Segfault in pam_unix module (patch attached)

Kelledin kelledin+PAM at
Mon Jul 25 20:27:45 UTC 2005

pam_unix from Linux-PAM-0.80 can segfault if compiled with -O2--most 
notably if a user wants to change his password and enters the wrong one 
in the preliminary check.  This is apparently due to a missing check in 
modules/pam_unix/support.c; this segfaults at -O2 simply because the 
compiler doesn't initialize variables by default, and 
_unix_verify_password() assumes that a pointer will be NULL if 
pam_get_data() fails.  The attached patch is one way to fix the problem.

Though I must ask, how much testing do the PAM modules get at -O2?  This 
could be just one latent bug of many, and that makes me edgy...

"If a server crashes in a server farm and no one pings it, does it still 
cost four figures to fix?"
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