pam_abl "whitelist" feature request

Andy Armstrong andy at
Thu Oct 27 14:53:41 UTC 2005

On 26 Oct 2005, at 02:17, George Hansper wrote:
> Hi Andy,
> I've been using pam_abl at home a bit, and every now
> and again, I hit the problem of my own user-id gets locked
> due to brute-force attacks. (pam_abl in action :-)
> In order to regain access, I have to use:
>    pam_abl --okuser=myname
> The "problem" is that this opens up the userid for
> everyone again, and purges the database of entries
> (so I lose the stats that pam_abl keeps)
> What I would like to do, is allow myuser from only, until
> the normal pam_abl criteria expires. ie to have specific
> username/host combinations which are "whitelisted".
> Or even hosts that are white-listed: ie.
>     If a login comes from, say, and the
>     allow the login regardless of the blocking/non-blocking
>     state of the user.
> I haven't looked at how hard/easy this is in the code, but I thought
> I'd mention is as something to consider.

I guess I need to add a whitelist feature... Hmm. I'll add it to the  
list :)

Andy Armstrong,

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