Code in C to make a module pause?

Jason Gerfen jason.gerfen at
Fri Jul 2 16:45:37 UTC 2004

I am not sure if this is the right place to ask this seeing as it is 
more of programming question in response to how to make a list of 
system() calls pause()?

The reason I ask is because PAM works as a shared object so there is no 
interaction with the user / keyboard (after the login information is 
passed) and I would like to use the pause() function to require the 
module to wait until a system() command has finished, without the need 
to fork the process.

Anyone accomplish this before?

Jason Gerfen
Student Computing Group
Marriott Library
University of Utah
(801) 585-9810
jason.Gerfen at

"...Sometimes I just yell at myself. And it
 makes me sad, sometimes I make myself cry..."
			~ My nephew Dawsyn

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