Linux, Logout, and Pam

Tom Browder tbrowder at
Sat Dec 18 13:34:26 UTC 2004

Tomas has solved all my security problems but one (thanks Tomas, the
pam_tally patch seems to be working fine so far):  I would like to ensure an
account is somehow not accessible if an open login through gdm has been
unattended for a certain period.  (This is for a stand-alone host.)

I know we can set a screensaver with lockup after time, but that doesn't
work for root.  I know root should not normally login from the gdm prompt
but sometimes it's necessary.  I just want to take care of the situation
when root inadvertently forgets he's logged in.

And it would be nice to make the screensaver/lock the default for a new
user.  Now, as far as I know, the new user has to remember to set it.

In a pinch I'll accept a system reboot from an inactive login, but that's
not very graceful.

Any ideas would be appreciated.


Tom Browder

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