Slackware PAM, LDAP

Martin inkubus at
Tue Jan 25 22:01:00 UTC 2005

> I am not up to speed on what reasons PAM is not included in the Slackware
> distro, and I've read quite a bit of the posting and etc available on the 'net
> about it, but so much is very dated, I am writing to get a leg up on it.
> 	- why (really) isn't it in the distro?
AFAIK the main issue was (originally) with the package and dependancy
system.  I suspect that's probably solveable but I guess at the time
no-one liked the look of the solutions.

But I'm really /not/ an authority on the subject.

 - Martin

inkubus at
"Seasons change, things come to pass"

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