PAM touching shadow?

Igmar Palsenberg maillist at
Mon Jul 19 12:36:15 UTC 2004

> Unfortunately, 
> however, our workstations running xscreensaver have SNARE reporting that 
> the (non-root) logged-in user unsuccessfully attempts to touch the 
> /etc/shadow file, with timestamps that correspond to the exact times that 
> the user unlocks the window via xscreensaver.

Sound logical to me : xscreensaver needs to verify the user's password, 
let's PAM handle that, and PAM needs to open /etc/shadow to verify the 
actual hashes.
> I have narrowed it down to PAM (I think), as I've recompiled xscreensaver 
> with absolutely no passwd references; only the PAM libraries compiled in, 
> and the problem still presents itself.  Does anyone know if PAM is making 
> this call at some point, and if so, what is the reason behind it?  Is PAM 
> just doing a sanity permission check on the shadow file?

It's probably opening it.


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