[Ovirt-devel] [PATCH server] Starting of new ovirt QMF API.

Ian Main imain at redhat.com
Fri May 15 21:03:51 UTC 2009

This is the new ovirt agent that implements the QMF API.  This is just
its humble beginnings.  The goal was to implement the create VM method on
VMs but it turns out we need to specify the VM pool in order to do that.
This is currently hardcoded to '5' and works locally but would likely not
work elsewhere.  What does work well is listing/querying of existing VMs.

There is still lots of work to do here, this is just so that we have a
common place to work on going forward.  One of the first things to do
is to split out the Ovirt and VmDef classes into seperate files and
implement VM pools.

Signed-off-by: Ian Main <imain at redhat.com>
 src/ovirt-agent/ovirt-agent.rb |  314 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/ovirt-agent/ovirt-test.rb  |   40 +++++
 2 files changed, 354 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 src/ovirt-agent/ovirt-agent.rb
 create mode 100755 src/ovirt-agent/ovirt-test.rb

diff --git a/src/ovirt-agent/ovirt-agent.rb b/src/ovirt-agent/ovirt-agent.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..11f5ed7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ovirt-agent/ovirt-agent.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+$: << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../dutils")
+require "rubygems"
+require 'monitor'
+require 'dutils'
+require 'daemons'
+require 'logger'
+require 'qmf'
+require 'socket'
+include Daemonize
+class VmQmfController
+  include VmService
+  attr_accessor :vm
+  def get_login_user
+    return "ovirtadmin"
+  end
+class Ovirt
+  TABLE_ID = 1
+  def initialize(agent, logger)
+    @agent = agent
+    @logger = logger
+    @ovirt_class = Qmf::SchemaObjectClass.new("org.ovirt.ovirt", "Ovirt")
+    @ovirt_class.add_property(Qmf::SchemaProperty.new("version", Qmf::TYPE_SSTR, :access => Qmf::ACCESS_READ_CREATE, :desc => "Ovirt version string"))
+    method = Qmf::SchemaMethod.new("create_vm_def", :desc => "Define a new virtual machine definition.")
+    method.add_argument(Qmf::SchemaArgument.new("description", Qmf::TYPE_LSTR, :desc => "Description of new VM definition"))
+    method.add_argument(Qmf::SchemaArgument.new("num_vcpus_allocated", Qmf::TYPE_UINT32, :desc => "Number of virtual CPUs to allocate."))
+    method.add_argument(Qmf::SchemaArgument.new("memory_allocated", Qmf::TYPE_UINT64, :desc => "Amount of memory to allocate.", :units => "KB"))
+    method.add_argument(Qmf::SchemaArgument.new("uuid", Qmf::TYPE_SSTR, :desc => "UUID of VM, will be assigned if left empty."))
+    method.add_argument(Qmf::SchemaArgument.new("vnic_mac_addr", Qmf::TYPE_SSTR, :desc => "MAC address of virtual NIC, will be assigned if left empty."))
+    method.add_argument(Qmf::SchemaArgument.new("vm", Qmf::TYPE_REF, :desc => "Newly created domain object id.", :dir => Qmf::DIR_OUT))
+    @ovirt_class.add_method(method)
+    @agent.register_class(@ovirt_class)
+  end
+  def start
+    @ovirt = Qmf::QmfObject.new(@ovirt_class)
+    @ovirt.set_attr("version", "")
+    obj_id = @agent.alloc_object_id(1, Ovirt::TABLE_ID)
+    @ovirt.set_object_id(obj_id)
+  end
+  def implement_id_query(context, id)
+    if id == 1
+      # This class is a singleton so it's easy.. :)
+      @agent.query_response(context, @ovirt)
+    end
+  end
+  def implement_class_query(context)
+    puts "query for 'Ovirt' object"
+    @agent.query_response(context, @ovirt)
+  end
+  def implement_method_call(context, name, object_num_low, args)
+    case name
+    when 'create_vm_def'
+      # args is a Qmf::Arguments and is not a real hash even though it implements [], each etc.
+      vm_hash = {}
+      args.each do |key, value|
+        puts "key is #{key}, value is #{args[key]}"
+        vm_hash[key] = value
+      end
+      vm_hash.delete('vm')
+      vm_hash.delete('uuid') if args['uuid'] == ''
+      vm_hash.delete('vnic_mac_addr') if args['vnic_mac_addr'] == ''
+      # FIXME: DOH!  Need to implement pools..
+      vm_hash['vm_resource_pool_id'] = 5
+      # FIXME: This needs to come from the service layer too..
+      vm_hash['boot_device'] = '/dev/sda1'
+      # FIXME: Scott has made a patch to have these created in the service layer if
+      # they are not provided.  Saves duplicating code here.
+      vm_hash['uuid'] = '23a4255f-1f0f-c5d2-5f8e-388537fde0b1' if args['uuid'] == ''
+      vm_hash['vnic_mac_addr'] = 'AB:CD:EF:00:00:00' if args['vnic_mac_addr'] == ''
+      vmsvc = VmQmfController.new
+      vmsvc.svc_create(vm_hash, false)
+      # Set our DIR_OUT argument to the object id of our new vm.
+      args['vm'] = @agent.alloc_object_id(vmsvc.vm.id, VmDef::TABLE_ID)
+      @agent.method_response(context, 0, "OK", args)
+    end
+  end
+class VmDef
+  TABLE_ID = 2
+  def initialize(agent, logger)
+    @agent = agent
+    @logger = logger
+    @vmdef_class = Qmf::SchemaObjectClass.new("org.ovirt.ovirt", "VmDef")
+    @vmdef_class.add_property(Qmf::SchemaProperty.new("description", Qmf::TYPE_LSTR, :desc => "VM description/name."))
+    @vmdef_class.add_property(Qmf::SchemaProperty.new("num_vcpus_allocated", Qmf::TYPE_UINT32, :desc => "Number of virtual CPUs to allocate to VM."))
+    @vmdef_class.add_property(Qmf::SchemaProperty.new("memory_allocated", Qmf::TYPE_UINT64, :units => 'KB', :desc => "Amount of memory to allocate to VM."))
+    @vmdef_class.add_property(Qmf::SchemaProperty.new("mac", Qmf::TYPE_SSTR, :access => Qmf::ACCESS_READ_CREATE, :desc => "VM virtual network card MAC address."))
+    @vmdef_class.add_property(Qmf::SchemaProperty.new("uuid", Qmf::TYPE_SSTR, :access => Qmf::ACCESS_READ_CREATE, :desc => "VM description/name."))
+    @vmdef_class.add_property(Qmf::SchemaProperty.new("provisioning", Qmf::TYPE_LSTR, :access => Qmf::ACCESS_READ_WRITE, :desc => "VM description/name."))
+    @vmdef_class.add_property(Qmf::SchemaProperty.new("needs_restart", Qmf::TYPE_BOOL, :access => Qmf::ACCESS_READ_ONLY, :desc => "VM description/name."))
+    @vmdef_class.add_property(Qmf::SchemaProperty.new("state", Qmf::TYPE_SSTR, :access => Qmf::ACCESS_READ_ONLY, :desc => "Current state of VM instance."))
+    @agent.register_class(@vmdef_class)
+  end
+  def ar_to_object(ar_vm)
+    vmdef = Qmf::QmfObject.new(@vmdef_class)
+    vmdef.set_attr("description", ar_vm.description)
+    vmdef.set_attr("num_vcpus_allocated", ar_vm.num_vcpus_allocated)
+    vmdef.set_attr("memory_allocated", ar_vm.memory_allocated)
+    vmdef.set_attr("uuid", ar_vm.uuid)
+    vmdef.set_attr("mac", ar_vm.vnic_mac_addr)
+    vmdef.set_attr("provisioning", ar_vm.provisioning)
+    vmdef.set_attr("needs_restart", ar_vm.needs_restart)
+    vmdef.set_attr("state", ar_vm.state)
+    # Set the 'low' part of the local object ID to the VM row id, and the
+    # 'high' part of the local object id to the table ID.  Table ID here
+    # must then be unique for every class/table.
+    vmdef.set_object_id(@agent.alloc_object_id(ar_vm.id, VmDef::TABLE_ID))
+    return vmdef
+  end
+  def implement_id_query(context, id)
+    vmsvc = VmQmfController.new
+    vmsvc.svc_show(id)
+    vmdef = ar_to_object(vmsvc.vm)
+    @agent.query_response(context, vmdef) if vmdef
+  end
+  def implement_class_query(context)
+    vmsvc = VmQmfController.new
+    puts "query for VmDef class!"
+    # Return all VmDef objects.
+    ar_vms = Vm.find(:all)
+    ar_vms.each do |ar_vm|
+      begin
+        vmsvc.svc_show(ar_vm.id)
+        vmdef = ar_to_object(vmsvc.vm)
+        @agent.query_response(context, vmdef)
+      rescue Exception => ex
+        @logger.info "Couldn't get svc_show to show vm record: #{ex}"
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  def implement_method_call(context, method)
+  end
+class OvirtAgent < Qmf::AgentHandler
+  def initialize
+    ensure_credentials
+    @logger = Logger.new(STDERR)
+    server, port = nil
+    sleepy = 5
+    while true do
+      server, port = get_srv('qpidd', 'tcp')
+      break if server
+      @logger.error "Unable to determine qpid server from DNS SRV record, retrying.." if not server
+      sleep(sleepy)
+      sleepy *= 2 if sleepy < 120
+    end
+    @settings = Qmf::ConnectionSettings.new
+    #@settings.server = server
+    #@settings.port = port
+    #@settings.mechanism = 'GSSAPI'
+    @settings.host = 'mc.mains.net'
+    @connection = Qmf::Connection.new(@settings)
+    @agent = Qmf::Agent.new(self)
+    @ovirt_model = Ovirt.new(@agent, @logger)
+    @vmdef_model = VmDef.new(@agent, @logger)
+    # Create a hash which maps "table ID"s to specific models.  This
+    # number is then encoded into the local part of the object ID so
+    # we always know what object type and database row the object id
+    # refers to.
+    @table_id_map = { Ovirt::TABLE_ID => @ovirt_model,
+                      VmDef::TABLE_ID => @vmdef_model
+                    }
+  end
+  # This method is called when a console does a search for a specific
+  # object.  It should use query_response() to return the matching objects
+  # and then query_complete() when done.
+  def get_query(context, query)
+    begin
+      puts "Query: context=#{context} class=#{query.class_name} object_id=#{query.object_id}"
+      if query.object_id != nil
+        object_num_low = query.object_id.object_num_low
+        object_num_high = query.object_id.object_num_high
+        puts "Query: object_num=#{object_num_low},#{object_num_high}"
+        # We use object_num_high (32 bit int) to denote the table or class type,
+        # and object_num_low (32 bits also) to denote the row ID in the database.
+        begin
+          cls = @table_id_map[object_num_high]
+          cls.implement_id_query(context, object_num_low)
+          @agent.query_complete(context)
+          return
+        rescue Exception => ex
+          @logger.info "Couldn't map ID to object: #{ex}"
+          @logger.info ex.backtrace
+        end
+        @agent.query_complete(context)
+        return
+      end
+      @table_id_map.each do |id, cls|
+        begin
+          puts "checking against class #{cls.class.to_s}"
+          if query.class_name == cls.class.to_s
+            cls.implement_class_query(context)
+            puts "query complete..."
+            @agent.query_complete(context)
+            puts "yes"
+            return
+          end
+        rescue Exception => ex
+          @logger.error "Error performing class name query ovirt-agent: #{ex}"
+          @logger.error ex.backtrace
+        end
+      end
+    rescue Exception => ex
+      @logger.error "Error in ovirt-agent: #{ex}"
+      @logger.error ex.backtrace
+    end
+    puts "empty return!"
+    @agent.query_complete(context)
+  end
+  # This is called when an incoming method is requested of an object.
+  def method_call(context, name, object_id, args)
+    begin
+      object_num_low = object_id.object_num_low
+      object_num_high = object_id.object_num_high
+      puts "Method: context=#{context} method=#{name} object_num=#{object_num_low},#{object_num_high} args=#{args}"
+      cls = @table_id_map[object_num_high]
+      cls.implement_method_call(context, name, object_num_low, args)
+    rescue Exception => ex
+      @logger.info "Error implementing method in ovirt-agent: #{ex}"
+      @logger.info ex.backtrace
+      @agent.method_response(context, 1, "ERROR: #{ex}", args)
+    end
+  end
+  def ensure_credentials()
+    get_credentials('qpidd')
+    Thread.new do
+      while true do
+        sleep(3600)
+        get_credentials('qpidd')
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  def mainloop
+    Thread.abort_on_exception = true
+    @agent.set_connection(@connection)
+    @ovirt_model.start
+    sleep
+  end
+ovirt_agent = OvirtAgent.new
diff --git a/src/ovirt-agent/ovirt-test.rb b/src/ovirt-agent/ovirt-test.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d97416b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ovirt-agent/ovirt-test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+$: << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "./dutils")
+require "rubygems"
+require "qpid"
+srv = "amqp://mc.mains.net"
+puts "Connecting to #{srv}.."
+s = Qpid::Qmf::Session.new()
+b = s.add_broker(srv)
+while true:
+    ovirt = s.object(:class => "Ovirt")
+    puts "id is #{ovirt.object_id}"
+    raise "ACK! NO ovirt class!" unless ovirt
+    puts "ovirt.version is #{ovirt.version}"
+    ovirt_by_id = s.object(:object_id => ovirt.object_id)
+    puts "ovirt_by_id.version is #{ovirt_by_id.version}"
+    vms = s.objects(:class => "VmDef")
+    vms.each do |vm|
+      puts "VmDef: #{vm.description}"
+      for (key, val) in vm.properties
+        puts "  property: #{key}, #{val}"
+      end
+      vm2 = s.object(:object_id => vm.object_id)
+      puts "vm2 is #{vm2}"
+    end
+    result = ovirt.create_vm_def('new_vm', 1, 512 * 1024, '', '')
+    puts "result.status is #{result.status}"
+    puts "result.text is #{result.text}"
+    puts "result.vm is #{result.vm}" if result.status == 0
+    puts '----------------------------'
+    sleep(5)

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