[Ovirt-devel] [PATCH node] First draft of replacing some of the ovirt-config-* scripts with python equivalents.

Joey Boggs jboggs at redhat.com
Fri Oct 22 14:38:01 UTC 2010

Putting these out for feedback and comments.

These will eventually support the new newt/python based ui for installation/configuration

storage.py functions will be moved under a class for better data portability before final version

 scripts/ovirtfunctions.py |  672 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 scripts/storage.py        |  451 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 1123 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 scripts/ovirtfunctions.py
 create mode 100644 scripts/storage.py

diff --git a/scripts/ovirtfunctions.py b/scripts/ovirtfunctions.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2b9e39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/ovirtfunctions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,672 @@
+import subprocess
+import os
+from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT
+import tempfile
+import string
+import sys
+# label of the oVirt partition
+# configuration values are loaded in the following order:
+# 1. /etc/sysconfig/node-config sets the default values
+# 2. /etc/default/ovirt is loaded to override defaults with karg values
+# Parse all OVIRT_* variables
+if os.path.exists(NODE_SYSCONFIG):
+    try:
+        f = open(NODE_SYSCONFIG, 'r')
+        for line in f:
+            try:
+                line = line.strip()
+                key, value = line.split("\"", 1)
+                key = key.strip("=")
+                value = value.strip("\"")
+                OVIRT_VARS[key] = value
+            except:
+                pass
+        f.close()
+    except:
+        pass
+f = open(OVIRT_DEFAULTS, 'r')
+for line in f:
+    try:
+        line = line.strip()
+        key, value = line.split("\"", 1)
+        key = key.strip("=")
+        value = value.strip("\"")
+        OVIRT_VARS[key] = value
+    except:
+        pass
+OVIRT_CONFIG_FILES = ["/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*", \
+                      "/etc/rsyslog.conf", \
+                      "/etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf", \
+                      "/etc/sasl2/libvirt.conf", \
+                      "/etc/libvirt/passwd.db", \
+                      "/etc/passwd", \
+                      "/etc/shadow", \
+                      "/etc/ssh/ssh_host*_key*", \
+                      "/etc/default/ovirt", \
+                      "/etc/sysconfig/network", \
+                      "/etc/collectd.conf", \
+                      "/etc/logrotate.d/ovirt-logrotate.conf" ]
+def log(log_entry):
+  # placeholder for now
+  print log_entry 
+def set_console_colors():
+    GIO_CMAP = 0x4B70
+    PIO_CMAP = 0x4B71
+    tty_file = open("/dev/console", "rw")
+    existing_color_array = bytearray(fcntl.ioctl(tty_file.fileno(), GIO_CMAP, b"\x00" * 48))
+    color_array = existing_color_array
+    color_array[3] = 0xde
+    color_array[4] = 0xde
+    color_array[5] = 0xde
+    color_array[6] = 0x30
+    color_array[7] = 0x30
+    color_array[8] = 0x30
+    color_array[12] = 0x38
+    color_array[13] = 0x8f
+    color_array[14] = 0xcd
+    color_array[15] = 0xea
+    color_array[16] = 0xea
+    color_array[17] = 0xea
+    color_array[18] = 0x71
+    color_array[19] = 0x71
+    color_array[20] = 0x71
+    color_array[22] = 0xff
+    color_array[23] = 0xff
+    color_array[9] = 0x52
+    color_array[10] = 0x52
+    color_array[11] = 0x52
+    fcntl.ioctl(tty_file.fileno(), PIO_CMAP, bytes(color_array))
+def restore_console_colors():
+    GIO_CMAP = 0x4B70
+    PIO_CMAP = 0x4B71
+    tty_file = open("/dev/console", "rw")
+    fcntl.ioctl(tty_file.fileno(), PIO_CMAP, bytes(.existing_color_array))
+def ovirt_store_firstboot_config():
+    # persist config for standalone
+    ovirt_store_config(OVIRT_CONFIG_FILES)
+# return 1 if oVirt Node is running in standalone mode
+# return 0 if oVirt Node is managed by the oVirt Server
+def is_managed():
+# oVirt Node in standalone mode does not try to contact the oVirt Server
+def is_standalone():
+    if is_managed:
+        return False
+    else:
+        return True
+# return 0 if local storage is configured
+# return 1 if local storage is not configured
+def is_local_storage_configured():
+    ret = os.system("lvs HostVG/Config >/dev/null >&1")
+    if ret > 0:
+        return False
+    return True
+# perform automatic local disk installation
+# when at least following boot parameters are present:
+# for networking - OVIRT_BOOTIF, management NIC
+#       if other ip bootparams are not specified, IPv4 DHCP is assumed
+# for storage - OVIRT_INIT, local disk to use
+#       if ovirt_vol is not specified, default volume sizes are set
+def is_auto_install():
+    if OVIRT_VARS.has_key("OVIRT_BOOTIF") and OVIRT_VARS.has_key("OVIRT_INIT"):
+        return True
+    else:
+        return False
+# return 0 if this is an upgrade
+# return 1 otherwise
+def is_upgrade():
+        return True
+    else:
+        return False
+# return 0 if booted from local disk
+# return 1 if booted from other media
+def is_booted_from_local_disk():
+    ret = os.system("grep -q /dev/HostVG/ /proc/cmdline")
+    if ret == 0:
+        return True
+    else:
+        return False
+# was firstboot menu already shown?
+# state is stored in persistent config partition
+def is_firstboot():
+        return True
+    else:
+        return False
+def disable_firstboot():
+    if mount_config:
+        firstboot = augeas.Augeas(root="/")
+        firstboot.set("/files/etc/defaults/ovirt/OVIRT_FIRSTBOOT", "0")
+        firstboot.set("/files/etc/defaults/ovirt/OVIRT_INIT", '""')
+        firstboot.set("/files/etc/defaults/OVIRT_UPGRADE", "0")
+        firstboot.save()
+# Destroys a particular volume group and its logical volumes.
+def wipe_volume_group(vg):
+    files_cmd = "grep %s /proc/mounts|awk '{print $2}'|sort -r" % vg
+    files = subprocess.Popen(files_cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
+    files_output = files.stdout.read()
+    for file in files_output.split():
+        umount_cmd = "umount %s" % file
+        os.system(umount_cmd)
+    swap_cmd = "grep %s /proc/swaps|awk '{print $1}'" % vg
+    swap = subprocess.Popen(swap_cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
+    swap_output = swap.stdout.read()
+    for d in swap_output:
+        log ("Turning off %s") % d
+        os.system("swapoff %s") % d
+    vgremove_cmd = "vgremove -f %s" % vg
+    os.system(vgremove_cmd)
+# find_srv SERVICE PROTO
+# reads DNS SRV record
+# sets SRV_HOST and SRV_PORT if DNS SRV record found, clears them if not
+# Example usage:
+# find_srv ovirt tcp
+def find_srv(srv, proto):
+    domain = subprocess.Popen("dnsdomainname 2>/dev/null", shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
+    domain_output = domain.stdout.read()
+    if domain_output == "localdomain":
+        domain=""
+    # FIXME dig +search does not seem to work with -t srv
+    # dnsreply=$(dig +short +search -t srv _$1._$2)
+    # This is workaround:
+    search = subprocess.Popen("grep search /etc/resolv.conf", shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
+    search_output = search.stdout.read()
+    search = search.replace("search ","")
+    domain_search = domain_output + search_output
+    for d in domain_search.split():
+        dig_cmd = "dig +short -t srv _%s._%s.%s" % (srv, proto,search)
+        dig = subprocess.Popen(dig_cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
+        dig_output = dig.stdout.read()
+        dig.poll()
+        dig_rc = dnsreply.returncode()
+        if dig_rc == 0:
+            a,b,port,host = dig_output.split("=", 4)
+            return (port, host)
+        return False
+def ovirt_setup_libvirtd():
+    # just to get a boot warning to shut up
+    os.system("touch /etc/resolv.conf")
+    # make libvirtd listen on the external interfaces
+    os.system("sed -i -e 's/^#\(LIBVIRTD_ARGS=\"--listen\"\).*/\1/' /etc/sysconfig/libvirtd")
+    # set up qemu daemon to allow outside VNC connections
+    os.system("sed -i -e 's/^[[:space:]]*#[[:space:]]*\(vnc_listen = \"\"\).*/\1/' /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf")
+    # set up libvirtd to listen on TCP (for kerberos)
+    os.system('sed -i -e "s/^[[:space:]]*#[[:space:]]*\(listen_tcp\)\>.*/\1 = 1/" \
+       -e "s/^[[:space:]]*#[[:space:]]*\(listen_tls\)\>.*/\1 = 0/" \
+       /etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf')
+    # with libvirt (0.4.0), make sure we we setup gssapi in the mech_list
+    sasl_conf="/etc/sasl2/libvirt.conf"
+    ret = os.system('grep -qE "^mech_list: gssapi %s') % sasl_conf
+    if ret > 0:
+        os.system("sed -i -e \"s/^\([[:space:]]*mech_list.*\)/#\1/\" %s") % sasl_conf
+        os.system("echo \"mech_list: gssapi\" >> %s") % sasl_conf
+def ovirt_setup_anyterm():
+   # configure anyterm
+   anyterm_conf = open("/etc/sysconfig/anyterm", "w")
+   anyterm_conf.write("ANYTERM_CMD=\"sudo /usr/bin/virsh console %p\"")
+   anyterm_conf.write("ANYTERM_LOCAL_ONLY=false")
+   anyterm_conf.close()
+   # permit it to run the virsh console
+   os.system("echo \"anyterm ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/virsh console *\" >> /etc/sudoers")
+# mount livecd media
+# e.g. CD /dev/sr0, USB /dev/sda1,
+# PXE /dev/loop0 (loopback ISO)
+# not available when booted from local disk installation
+def mount_live():
+    if os.path.ismount("/live"):
+        return
+    live_dev="/dev/live"
+    if not os.path.exists(live_dev):
+        ret = os.system("losetup /dev/loop0|grep -q '\.iso'")
+        if ret == 0:
+        # PXE boot
+            live_dev="/dev/loop0"
+        else:
+            return False
+        os.system("mkdir -p /live")
+        os.system("mount -r %s /live || mount %s /live") % (live_dev, live_dev)
+# mount root partition
+# boot loader + kernel + initrd + LiveOS
+def mount_liveos():
+    if os.path.ismount("/liveos"):
+        return
+    else:
+        os.system("mkdir -p /liveos")
+        os.system("mount LABEL=Root /liveos")
+# mount config partition
+# /config for persistance
+def mount_config():
+    # Only try to mount /config if the persistent storage exists
+    if os.path.exists("/dev/HostVG/Config"):
+        os.system("mkdir -p /config")
+        if not os.path.ismount("/config"):
+            ret = os.system("mount /dev/HostVG/Config /config")
+            if ret > 0:
+                return False
+        # optional config embedded in the livecd image
+        if os.path.exists("/live/config"):
+            os.system("cp -rv --update /live/config/* /config")
+        # bind mount all persisted configs to rootfs
+        for f in os.listdir("/config"):
+            if os.path.isfile("/config/%s") % f:
+                target = string.replace(f, "/config", "")
+                mounted = os.system("grep -q  %s ext3 /proc/mounts") % target
+                if mounted == 0:
+                    # skip if already bind-mounted
+                    pass
+                else:
+                    dirname = os.path.dirname(target)
+                    os.system("mkdir -p %s") % dirname
+                    if not os.path.exists(target): 
+                        os.open(target, 'w').close() 
+                        os.system("mount -n --bind %s %s" % (f,target))
+                return True
+    else:
+        # /config is not available
+        return False
+def mount_boot():
+    if os.path.ismount("/boot"):
+       return
+    else:
+        os.system("mkdir -p /boot")
+        os.system("mount LABEL=Boot /boot")
+# stop any service which keeps /var/log busy
+# keep the list of services
+def unmount_logging_services():
+    # mapping command->service is lame, but works for most initscripts
+    logging_services=""
+    prgs_cmd = "cd /etc/init.d|sudo lsof -Fc +D /var/log|grep ^c|sort -u"
+    prgs = subprocess.Popen(prgs_cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
+    prgs_output = prgs.stdout.read()
+    for prg in prgs_output:
+        srvs = subprocess.Popen("grep -l ${prg#c}$ *", shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
+        srvs_output = srvs.stdout.read()
+    for svc in srv_output:
+        os.system("service %s stop") % svc
+        logging_services+= svc
+    # debugging help
+    os.system("lsof +D /var/log")
+# mount logging partition
+# this only gets executed when disk is re-partitioned, HostVG/Logging is empty
+def mount_logging():
+    if os.path.ismount("/var/log"):
+        return True
+    if os.path.exists("/dev/HostVG/Logging"):
+        log("Mounting log partition")
+        # temporary mount-point
+        log2 = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+        os.system("mount /dev/HostVG/Logging %s") % log2
+        unmount_logging_services()
+        # save logs from tmpfs
+        os.system("cp -av /var/log/* %s") % log2
+        # save temporary log
+        if os.path.exists("/tmp/ovirt.log"):
+            os.system("cp /tmp/ovirt.log %s/ovirt.log-tmp") % log2
+        os.system("mount --move %s /var/log") % log2
+        shutil.rmtree(log2)
+        os.system("restorecon -rv /var/log")
+        for srv in logging_services:
+            os.system("service %s start") % srv
+        return
+    else:
+        # /var/log is not available
+        log("\nThe logging partion has not been created. Please create it at the main menu.\n")
+        return False
+def unmount_logging():
+    if not os.path.ismount("/var/log"):
+        return True
+    log("Unmounting log partition")
+    # plymouthd keeps /var/log/boot.log
+    ret = os.system("plymouth --ping")
+    if ret == 0:
+        os.system("plymouth --quit")
+    unmount_logging_services()
+    ret = os.system("umount /var/log")
+    if ret > 0:
+        return ret
+    for srv in logging_services:
+        os.system("service %s start") % srv
+    return
+# mount data partition
+def mount_data():
+    if os.path.ismount("/data"):
+        return
+    if os.path.exists("/dev/HostVG/Data"):
+        os.system("mkdir -p /data")
+        os.system("mount /data")
+        os.system("mkdir -p /data/images")
+        os.system("mkdir -p /var/lib/libvirt/images")
+        os.system("mount /var/lib/libvirt/images")
+        os.system("restorecon -rv /var/lib/libvirt/images")
+        os.system("mkdir -p /data/core")
+        os.system("mkdir -p /var/log/core")
+        os.system("mount /var/log/core")
+        os.system("restorecon -rv /var/log/core")
+        return
+    else:
+        # /data is not available
+        log("\nThe data partion has not been created. Please create it at the main menu.\n")
+        return False
+def md5sum(filename):
+    m = md5()
+    with open(filename) as f:
+        data = f.read(buf_size)
+        while data:
+            m.update(data)
+            data = f.read(buf_size)
+        return m.hexdigest()
+# persist configuration to /config
+#   ovirt_store_config /etc/config /etc/config2 ...
+#   copy to /config and bind-mount back
+def ovirt_store_config(files):
+    if os.path.ismount("/config"):
+        for p in files:
+            filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
+            persist_it=true
+            # ensure that, if this is a directory
+            # that it's not already persisted
+            if os.path.isdir(filename):
+                if os.path.isdir("/config/" + filename):
+                    log("Directory already persisted: ${filename}\n")
+                    log("You need to unpersist its child directories and/or files and try again.\n")
+                    persist_it=false
+            # if it's a file then make sure it's not already
+            # persisted
+            if os.path.isfile(filename):
+                if os.path.isfile("/config/" + filename):
+                    md5root=md5sum(filename)
+                    md5stored=md5sum("/config" + filename)
+                    if md5root == md5stored:
+                        log("File already persisted: %s\n") % filename
+                        persist_it=false
+                    else:
+                        # persistent copy needs refresh
+                        ret = os.system("umount -n %s 2> /dev/null") % filename
+                        if ret != 0:
+                            os.system("rm -f /config%s") % filename
+            if persist_it:
+                # skip if file does not exist
+                if not os.path.exists(filename):
+                    log("Skipping, file '%s' does not exist\n") % filename
+                # skip if already bind-mounted
+                if not check_bind_mount(filename):
+                    dirname = os.path.dirname(filename)
+                    os.system("mkdir -p /config/%s") % dirname
+                    ret = os.system("cp -a %s /config%s") % (filename, filename)
+                    if ret == 0:
+                        ret = os.system("mount -n --bind /config%s %s") % (filename, filename)
+                        if ret != 0:
+                            log("Failed to persist\n")
+                            rc=1
+                        else:
+                            log("File persisted\n")
+                # register in /config/files used by rc.sysinit
+                ret = os.system("grep -q \"^$%s$\" /config/files 2> /dev/null") % filename
+                if ret > 0:
+                    os.system("echo \"%s\n\" >> /config/files") % filename
+                log("\nSuccessfully persisted ${filename}\n")
+    else:
+        log("WARNING: persistent config storage not available\n")
+        rc=2
+    return rc
+def is_persisted(filename):
+    abspath = os.path.abspath(filename)
+    if os.path.exists("/config" + abspath):
+        return True
+    else:
+        return False
+# unmount bindmounted config files
+#       unmount_config /etc/config /etc/config2 ...
+# Use before running commands which fail on bindmounted files.
+# After the file is replaced, call ovirt_store_config /etc/config ...
+# to bindmount the config file again.
+def check_bind_mount(config_file):
+    bind_mount_cmd = "grep -q \"%s ext4\" /proc/mounts" % config_file
+    bind_mount_ret = os.system(bind_mount_cmd)
+    return bind_mount_ret
+def unmount_config(config_file):
+    if os.path.ismount("/config"):
+        for p in config_file.split():
+            f = os.path.abspath(p)
+            if check_bind_mount(f):
+                ret = os.system("umount -n %s" % f)
+                if ret == 0:
+                    if os.path.exists("/config%s" % f):
+                # refresh the file in rootfs if it was mounted over
+                        shutil.copy("/config%s %s" % (f,f))
+# remove persistent config files
+#       remove_config /etc/config /etc/config2 ...
+def remove_config(config_file):
+    # if there are no persisted files then just exit
+    if os.path.exists("/config/files"):
+        if os.path.getsize('/config/files') == 0:
+            print "There are currently no persisted files."
+        return
+    if os.path.ismount("/config"):
+        for p in config_file:
+            filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
+            ret = os.system("grep \"^%s\$\" /config/files > /dev/null 2>&1") % filename
+            if ret == 0:
+                if check_bind_mount(filename):
+                    ret = os.system("umount -n %s") % filename
+                    if ret == 0:
+                        if os.path.isdir(filename):
+                            ret = os.system("cp -ar /config/%s/* %s") % (filename,filename)
+                            if ret > 0:
+                                log(" Failed to unpersist %s\n") % filename
+                                return False
+                            else:
+                                log("%s successully unpersisted\n") % filename
+                                return True
+                        else:
+                            if os.path.isfile(filename):
+                                # refresh the file in rootfs if it was mounted over
+                               ret = os.system("cp -a /config%s") % (filename, filename)
+                               if ret > 0:
+                                    log("Failed to unpersist %s\n") % filename
+                                    return False
+                               else:
+                                   log("%s successully unpersisted\n") % filename
+                    # clean up the persistent store
+                    os.system("rm -Rf /config%s") % filename
+                    # unregister in /config/files used by rc.sysinit
+                    os.system("sed --copy -i \"\|^%s$|d\" /config/files") % filename
+                else:
+                    log("%s is not a persisted file.\n") % filename
+            else:
+                log("File not explicitly persisted: %s\n") % filename
+# ovirt_safe_delete_config
+#       ovirt_safe_delete_config /etc/config /etc/config2 ...
+# Use to *permanently* remove persisted configuration file.
+# WARNING: file is shredded and removed
+def ovirt_safe_delete_config(target):
+    for t in target:
+        if check_bind_mount(target):
+            os.system("umount -n %s") % target
+        os.system("sed --copy -i \"\|%s$|d\" /config/files") % target
+        if os.path.isdir(target):
+            child = subprocess.Popen("ls -d %s')", shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT) % target
+            child_output = swap.stdout.read()
+            for child in child_output:
+                ovirt_safe_delete_config(child)
+            os.system("rm -rf /config%s") % target
+            os.system("rm -rf %s") % target
+        else:
+            os.system("shred -u /config%s") % target
+            os.system("shred -u %s") % target
+# compat function to handle different udev versions
+def udev_info(name, query):
+    # old udev command with shortopts
+    udev_cmd = "udevinfo -n %s -q %s" % (name, query)
+    udev = subprocess.Popen(udev_cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
+    udev_output = udev.stdout.read()
+    udev.poll()
+    udev_rc = udev.returncode()
+    if udev_rc > 0:
+        udev_cmd = "udevadm info --name=%s --query=%s" % (name, query)
+        udev = subprocess.Popen(udev_cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
+        udev_output = udev.stdout.read()
+        udev.poll()
+        udev_rc = udev.returncode()
+    if udev_rc == 0:
+        os.system("echo %s") % udev_output
+    return udev_output
+def backup_file(file):
+    dir = os.path.dirname(file)
+    if dir in os.listdir("/"):
+        print "unexpected non-absolute dir: %s" % dir
+        sys.exit(1)
+    os.system("mkdir -p %s%s") % (OVIRT_BACKUP_DIR, dir)
+    if os.path.exists(file):
+        shutil.copy(file, OVIRT_BACKUP_DIR + file)
+# reboot wrapper
+#   cleanup before reboot
+def reboot():
+    if not OVIRT_VARS.has_key("$OVIRT_ISCSI_ENABLED"):
+        # setup new Root if update is prepared
+        ret = os.system("findfs LABEL=RootUpdate >/dev/null 2>&1")
+        if ret == 0:
+            root_update_dev_lookup = subprocess.Popen("findfs LABEL=RootUpdate >/dev/null 2>&1", shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
+            root_update_dev = root_update_dev_lookup.stdout.read()
+            root_dev_lookup = subprocess.Popen("findfs LABEL=Root >/dev/null 2>&1", shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
+            root_dev = root_dev_lookup.stdout.read()
+            os.system("e2label %s RootBackup") % root_dev
+            os.system("e2label %s Root") % root_update_dev
+    # run post-install hooks
+    # e.g. to avoid reboot loops using Cobbler PXE only once
+    # Cobbler XMLRPC post-install trigger (XXX is there cobbler SRV record?):
+    # wget "$(hostname)"
+    #   -O /dev/null
+    for hook in os.listdir("/etc/ovirt-config-boot.d"):
+        os.system(hook)
+    os.system("/sbin/reboot")
+# Check if networking is already up
+def network_up():
+    ret = os.system("ip addr show | grep -q 'inet.*scope global'")
+    if ret == 0:
+        return True
+    return False
+# Cleans partition tables
+def wipe_partitions(drive):
+    log("Wiping old boot sector")
+    os.system("dd if=/dev/zero of=\"%s\" bs=1024K count=1") % drive
+    # zero out the GPT secondary header
+    log("Wiping secondary gpt header")
+    disk_kb = subprocess.Popen("sfdisk -s \"%s\" 2>/dev/null", shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT) % drive
+    disk_kb_count = disk_kb.stdout.read()
+    os.system("dd if=/dev/zero of=\"%s\" bs=1024 seek=$((%s - 1)) count=1") % (drive,disk_kb_count)
+def test_ntp_configuration():
+    # stop ntpd service for testing
+    os.system("service ntpd stop > /dev/null 2>&1")
+    for server in ntp_servers:
+        ret = os.system("ntpdate %s > /dev/null 2>&1") % server
+        if ret > 0:
+            print "\n Unable to verify NTP server: %s \n" % server
+        else:
+            log("\n Verified NTP server: %s \n") % server
+    os.system("service ntpd start")
+def get_dm_device(device):
+    dev_path = os.path.abspath(device)
+    major_cmd = "ls -al %s|awk {'print $5'}" % dev_path
+    major = subprocess.Popen("major_dev_cmd", shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
+    major = major.stdout.read()
+    minor_cmd = "ls -al %s|awk {'print $6'}" % dev_path
+    minor = subprocess.Popen("minor_dev_cmd", shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
+    minor = minor.stdout.read()
+    dm_device=""
+    rc = 1
+    for dm in os.listdir("/dev/mapper/"):
+        dm_major_cmd = "ls -al %s |awk {'print $5'}" % dm
+        dm_major = subprocess.Popen("dm_major_dev_cmd", shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
+        dm_major = dm_major.stdout.read()
+        dm_major = dm_major.strip(",")
+        dm_minor_cmd = "ls -al %s|awk {'print $6'}" % dm
+        dm_minor = subprocess.Popen("dm_minor_dev_cmd", shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
+        dm_minor = dm_minor.stdout.read()
+        if dm_major == major and dm_minor == minor:
+            dm_device=dm
+    return dm_device
diff --git a/scripts/storage.py b/scripts/storage.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2a83a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/storage.py
@@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
+from ovirtfunctions import *
+import os
+import time
+import re
+import subprocess
+from subprocess import PIPE, STDOUT
+RootBackup_end = ""
+# -1 indicates data partition should use remaining disk
+mem_size_cmd = "awk '/MemTotal:/ { print $2 }' /proc/meminfo"
+mem_size_mb = subprocess.Popen(mem_size_cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
+MEM_SIZE_MB = mem_size_mb.stdout.read()
+MEM_SIZE_MB= int(MEM_SIZE_MB) / 1024
+# we multiply the overcommit coefficient by 10 then divide the
+# product by 10 to avoid decimals in the result
+OVERCOMMIT_SWAP_SIZE = int(MEM_SIZE_MB) * overcommit * 10 / 10
+# add to the swap the amounts from http://kbase.redhat.com/faq/docs/DOC-15252
+if MEM_SIZE_GB < 4:
+    BASE_SWAP_SIZE=2048
+elif MEM_SIZE_GB < 16:
+    BASE_SWAP_SIZE=4096
+elif MEM_SIZE_GB < 64:
+    BASE_SWAP_SIZE=8192
+    BASE_SWAP_SIZE=16384
+def translate_multipath_device(dev):
+    #trim so that only sdX is stored, but support passing /dev/sdX
+    if dev is None:
+        return False
+    if "/dev/mapper" in dev:
+        return dev
+    mpath_cmd = "multipath -ll %s" % dev
+    ret = os.system(mpath_cmd)
+    if ret > 0: 
+        return dev
+    dm_dev_cmd = "multipath -ll \"%s\" | egrep dm-[0-9]+ | sed -r 's/^.& (dm-[0-9]+) .*$/\1/'" % dev
+    dm_dev = subprocess.Popen(dm_dev_cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
+    dm_dev_output = "/dev/" + dm_dev.stdout.read()
+    mpath_device = get_dm_device(dm_dev_output)
+    if mpath_device is None:
+        return dev
+    else:
+        return mpath_device
+def get_drive_size(drive):
+    size_cmd = "sfdisk -s %s 2>null" % drive
+    size = subprocess.Popen(size_cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
+    size = size.stdout.read()
+#    size = int(size.stdout.read().strip()) # / 1024)
+    return size
+if OVIRT_VARS.has_key("OVIRT_INIT"):
+    # if present, use the drive selected with 'ovirt_init' boot parameter
+    # setting these the same until kernel cmdline argument implemented
+    DRIVE=translate_multipath_device(OVIRT_VARS["OVIRT_INIT"])
+    ROOTDRIVESPACE = get_drive_size(ROOTDRIVE)
+# if the node is Fedora then use GPT, otherwise use MBR
+if os.path.isfile("/etc/fedora-release"):
+    LABEL_TYPE="gpt"
+    LABEL_TYPE="msdos"
+def wipe_lvm_on_disk(dev):
+    unmount_logging
+    part_delim="p"
+    if "/dev/sd" in dev:
+        part_delim=""
+    vg_cmd = "pvs -o vg_uuid --noheadings %s \"%s%s[0-9]\"* 2>/dev/null|sort -u" % (dev, dev, part_delim) 
+    vg = subprocess.Popen(vg_cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
+    vg_output = vg.stdout.read()
+    for vg in vg_output:
+        pvs = os.system("pvscan -o pv_name,vg_uuid --noheadings | grep \"%s\" | egrep -v -q \"%s%s[0-9]+|%s \" 2>/dev/null") % (vg, dev, part_delim, dev)
+        if pvs > 0:
+            log("The volume group \"%s\" spans multiple disks.") % vg
+            log("This operation cannot complete.  Please manually")
+            log("cleanup the storage using standard disk tools.")
+            sys.exit(1)
+        wipe_volume_group(vg)
+    return
+def reread_partitions(drive):
+    if "dev/mapper" in drive:
+        # kpartx -a -p p "$drive"
+        # XXX fails with spaces in device names (TBI)
+        # ioctl(3, DM_TABLE_LOAD, 0x966980) = -1 EINVAL (Invalid argument)
+        # create/reload failed on 0QEMU    QEMU HARDDISK   drive-scsi0-0-0p1
+        os.system("partprobe ||:")
+        # partprobe fails on cdrom:
+        # Error: Invalid partition table - recursive partition on /dev/sr0.
+    else:
+        os.system("blockdev --rereadpt %s") % drive
+def get_sd_name(id):
+    device_sys_cmd = "grep -H \"^%s$\" /sys/block/*/dev | cut -d: -f1" % id
+    device_sys = subprocess.Popen(device_sys_cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
+    device_sys_output = device_sys.stdout.read().strip()
+    if not device_sys_output is "":
+        device = os.path.basename(device_sys_output)
+        return device
+    return False
+# gets the dependent block devices for multipath devices
+def get_multipath_deps(mpath_device, deplist_var):
+    return
+    deplist=""
+    #get dependencies for multipath device
+    deps_cmd ="dmsetup deps -u \"mpath-%s\" \
+    | sed -r 's/\(([0-9]+), ([0-9]+)\)/\1:\2/g' \
+    | sed 's/ /\n/g' | grep [0-9]:[0-9] 2>/dev/null" % mpath_device
+    deps = subprocess.Popen(deps_cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
+    deps_output = deps.stdout.read()
+    for dep in deps_output.split():
+        device=get_sd_name(dep)
+        dep_list=[]
+        if device is None:
+            if deplist is None:
+                deplist = device
+            else:
+                deplist.append(device)
+    return deplist
+# Find a usable/selected storage device.
+# If there are none, give a diagnostic and return nonzero.
+# If there is just one, e.g., /dev/sda, treat it as selected (see below).
+# and return 0.  If there are two or more, make the user select one
+# or decline.  Upon decline, return nonzero. Otherwise, print the
+# selected name, then return 0.
+# Sample output: /dev/sda
+def get_dev_name():
+    devices=""
+    # list separator
+    for d in os.listdir("/sys/block/"):
+        if re.match("^[hsv]+d", d):
+            devices="/dev/%s %s" % (d,devices)
+    byid_list_cmd = "find /dev/disk/by-id -mindepth 1 -not -name '*-part*' 2>/dev/null"
+    byid_list = subprocess.Popen(byid_list_cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
+    byid_list_output = byid_list.stdout.read()
+    for d in byid_list_output.split():
+        d = os.readlink(d)
+        d_basename = os.path.basename(d)
+        udev_cmd = "udevadm info --name=/dev/%s --query=property | grep -q ^ID_BUS:" % d_basename
+        if os.system(udev_cmd):
+            devices="/dev/%s %s" % (d_basename, devices)
+    # FIXME: workaround for detecting cciss devices
+    if os.path.exists("/dev/cciss"):
+        for d in os.listdir("/dev/cciss"):
+            if not re.match("p[0-9]+\$", d):
+                devices="%s %s" % (d, devices)
+    # include multipath devices
+    devs_to_remove=""
+    multipath_list_cmd = "dmsetup ls --target=multipath | cut -f1"
+    multipath_list = subprocess.Popen(multipath_list_cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
+    multipath_list_output = multipath_list.stdout.read()
+    for d in multipath_list_output:
+        devices="/dev/mapper/%s %s" % (d, devices)
+        sd_devs=""
+        get_multipath_deps(d, sd_devs)
+        dm_dev_cmd = "multipath -ll \"%s\" | grep \"%s\" | sed -r 's/^.*(dm-[0-9]+ ).*$/\1/' )" % (d, d)
+        dm_dev = subprocess.Popen(dm_dev_cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
+        dm_dev_output = dm_dev.stdout.read()
+        devs_to_remove="%s %s %s" % (devs_to_remove, sd_devs, dm_dev)
+    # Remove /dev/sd* devices that are part of a multipath device
+    dev_list=[]
+    for d in devices.split():
+        if os.path.basename(d) not in devs_to_remove:
+             dev_list.append(d)
+    for dev in dev_list:
+        if dev_list.count(dev) > 1:
+            count = dev_list.count(dev)
+            while (count > 1):
+                dev_list.remove(dev)
+                count = count - 1
+    return dev_list
+def check_partition_sizes():
+   #  disk_size need_size
+    drive_list = []
+    drive_space_dict = {}
+    min_data_size = OVIRT_VARS["DATA_SIZE"]
+    if DATA_SIZE == -1 :
+        min_data_size=5
+        BOOTDRIVESPACE = get_drive_size(BOOTDRIVE)
+        drive_list.append("BOOT")
+        drive_space_dict["BOOTDRIVESPACE"] = BOOTDRIVESPACE
+        drive_space_dict["BOOT_NEED_SIZE"] = BOOT_SIZE
+    else:
+        HOSTVGDRIVESPACE = get_drive_size(HOSTVGDRIVE)
+        drive_space_dict["ROOTDRIVESPACE"] = ROOTDRIVESPACE
+        drive_space_dict["ROOT_NEED_SIZE"] = ROOT_NEED_SIZE
+        drive_space_dict["HOSTVGDRIVESPACE"] = HOSTVGDRIVESPACE
+        drive_space_dict["HOSTVG_NEED_SIZE"] = HOSTVG_NEED_SIZE
+            drive_list.append("ROOT")
+            drive_space_dict["ROOT_NEED_SIZE"] = ROOT_NEED_SIZE
+        else:
+            drive_list.append("ROOT")
+            drive_list.append("HOSTVG")
+    for drive in drive_list:
+        drive_need_size = drive_space_dict["drive" + "NEED_SIZE"]
+        drive_disk_size= drive_space_dict["drive" + "DRIVESPACE"]
+        if drive_need_size > drive_disk_size:
+            gap_size = drive_need_size - drive_disk_size
+            log("\n")
+            log("=============================================================\n")
+            log("The target storage device is too small for the desired sizes:\n")
+            log(" Disk Target: $drive \n")
+            log(" Size of target storage device: $drive_disk_size MB\n")
+            log(" Total storage size to be used: $drive_need_size MB\n")
+            log("\n")
+            log("You need an additional $gap_size MB of storage.\n")
+            log("\n")
+            sys.exit(1)
+        else:
+            log("Required Space : $drive_need_size MB\n\n")
+#def get_drive_size(drive):
+#    size_cmd = "sfdisk -s \"%s\" 2>null)" % drive
+#    size = subprocess.Popen(size_cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
+#    size_output = size.stdout.read()
+#    size_output = size_output / 1024
+#    log("%s (%s MB)") % (drive, size_output)
+#    if not space_var is None:
+#        return space_var
+def check_existing_hostvg(install_dev):
+    if install_dev is None:
+        devices="$(pvs --separator=\" \" -o pv_name,vg_name --noheadings | grep \"HostVG\" | cut -f1)"
+    else:
+        devices="$(pvs --separator=\" \" -o pv_name,vg_name --noheadings | grep -v \"%s\" | grep \"HostVG\" | cut -f1)" % install_dev
+    if devices is not None:
+        log("\n")
+        log("There appears to already be an installation on another device:\n")
+        for device in devices.split():
+            log("\t%s\n") % device
+        log("The installation cannot proceed until the device is removed\n")
+        log("from the system of the HostVG volume group is removed.\n")
+    return devices
+#ROOTDRIVE = "/dev/sda"
+def create_hostvg():
+    BOOTDRIVE = ""
+    log("Creating LVM partition")
+    global ROOTDRIVE
+    global HOSTVGDRIVE
+    global BOOTDRIVE
+    global RootBackup_end
+        parted_cmd = "parted %s -s \"mkpart primary ext2 %sM -1\"" % (HOSTVGDRIVE, RootBackup_end)
+        os.system(parted_cmd)
+        hostvgpart="3"
+        parted_cmd = "parted %s -s \"mkpart primary ext2 %s -1\"" % (HOSTVGDRIVE, boot_size_si)
+        os.system(parted_cmd)
+        hostvgpart="2"
+    else:
+        os.system("parted \"%s\" -s \"mkpart primary ext2 0M -1") % HOSTVGDRIVE
+        hostvgpart = "1"
+    log("Toggling LVM on")
+    parted_cmd = "parted \"%s\" -s \"set %s lvm on\"" % (HOSTVGDRIVE, hostvgpart)
+    os.system(parted_cmd)
+    os.system("parted \"%s\" -s \"print\"") % ROOTDRIVE
+    os.system("udevadm settle 2> /dev/null || udevsettle")
+    reread_partitions(HOSTVGDRIVE)
+    # sync GPT to the legacy MBR partitions
+        if self.LABEL_TYPE == "gpt":
+            log("Running gptsync to create legacy mbr")
+            os.system("gptsync \"%s\"") % ROOTDRIVE
+    partpv = HOSTVGDRIVE + hostvgpart
+    if not os.path.exists(partpv):
+        # e.g. /dev/cciss/c0d0p2
+        partpv = HOSTVGDRIVE + "p" + hostvgpart
+    log("Creating physical volume")
+    if not os.path.exists(partpv):
+        log("%s is not available!") % partpv
+        sys.exit(1)
+    os.system("dd if=/dev/zero of=\"%s\" bs=1024k count=1") % partpv
+    os.system("pvcreate -ff -y \"%s\"") % partpv
+    log("Creating volume group")
+    os.system("vgcreate /dev/HostVG \"%s\"") % partpv
+    if SWAP_SIZE > 0:
+        log("Creating swap partition")
+        os.system("lvcreate --name Swap --size %sM /dev/HostVG") % SWAP_SIZE
+        os.system("mkswap -L \"SWAP\" /dev/HostVG/Swap")
+        os.system("echo \"/dev/HostVG/Swap swap swap defaults 0 0\" >> /etc/fstab")
+    if CONFIG_SIZE > 0:
+        log("Creating config partition")
+        os.system("lvcreate --name Config --size %sM /dev/HostVG") % CONFIG_SIZE
+        os.system("mke2fs -j /dev/HostVG/Config -L \"CONFIG\"")
+        os.system("tune2fs -c 0 -i 0 /dev/HostVG/Config")
+    if LOGGING_SIZE > 0:
+        log("Creating log partition")
+        os.system("lvcreate --name Logging --size %sM /dev/HostVG") % LOGGING_SIZE
+        os.system("mke2fs -j /dev/HostVG/Logging -L \"LOGGING\"")
+        os.system("tune2fs -c 0 -i 0 /dev/HostVG/Logging")
+        os.system("echo \"/dev/HostVG/Logging /var/log ext3 defaults,noatime 0 0\" >> /etc/fstab")
+    use_data=1
+    if DATA_SIZE == -1:
+        log("Creating data partition with remaining free space")
+        os.system("lvcreate --name Data -l 100%FREE /dev/HostVG")
+        use_data=0
+    elif DATA_SIZE > 0:
+        log("Creating data partition")
+        os.system("lvcreate --name Data --size %sM /dev/HostVG") % DATA_SIZE
+        use_data=0
+    if use_data == 0:
+        os.system("mke2fs -j /dev/HostVG/Data -L \"DATA\"")
+        os.system("tune2fs -c 0 -i 0 /dev/HostVG/Data")
+        os.system("echo \"/dev/HostVG/Data /data ext3 defaults,noatime 0 0\" >> /etc/fstab")
+        os.system("echo \"/data/images /var/lib/libvirt/images bind bind 0 0\" >> /etc/fstab")
+        os.system("echo \"/data/core /var/log/core bind bind 0 0\" >> /etc/fstab")
+    log("Mounting config partition")
+    if mount_config:
+        ovirt_store_config /etc/fstab
+    mount_logging
+    if use_data == 0:
+        log("Mounting data partition")
+        mount_data
+    log("Completed!")
+def perform_partitioning():
+        log("\nNo storage device selected.\n")
+        return False
+        log("\nNo storage device selected.\n")
+        return False
+    log("Saving parameters")
+    unmount_config("/etc/default/ovirt")
+    log("Removing old LVM partitions")
+    wipe_volume_group("HostVG")
+    wipe_lvm_on_disk(HOSTVGDRIVE)
+    wipe_lvm_on_disk(ROOTDRIVE)
+    mem_size_cmd = "awk '/MemTotal:/ { print $2 }' /proc/meminfo"
+    mem_size_mb = subprocess.Popen(mem_size_cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
+    MEM_SIZE_MB = int(mem_size_mb.stdout.read())
+    MEM_SIZE_MB = MEM_SIZE_MB / 1024
+    boot_size_si = BOOT_SIZE * (1024 * 1024) / (1000 * 1000)
+        log("iSCSI enabled, partitioning boot drive: $BOOTDRIVE")
+        wipe_partitions(BOOTDRIVE)
+        reread_partitions(BOOTDRIVE)
+        log("Creating boot partition")
+        os.system("parted \"%s\" -s \"mklabel %s\"") % (BOOTDRIVE, LABEL_TYPE)
+        os.system("parted \"%s\" -s \"mkpartfs primary ext2 0M %sM") % (BOOTDRIVE, boot_size_si)
+        reread_partitions(BOOTDRIVE)
+        partboot= BOOTDRIVE + "1"
+        if not os.path.exists(partboot):
+            partboot = BOOTDRIVE + "p1"
+        # sleep to ensure filesystems are created before continuing
+        time.sleep("10")
+        os.system("mke2fs \"%s\" -L Boot") % partboot
+        os.system("tune2fs -c 0 -i 0 %s") % partboot
+        if OVIRT_VARS["OVIRT_ISCSI_HOSTVG"] == "y":
+            create_hostvg()
+        log("Completed!")
+        return
+        log("Partitioning root drive: %s") % ROOTDRIVE
+        wipe_partitions(ROOTDRIVE)
+        reread_partitions(ROOTDRIVE)
+        log("Labeling Drive: %s") % ROOTDRIVE
+        os.system("parted \"%s\" -s \"mklabel %s\"")  % (ROOTDRIVE, LABEL_TYPE)
+        log("Creating Root and RootBackup Partitions")
+        RootBackup_end= ROOT_SIZE * 2
+        os.system("parted \"%s\" -s \"mkpart primary ext2 0M %sM\"") % (ROOTDRIVE, ROOT_SIZE)
+        os.system("parted \"%s\" -s \"mkpart primary ext2 %sM %sM\"") % (ROOTDRIVE, ROOT_SIZE, RootBackup_end)
+        # sleep to ensure filesystems are created before continuing
+        time.sleep("10")
+        reread_partitions(ROOTDRIVE)
+        partroot = ROOTDRIVE + "1"
+        partrootbackup = ROOTDRIVE + "2"
+        if not os.path.exists(partroot):
+            partroot = ROOTDRIVE + "p1"
+            partrootbackup= ROOTDRIVE + "p2"
+        os.system("mke2fs \"%s\" -L Root") % partroot
+        os.system("mke2fs \"%s\" -L RootBackup") % partrootbackup
+        os.system("tune2fs -c 0 -i 0 \"%s\"") % partroot
+        os.system("tune2fs -c 0 -i 0 \"%s\"") % partrootbackup
+        log("Labeling Drive: %s") % abc #HOSTVGDRIVE
+        os.system("parted \"%s\" -s \"mklabel %s\"") % (HOSTVGDRIVE, LABEL_TYPE)
+    create_hostvg()

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