+        nic_info.each do |nic|
+            detail = Nic.new(
+            'mac'            => nic.macaddr.upcase,
+            'bandwidth'      => nic.bandwidth,
+            'interface_name' => nic.interface,
+            'usage_type'     => 1)
+            host_db.nics << detail
+            @logger.info "Added NIC #{nic.interface} with MAC #{nic.macaddr} to host #{host_qmf.hostname}"
+        end
+    end
+    def object_props(broker, obj)
+        target = obj.schema.klass_key.package
+        type = obj.schema.klass_key.klass_name
+        return if target != 'com.redhat.matahari' or type != 'host'
+        # Fix a race where the properties of an object are published by a reconnecting
+        # host (thus marking it active) right before the heartbeat timer considers it dead
+        # (and marks it inactive)
+        @heartbeats.delete("#{obj.object_id.agent_bank}.#{obj.object_id.broker_bank}")
+        already_cache = false
+        already_in_db = false
+	# Grab the cpus and nics associated before we take any locks
+	cpu_info = @session.objects(:class => 'cpu', 'host' => obj.object_id)
+	nic_info = @session.objects(:class => 'nic', 'host' => obj.object_id)
+        synchronize do
+            cached_host = @cached_hosts[obj.object_id.to_s]
+            host = Host.find(:first, :conditions => ['hostname = ?', obj.hostname])
+            already_cache = true if cached_host != nil
+            already_in_db = true if host != nil
+            @logger.info "Node #{obj.hostname} with UUID #{obj.uuid} detected, already exists in db? is #{already_in_db}"
+            # Four cases apply here:
+            # 1. Not in db, but is cached:
+            #    Impossible, since we don't cache unless we could add to db.
+            #    Throw an exception here.
+            #
+            # 2. Not in db or cache:
+            #    Seeing host for the first time. Put in db and cache.
+            #
+            # 3. In db, not in cache:
+            #    Have not seen host since last invocation of daemon. Update
+            #    db entry, and add to cache.
+            #
+            # 4. In db, in cache:
+            #    Property updated; update in db and cache.
+            # Case 1:
+            if already_cache and not already_in_db
+                error = "Error: Found host in cache that is not present in db!"
+                @logger.error error
+                throw error
+            end
+            # All other cases collapse to add-or-update db and cache
+            # Add to db if necessary
+            if not already_in_db
+                debugputs "Didn't find host #{obj.hostname} in db!"
+                begin
+                    @logger.info "Creating a new record for #{obj.hostname}..."
+                    host = Host.create(
+                               'uuid'            => obj.uuid,
+                               'hostname'        => obj.hostname,
+                               'hypervisor_type' => obj.hypervisor,
+                               'arch'            => obj.arch,
+                               'memory'          => obj.memory,
+                               'is_disabled'     => 0,
+                               'hardware_pool'   => HardwarePool.get_default_pool,
+                              # Let host-status mark it available when it
+                              # successfully connects to it via libvirt.
+                               'state'           => Host::STATE_UNAVAILABLE)
+                    debugputs 'Added new host:'
+                    debugputs "uuid: #{obj.uuid}"
+                    debugputs "hostname: #{obj.hostname}"
+                    debugputs "hypervisor: #{obj.hypervisor}"
+                    debugputs "arch: #{obj.arch}"
+                    debugputs "memory: #{obj.memory}"
+                rescue Exception => error
+                    @logger.error "Error while creating record: #{error.message}"
+                   # We haven't added the host to the db, and it isn't cached, so we just
+                   # return without having done anything. To retry, the host will have to
+                   # restart its agent.
+                    return
+                end
+            else
+                @logger.info "Updating record for #{obj.hostname}..."
+                host.uuid            = obj.uuid
+                host.hostname        = obj.hostname
+                host.hypervisor_type = obj.hypervisor
+                host.arch            = obj.arch
+                host.memory          = obj.memory
+                debugputs 'Updated host #{obj.hostname} with new details:'
+                debugputs "uuid: #{obj.uuid}"
+                debugputs "hypervisor: #{obj.hypervisor}"
+                debugputs "arch: #{obj.arch}"
+                debugputs "memory: #{obj.memory}"
+            end # not already_in_db
+            update_cpus(obj, host, cpu_info)
+            update_nics(obj, host, nic_info)
+            host.save!
+            debugputs "Finished flushing host #{obj.hostname} to db"
+            # Add to cache if necessary
+            if not already_cache
+                debugputs "Did not find host #{obj.hostname} in cache!"
+                # Check if there is a stale entry for host that we can refresh.
+                # We iterate over each host in the cache. If we find an entry
+                # that matches hostname, we rekey it in hash.
+                @cached_hosts.each do |objkey, h|
+                    if h['hostname'] == obj.hostname
+                        debugputs "Found stale entry for #{obj.hostname} with key #{objkey}"
+                        debugputs "Refreshing with key #{obj.object_id.to_s}"
+                        @cached_hosts.delete(objkey)
+                        @cached_hosts[obj.object_id.to_s] = h
+                        cached_host = h
+                        break
+                    end
+                end # @cached_hosts.each
+                if cached_host == nil
+                    debugputs "Creating new entry for #{obj.hostname} with key #{obj.object_id.to_s}"
+                    cached_host = {}
+                    @cached_hosts[obj.object_id.to_s] = cached_host
+                end
+                # By now, we either rekeyed a stale entry or started a new one.
+                # Update the bookkeeping parts of the data.
+                cached_host[:obj_key] = obj.object_id.to_s
+                cached_host[:broker_bank] = obj.object_id.broker_bank
+                cached_host[:agent_bank] = obj.object_id.agent_bank
+            end # not already_cache
+            # For now, only cache identity information (leave CPU/NIC/etc. to db only)
+            cached_host[:active] = true
+            cached_host['hostname'] = obj.hostname
+            cached_host['uuid'] = obj.uuid
+            cached_host['hypervisor'] = obj.hypervisor
+            cached_host['arch'] = obj.arch
+        end # synchronize do
+    end # def object_props
+    def heartbeat(agent, timestamp)
+        return if agent == nil
+        synchronize do
+            bank_key = "#{agent.agent_bank}.#{agent.broker.broker_bank}"
+            @heartbeats[bank_key] = [agent, timestamp]
+        end
+    end
+    def new_agent(agent)
+        key = "#{agent.agent_bank}.#{agent.broker.broker_bank}"
+        debugputs "Agent #{key} connected!"
+        agent_connected(agent)
+    end
+    def del_agent(agent)
+        key = "#{agent.agent_bank}.#{agent.broker.broker_bank}"
+        debugputs "Agent #{key} disconnected!"
+        @heartbeats.delete(key)
+        agent_disconnected(agent)
+    end
+    def check_heartbeats()
+        begin
+            while true
+                sleep(5)
+                synchronize do
+                    # Get seconds from the epoch
+                    t = Time.new.to_i
+                    @heartbeats.keys.each do | key |
+                        agent, timestamp = @heartbeats[key]
+                        # Heartbeats from qpid are in microseconds, we just need seconds..
+                        s = timestamp / 1000000000
+                        delta = t - s
+                        if delta > 30
+                            # No heartbeat for 30 seconds.. deal with dead/disconnected agent.
+                            debugputs "Agent #{key} timed out!"
+                            @heartbeats.delete(key)
+                            agent_disconnected(agent)
+                        end
+                    end
+                    # Print out current objects
+                    debugputs '===== Current Objects ====='
+                    @cached_hosts.keys.each do |objkey|
+                        cached_host = @cached_hosts[objkey]
+                        cached_host.each do |key, val|
+                            debugputs "\t#{key} : #{val}\n"
+                        end
+                    end
+                    debugputs '=====       Done      ====='
+                end # synchronize do
+            end # while true
+        rescue Exception => ex
+            @logger.error "Error in hostregister: #{ex}"
+            @logger.error ex.backtrace
+        end # end begin-rescue
+    end # def check_heartbeats
+end # Class HostRegister
+def main()
+    hostreg = HostRegister.new()
+    hostreg.check_heartbeats()

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