[Ovirt-devel] [PATCH node] validify ipv4/ipv6 static/dhcp choice else loop

Joey Boggs jboggs at redhat.com
Fri Oct 9 17:51:20 UTC 2009

If you select an option that's not listed during ipv4/ipv6 setup it will accept it without verification. This corrects that behavior and forces a valid option to be picked.
 scripts/ovirt-config-networking |  106 +++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 files changed, 58 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scripts/ovirt-config-networking b/scripts/ovirt-config-networking
index 7d4e363..45f7129 100755
--- a/scripts/ovirt-config-networking
+++ b/scripts/ovirt-config-networking
@@ -160,56 +160,66 @@ function configure_interface
-            read -ep "Enable IPv4 support ([S]tatic IP, [D]HCP, [N]o or [A]bort)? "
-            case $REPLY in
-                D|d)
-                    BR_CONFIG="$BR_CONFIG\nset $BR_ROOT/BOOTPROTO dhcp"
-                    ;;
-                S|s)
-                    printf "\n"
-                    read -ep "IP Address: "; IPADDR=$REPLY
-                    read -ep "   Netmask: "; NETMASK=$REPLY
-                    read -ep "   Gateway: "; GATEWAY=$REPLY
-                    BR_CONFIG="$BR_CONFIG\nset $BR_ROOT/BOOTPROTO none"
-                    BR_CONFIG="$BR_CONFIG\nset $BR_ROOT/IPADDR $IPADDR"
-                    BR_CONFIG="$BR_CONFIG\nset $BR_ROOT/NETMASK $NETMASK"
-                    if [ -n "${GATEWAY}" ]; then
-                        BR_CONFIG="$BR_CONFIG\nset $BR_ROOT/GATEWAY $GATEWAY"
-                    fi
-                    ;;
-                A|a)
-                    CONFIGURED_NIC=""
-                    VLAN_ID=""
-                    return
-                    ;;
-            esac
+            while true; do
+                read -ep "Enable IPv4 support ([S]tatic IP, [D]HCP, [N]o or [A]bort)? "
+                case $REPLY in
+                    D|d)
+                        BR_CONFIG="$BR_CONFIG\nset $BR_ROOT/BOOTPROTO dhcp"
+                        break
+                        ;;
+                    S|s)
+                        printf "\n"
+                        read -ep "IP Address: "; IPADDR=$REPLY
+                        read -ep "   Netmask: "; NETMASK=$REPLY
+                        read -ep "   Gateway: "; GATEWAY=$REPLY
+                        BR_CONFIG="$BR_CONFIG\nset $BR_ROOT/BOOTPROTO none"
+                        BR_CONFIG="$BR_CONFIG\nset $BR_ROOT/IPADDR $IPADDR"
+                        BR_CONFIG="$BR_CONFIG\nset $BR_ROOT/NETMASK $NETMASK"
+                        if [ -n "${GATEWAY}" ]; then
+                            BR_CONFIG="$BR_CONFIG\nset $BR_ROOT/GATEWAY $GATEWAY"
+                        fi
+                        break
+                        ;;
+                    A|a)
+                        CONFIGURED_NIC=""
+                        VLAN_ID=""
+                        return
+                        ;;
+                esac
+            done
             printf "\n"
-            read -ep "Enable IPv6 support ([S]tatic, [D]HCPv6, A[u]to, [N]o or [A]bort)? "
-            case $REPLY in
-                S|s)
-                    read -ep "IPv6 Address: "; IPADDR=$REPLY
-                    BR_CONFIG="$BR_CONFIG\nset $BR_ROOT/IPV6INIT yes"
-                    BR_CONFIG="$BR_CONFIG\nset $BR_ROOT/IP6ADDR $IPADDR"
-                    ;;
-                D|d)
-                    BR_CONFIG="$BR_CONFIG\nset $BR_ROOT/IPV6INIT yes"
-                    BR_CONFIG="$BR_CONFIG\nset $BR_ROOT/IPV6AUTCONF no"
-                    BR_CONFIG="$BR_CONFIG\nset $BR_ROOT/IPV6FORWARDING no"
-                    BR_CONFIG="$BR_CONFIG\nset $BR_ROOT/DHCPV6C yes"
-                    ;;
-                U|u)
-                    BR_CONFIG="$BR_CONFIG\nset $BR_ROOT/IPV6INIT yes"
-                    BR_CONFIG="$BR_CONFIG\nset $BR_ROOT/IPV6FORWARDING no"
-                    BR_CONFIG="$BR_CONFIG\nset $BR_ROOT/IPV6AUTOCONF yes"
-                    ;;
-                A|a)
-                    CONFIGURED_NIC=""
-                    VLAN_ID=""
-                    return
-                    ;;
-            esac
+            while true; do
+                read -ep "Enable IPv6 support ([S]tatic, [D]HCPv6, A[u]to, [N]o or [A]bort)? "
+                case $REPLY in
+                    S|s)
+                        read -ep "IPv6 Address: "; IPADDR=$REPLY
+                        BR_CONFIG="$BR_CONFIG\nset $BR_ROOT/IPV6INIT yes"
+                        BR_CONFIG="$BR_CONFIG\nset $BR_ROOT/IP6ADDR $IPADDR"
+                        break
+                        ;;
+                    D|d)
+                        BR_CONFIG="$BR_CONFIG\nset $BR_ROOT/IPV6INIT yes"
+                        BR_CONFIG="$BR_CONFIG\nset $BR_ROOT/IPV6AUTCONF no"
+                        BR_CONFIG="$BR_CONFIG\nset $BR_ROOT/IPV6FORWARDING no"
+                        BR_CONFIG="$BR_CONFIG\nset $BR_ROOT/DHCPV6C yes"
+                        break
+                        ;;
+                    U|u)
+                        BR_CONFIG="$BR_CONFIG\nset $BR_ROOT/IPV6INIT yes"
+                        BR_CONFIG="$BR_CONFIG\nset $BR_ROOT/IPV6FORWARDING no"
+                        BR_CONFIG="$BR_CONFIG\nset $BR_ROOT/IPV6AUTOCONF yes"
+                        break
+                        ;;
+                    A|a)
+                        CONFIGURED_NIC=""
+                        VLAN_ID=""
+                        return
+                        ;;
+                esac
+            done
             printf "\n"
             ask_yes_or_no "Is this correct ([Y]es/[N]o/[A]bort)?" true true

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