Slackware PAM, LDAP

/dev/rob0 rob0 at
Thu Feb 3 21:49:26 UTC 2005

[old stuff, but I just joined the list here and saw this in the 

On Monday 24 January 2005 11:07, Terry Davis wrote:
> I am not up to speed on what reasons PAM is not included in the
> Slackware distro, and I've read quite a bit of the posting and etc
> available on the 'net about it, but so much is very dated, I am
> writing to get a leg up on it.
> 	- is it possible to get it working on Slack without too much work
> 	- why (really) isn't it in the distro?

The latter was answered in the Slackware 9.1 ChangeLog.txt entry dated 
Tue Sep 23 21:57:32 PDT 2003. In short, Pat's happy to live without the 
flexibility of PAM in order to avoid the exploits. I can't comment on 
the validity of that point of view, but I've always lived by and 
prospered under the credo of "In Pat We Trust". :)

> Thanks in advance, FYI I will start building and integrating it into
> a LDAP/DNS/DHCP toaster soon, as I cant live with the workarounds on
> a non-PAM Linux system.

We're working on a similar project, at least insofar as doing PAM on 
Slackware. I'll email you offlist with an address at which I'd 
appreciate hearing about your progress. Thanks.
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