[Ovirt-devel] Build fails due to missing ovirt-node-recipe.ks

Justin Clacherty justin at redfish-group.com
Tue Aug 3 02:29:15 UTC 2010

> I built and installed everything from next repo in fedora 13 minimal
> following the build instructions in the website.

Cool, now that at least one person has managed it I'll give it another go.

> - the instructions to build the server rpm are missing from the
> website

Did you just do what I had outlined in my last email?  ie.

- cd to server directory
- ./autogen.sh
- ./configure
- make publish

> - I had to make the pxe images manually and add them to cobbler

Can you outline how you did this?

If we can document exactly how we get it working under F13 then perhaps someone can update the build instructions on the website appropriately.


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