[Ovirt-devel] Build fails due to missing ovirt-node-recipe.ks

Justin Clacherty justin at redfish.com.au
Sun Jul 4 15:40:53 UTC 2010

On 07/03/2010 02:45 AM, Darryl L. Pierce wrote:
> I'll doublecheck the Makefile, but it should be generating repos.ks
> automatically when you call the ovirt-node-image.iso target, since it's
> a dependency. In the meantime try:
> make
> make ovirt-node-image.iso
> since the repos.ks is the default target.

I did this and it made repos.ks however it would not make 
ovirt-node-image.iso because the repos.ks from the make did not have a 
line for the ovirt repository.  I added the line from my previous mail 
and it worked.

I think the build instructions require some rework.  I started from 
scratch again and the current build instructions are insufficient to get 
an ovirt management server up and running.  Here's what I did.

- created a F13 VM with a minimal install
- used yum to update to the latest packages
- added the OVIRT_CACHE_DIR export to my .bash_profile (running as root 
on the VM)
- cloned node.git and server.git and switched to the next branch
- installed necessary tools to build per the last build instructions

yum groupinstall "Fedora Packager"
yum install git gcc autoconf automake ruby ruby-devel rubygem-gettext 
rubygem-rake rubygem-activeldap yum-fastestmirror libvirt-devel 
dbus-devel hal-devel python-devel python-setuptools pykickstart 

- created an ovirt-local.repo in /etc/yum.repos.d
- cd to the node directory
- ran ./autogen.sh (no errors)
- ran ./configure (no errors)
- ran "make publish" (no errors)
- yum install ovirt-node-tools (installation successful)
- cd to the recipe directory
- make
- edit repos.ks to add a line to point to the local ovirt repository
- make ovirt-node-image.iso (no errors, iso created)

Now the build instructions online finish there but we still need to 
build the server.

- cd to server directory
- ./autogen.sh (no errors)
- ./configure (no errors)
- make publish (no errors)
- yum install ovirt-server-installer ovirt-server (installation successful)
- ace -d install ovirt (fails)

The ace install seems to fail when it gets to ipa-server still following 
up the error there but there are other errors.  One is the lack of a 
ovirt-node-pxe.rpm or something like that.  Before I troll through the 
1500 lines of output from ace install can someone confirm that the 
procedure above should work on a freshly installed and updated F13 
installation?  Also, given that the ace install failed, is there a way 
to undo what it has done so I can retry it?


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