problem with command order in auth block

Michael Hamann mail at
Tue May 10 10:53:27 UTC 2005

With the help of Narayana Pattipati I finally found a solution for my
problem below:

My auth block in my pam configuration looks now like:

auth            sufficient debug audit
auth            required use_first_pass debug
auth            required
auth            required
auth            required

The only problem here is that the password is even stored if the
authentication fails... But in this case the username/password combination
is wrong so thats not a real problem.

But my new problem is now (I don´t know if it is a real pam problem) that
when I try to add a local user to my system, the adduser util tries to set
a new password for the user created. Here pam directs him to winbind which
then tries to change the password for a non extistent user on my windows
So this fails with an error and means that I´m also not able to change
passwords for local users.

Would it be possible to

my common-password:

password        sufficient debug
password        required use_authtok obscure md5 shadow
password        required

Would it be possible to combine the possability to change local and remote
passwords - maybe depending on parameters ?

Thanks for any hints...


> I´m playing with some pam modules to set up a linux workstation system
integrated in an active directory including the mapping of home and
> To mount the shares after login I need to save the password temporarily
what I do with a pam modules pam_storepw in the "auth" section.
> Almost everything works fine for me except the fact that I can´t combine
winbind and unix authentication plus the pam_storepw module.

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