[Ovirt-devel] Proposals for making configure_from_network function works in f13

Arthur CLEMENT aclement at linagora.com
Mon Feb 8 14:35:23 UTC 2010


I am running a pxe diskless node in f13 and I have some proposals to make 
ovirt-early working in this version.

nash is no more available (nash/mkinitrd is replaced by dracut), so this 
following command fails :
"echo "network --device $DEVICE --bootproto dhcp" | nash"
it makes the network configuration incomplete. I replace the linuxrc command by 
dhclient and it's working well. There may be another solution to get dhcp but 
I don't know it.

(I did not commit the patch of Ricardo Marin Matinata)

@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@
     if [ -n "$DEVICE" ]; then
         log "Configuring network Using interface $DEVICE"
         # setup temporary interface to retrieve configuration
-        echo "network --device $DEVICE --bootproto dhcp" | bash
-        if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+       /sbin/dhclient $1
+       if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
             # from network-scripts/ifup-post
             IPADDR=$(LC_ALL=C ip -o -4 addr ls dev ${DEVICE} | awk '{ print 
$4 ; exit }')
             log "Interface brought up with $IPADDR"

And the cobbler/dracut problem in f12 persits in f13 

--- cobbler-import.ori  2010-01-12 11:54:13.000000000 +0100
+++ cobbler-import      2010-02-08 10:31:44.000000000 +0100
@@ -46,15 +46,9 @@

 cobbler distro add --name="oVirt-Node-$node_arch" --arch=$node_arch \
     --initrd=$node_dir/tftpboot/initrd0.img --
kernel=$node_dir/tftpboot/vmlinuz0 \
-    --kopts="rootflags=loop root=/ovirt-node-image.iso rootfstype=iso9660 ro 
console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8"
+    --kopts="rootflags=loop root=live:/ovirt-node-image.iso rootfstype=iso9660 
ro console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8"

I didn't try this patch but I think this is the way to get this kind of config 
in /var/lib/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default :

LABEL oVirt-Node-x86_64
        kernel /images/oVirt-Node-x86_64/vmlinuz0
        MENU LABEL oVirt-Node-x86_64
        append initrd=/images/oVirt-Node-x86_64/initrd0.img ksdevice=bootif ro 
rootflags=loop rootfstype=iso9660 root=live:/ovirt-node-image.iso kssendmac  
        ipappend 2

Linagora Paris

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